Thursday, December 31, 2009

The New Year's Gift

I have always been different from everyone around me, so it should come as no surprise that I celebrate New Year's Eve differently too.  I really don't give much thought to celebrating it.  Sure, I may turn on the TV and look at other people celebrating, but it doesn't really move me.

I don't know where I got the idea, but for at least the last dozen years I have had my own tradition.  I spend New Year's Eve alone with God, and I ponder which spiritual attribute I lack the most--the one that would give me a closer walk with God, in the year(s) ahead, if I had it.  Then, I request it of God.

The most memorable was the year that I asked Him for faith.  I had already heard that one shouldn't ask for faith because it would bring many trials.  But, that's what I felt led to ask for, and I'm glad I didn't let fear stop me.

When the spring semester ended, I was surprised to learn that I would have no financial aid for the summer . . . and my lease would end at the same time!  As a single parent of three kids, this was not a good situation to have looming on the horizon!

After much prayer, I decided that camping in the woods all summer was one option.  But, that a better option would be to buy a camper shell for my pickup truck, store our things somewhere, and travel the USA for the summer.  I realized we had what might be a 'once-in-a-lifetime opportunity'!

That summer is one that none of us has ever forgotten!  A whole summer of 'quality time' together really bonded us deeply.  We had a couple of destinations in mind--relatives that we could visit for a few days, but mostly we had 'time to kill'!  (I find that almost impossible to imagine these days!)

For $100 we bought a family pass to the National Parks, and we lived on $600 a month.  Every day I got behind the wheel and asked God to guide me.  I would set a jar of canned food on the dashboard and head east, driving and praying.

By midday we had a warm 'meal'.  We ate very simply and very rarely paid to stay at a campground or eat at a restaurant.  We trusted God to show us a safe place to park each night, and prayed we could sleep unbothered.

We soaked in the beauty of God's creation and rested--what a blessed thing that was!  We learned that California had a nearly magical forest of giant trees;  that in Michigan, blueberries grew on the ground; and that the mosquitos in Minnesota were something to be reckoned with!!  We fell asleep in the woods at dusk, serenaded by the most beautiful birdsong I had ever heard.

That summer, I learned that God can take a bad situation and turn it completely around; that He can be trusted to watch over me, even while I'm asleep; that He is always with me, even when I have no idea where I am; that some of His best gifts are free; and that a glimpse of blue sky, the song of a bird, or a gentle breeze can help me reconnect with Him when I feel alone and afraid.

In the days ahead, as the works of man grow more depraved and ugly, and as evil increases around us--remember to look up sometimes.  Let God's creation remind you of who is eternal and who is really in charge.  Remember that the trials and tribulations that lie ahead are only temporary.  Life on earth has never been easy.  Although things will get a lot worse--it won't last much longer!!  Ten years from now, it may all be behind us.

We have much to look forward to.  We will have a thousand years to live on earth, in peace and equity, with Jesus Himself in authority.  How I yearn for His truth and justice to be established upon the Earth; for righteousness to be the standard, and the law to be upheld; for things to finally be fair; for a chance to rest and walk with Him; for a time when evil is put to flight and goodness can prevail.

Last year was difficult.  Not the circumstances of my life, but the evil around us grinding on me, wearing me down.  I imagine that a year from now, 2009 will seem like 'a piece of cake' as evil continues to increase.  I've become polluted by our culture, taking on bad attitudes and values, picked up from TV and movies.  Anger has taken root inside me, and hatred has started to grow, as I have seen America stolen and our rights stripped away.

Learning that it is all part of God's judgment has helped me put it in perspective.  I have long known America was provoking His judgment.  Realizing that the destruction of America that is now taking place is God's will--because of our sin--my anger at the people involved diminishes.

Instead I cry bitter tears of regret.  We had it all, but knew it not!  We had such a priceless gift from God, but we threw it away.  We squandered our freedom, to indulge our lusts.  Oh how foolish we were!!  America is forever lost.  We can never go back.

The anger and attitudes I have adopted have hardened my heart and made me more callous towards the pain and suffering of others.  Tonight, I need to repent of my anger, and my attitudes, and move beyond them.  I think what I need to ask for this year, is compassion.  Someone's life may depend on it.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Do Appeals For Donations Turn You Off?

Do appeals for donations turn you off?  They never bothered me before, but lately they do.  I'll share my thoughts on that, and I'm interested in whether any of you feel the same, for the same reasons.

I feel, deep in my heart, that selling the truth of God is wrong!  I understand that there are basic costs that ministries incur, costs of websites,  printing books, making DVDS, mailing, etc.  Those costs are legitimate.  I have no problem with charging what things cost--selling books and DVDs at cost, for example, but I believe it is wrong to put a dollar value on the truth itself! 

Over the past few months, I have found websites that are invaluable sources of information. The Lord has led me to many sites in response to my prayers for wisdom.  Lately, even those that seem to present the most truth have begun to request donations.  I don't mean they've just put a 'donations' button on their site for people who want to give, but they are explaining their hardship and asking people to give.

(God help me if I'm wrong about this, and God forgive me if I succumb to the temptation myself.  I think it would be easier for Him to forgive me, than for me to forgive myself.)

Again, I understand there are costs involved, and how frustrating it is when funds are lacking!  (I won't share my personal experiences or situation because that is irrelevant--but please trust that I have lived a life of financial hardship.)  Out of that comes my conviction that if you put your faith in God for the resources to do what God has called you to do, He will provide what you need to do the job, and meet your needs as well!

It was with God that the idea originated that 'a workman is worthy of his hire', and that you don't prevent your ox from stopping to nibble while he is pulling the plow for you (or something to that effect).  God knows what you need, and He can provide it. He can also inspire people to give, if He so chooses.  Even so, if no one gives, and nothing is provided, and you are sure you are doing the will of God, then you continue and you sacrifice and cover the costs yourself.  Rest assured that in so doing, you are 'laying up treasure in heaven'!

As I have constantly prayed for wisdom and understanding of certain matters, the Lord impressed upon my heart that if He granted me understanding, with it would come a responsibility to share it. (If you are indeed sharing God-inspired truth, then please remember that the Lord gave it to you for free, and the ones who need it the most may be the ones who can't afford to pay for it. The Lord's design has always been to have people that would be conduits of His blessings to an unbelieving world. He gives them to us to pass along to others, yet He gives us a portion too.)

The Lord lays out the responsibility of a watchman-that if he warns the people and they don't listen, their blood is on their own heads, but if he knows and doesn't warn them, their blood will be upon his head. I believe it is time to speak out boldly.

I believe the Lord is raising up an army of people to share His word in these 'last days' (right now, via the Internet). It will be able to penetrate places where a missionary may never be able to set foot. We, in America, are strategically placed, and divinely endowed with the freedom of speech, technology, time, resources (compared to billions of others in this world) and credibility as a free people in a God-inspired country, to be able to reach the world with the truth about what is happening as the 'days of grace' draw to a close.

I believe America was divinely ordained to put an obstacle in the way of Satan’s plan at this very point in time! I believe we are called to use our freedom & constitutionally guaranteed rights to resist and expose the truth about Satan’s plan to the world, at this very hour, while we still have those rights! This is the fulfillment of Christ’s words in Matthew 24:14:

‘And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.’

I believe the words ‘for a witness’ hold special significance. I believe this means that we, while the events spoken of in the end times prophecies are unfolding, will be explaining them to people throughout the world, and sharing the gospel message! Those who hear will not be able to say they didn’t understand what was happening, and who was its author, if we do what we have been divinely appointed to do–in this very hour! Our message will be the ‘witness’ to them whereby they will later be judged as to whether they understood what they were participating in!

So, when I see these blatant appeals for donations, it is a HUGE red flag to me!  Maybe it is not that these folks are sinning, or out of God's will in general.  Maybe it is just a barometer of their faith in God's provision.  But if they do not believe that (without them 'helping') God can provide for them to do what they believe He has called them to do--then how can they trust that He will provide for more mundane things, such as their own personal needs, or those of their family?  I'm just sayin' . . .

It may simply be that all the changes that are occurring in our economy, and the fact that we are under God's judgment, have not fully penetrated most people's understanding.  I believe that, as with grief, there are certain stages or phases we go through in coming to this understanding.  I believe that most people are still in the 'denial stage' of grief over the loss of America and life as we have known it.  We are all in different stages of our 'paradigm shift'.  So, I can certainly understand and leave room for that.  I don't judge these people.  However, I still believe, deep in my heart, that this is a step in the wrong direction.

Things are going to be 'tough all over'.  Our economy is going to crash.  You MUST start seeing things differently!!  Capitalism is being purposely destroyed--and it is the will of God for this to take place!!  The sins that have been committed under this system, and justified by it, the way it has been misused and corrupted, the way it has deceived and corrupted so many and led them into sin, have brought about its judgment!!  We are experiencing a brief reprieve, but things are never going 'back to normal' again!! Rather, things are going to get much, MUCH worse in the days ahead!!!

Now is a good time to get your beliefs about money in line with God's Word.  I know it is hard to conceive of a non-capitalist way of using money, but capitalism is not 'God's Way' any more than communism is.  These are constructs and traditions of men.  We have strayed far from God's plan for trade and commerce. 

Jesus had much to say about money.  This would be a good time to go back to The Word and establish a Godly foundation in regards to your beliefs about money.  Again, let me say, go back to The Word of God, not to the 'prosperity' messages and other doctrines of men that took hold in the church in recent times.

Ultimately, each of us will be confronted with the choice of continuing to partake of the world's system of trade, or being left to trust in God to provide for our needs.  Your beliefs about money, and lack of understanding of God's will in this area, could very well be what ensnares you into accepting the 'Mark Of The Beast' (because you believe you have 'no other choice'). 

One other point, in regards to those who have books, DVDs, etc. to sell, that purportedly contain revelations of truth that God has given them, and who request 'donations' in return:

Taxes should be paid by a nonprofit organization on materials that they sell. However, in an underhanded way of trying to escape our tax laws (we should 'render unto Caesar what is Caesar's'), many ministries request 'donations' in return for these materials.  (In a broad sense, true donations are not taxable, but there are certain guidelines regarding what is considered a true donation). 

This has been a commonly accepted practice, but is it really handling money in an upright way, that serves as a witness to the unbelieving world that Christians operate under a set of 'higher laws'? 

Furthermore, I would apply my own criteria to determine if it is really a 'donation' that is being requested, or if you are in fact being sold the item: 
  • If you do not have the ability to pay the amount of the 'requested donation', will the ministry still send you the materials, upon request?

I say that those who don't, lack integrity in regards to finances--and are most likely in violation of tax law.  As with most things, what is visible may only be the 'tip of the iceberg'. 

Think about this next time you hear a request for a 'donation' for an item that claims to be God's truth and revelation that we 'all need to hear'.  It may be the 'American Way' or the 'Capitalist Way'--to sell God's truth for a price--but it is not God's way!!!  I daresay, if Jesus were to visit today, He would 'overturn the tables' of these merchants!

Monday, December 28, 2009

'We Know In Part And We Prophesy In Part'

While I haven't been here at my cyberspace truth pitstop, I've been out on my own little truth journey through the worldwide web. The Lord led me to a most interesting pitstop, which I have included in my links (The Watchman's Cry).

A lot of things that the Lord had revealed to me were confirmed there--and He is revealing more to me, in answer to my prayers. I'll share one interesting little item with you:

'We Know In Part And We Prophesy In Part'

Fulfilled, in my life, in two ways. 
  1. 'And that ain't the half of it!'  None of us knows the complete picture. We each only know a part of it. None of us has the complete interpretation of all the prophecies. He shows each of us, only a part. Like an orchestra, each of us doing our part produces the whole. Don't think any one man is the source of all your answers! 
  2. 'Write what you know.'   That was His word to me, in response to my concerns that there is so much I don't know. 'Just write what you know.' And as I have done so, He has been with me and has guided me, telling me things I didn't know, as I write. Filling in the blanks, so to speak. My own knowledge forms the bare bones outline--His Spirit provides the substance, the style, and the intent, and weaves it together into a message that (I pray) will speak to you personally. Part of what I 'speak' is what I know, part of it is prophecy. (Though I don't think I'm a prophet--just another watchman.)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Is The Government Tracking You By GPS?

When I heard this, it chilled me to the bone:

"Government law enforcement agencies issued 8 million requests to Sprint to track individual cell phone users’ exact GPS location. The cell-phone users were, presumably, all unaware, that they were being tracked.  This was just Sprint!"

Visions of 'FEMA camps' danced through my head and I felt weak in the knees . . . It's really happening . . .  Then, thankfully, the Lord reminded me that Satan uses a spirit of fear to manipulate and disempower believers.  Even though the report was from a source I have trusted, I looked into it more.

I believe the explanation Sprint gives is credible:
Many (most?) of the requests were for the GPS location of people calling 911 from cell phones, and from criminal and Amber Alert investigations. Each request is a 'ping'--a brief signal sent out to locate a phone (or computer).  Sprint adds "It’s critical to note that a single case or investigation may generate thousands of individual pings to the network as the law enforcement or public safety agency attempts to track or locate an individual."

I am of the opinion that 'law enforcement request', in regards to GPS location, probably means that the computer of a police department makes contact with a computer at Sprint--perhaps much like the way PayPal is contacted if you are buying items online and select PayPal as your payment option.  It does NOT mean the federal government sent over 8 million subpoenas to Sprint for records of the whereabouts of particular customers.  I'm not saying it hasn't sent out any--I don't know.  But nowhere near 8 million, if it has.

If you are concerned about being tracked by GPS (which maybe we should be, although it is probably inevitable), then turn off the GPS tracking on your cell phone, if you can.  If not, you might consider looking for a phone without it. And remember, that handy 'Onstar' in your car does the same thing.  I don't have a navigational system, so I'm not familiar with them, but I expect many of them can track your location too.

I don't necessarily think that the people reporting this story are trying to create a false panic--but that could have been the result.  Too much of this, and not only will we fail to heed the call when there truly is a cause for panic, but we will lose our credibility as well!  (Let's keep it for as long as we can!)

The tables have turned.  In a country where Christians once received the highest respect, we are now becoming a laughingstock.  Of course, that will happen, as the power of darkness increases during these last days.  The truth will be distorted, lies will be told, jokes will be made at our expense.  We will be 'smeared' and slandered.  But lets have it be because of the truth of the gospel, rather than for being fanatically paranoid at everything that happens.

When we hear something frightening, lets take a deep breath, and get all the facts.  It is entirely possible (probably even very likely), these days, that things are being/will be said and done to bait us into a potentially dangerous panic for which our government can take some kind of action against us.  This administration has demonstrated that it cannot stand opposition, so I don't think that is being paranoid.

We know that a lot of things will take place that will have horrible end results.  However, that doesn't mean that is the motivation for these things happening (at least not in the human realm).  Although it will be the case at some point, no one is 'out to get' Christians--yet.  Lets not create a self fulfilling prophecy.  We need to 'pick our battles' carefully.  And, we need to understand that a lot of these horrible things that are going to happen . . . are part of God's will.  They are part of a bigger picture and plan.

God Wants Us To Go To War!!
The Gates Of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against Us

It's Time To 'Shake The Dust Off' (Part 2)

We need to remember that our lives here on Earth are just 'boot camp'.  We were not intended to make our home here on Earth yet.  We can understand how important this one brief life on Earth is for those who don't have a place set apart for them, an eternal home, in God's kingdom.  But for those of us who have that promise--we need to keep things in perspective!!  We can't let panic over losing this Earthly life cloud our judgment!

Jesus has promised us that we will be persecuted--and that in these last days, many will die for their faith in Christ and their obedience to His word. We must CHOOSE not to be afraid, because we have His promise that He will always be with us.

For those of you who are afraid for others, who feel an overwhelming responsibility to try to save those on Earth from their sins:  IT'S NOT YOUR JOB!!  I too have loved ones that are not walking with God--people I would give my life for!  Often (and maybe especially so these days) it is best that we step aside and let God work in a person's heart.  We in America are so strong willed and independent, that most of us resist any attempts to control us.  It may be, that the more we say, the more we drive people away from Christ!

Wow, those are really radical things to believe . . . Let me explain.  Jesus gave us the 'Great Commission' of teaching the gospel and making disciples throughout the whole world. The way I see it, with regards to all I know about God and His Word, having been a Christian for almost 30 years--we are to present the gospel, live the gospel, and LEAVE THE CHOICE UP TO THEM!

Am I so callous that I don't care if most of the world chooses to go to Hell?  No, and I want to address that in a couple of ways.  Let me start with the one that's going to matter the most to you:  my belief is that people do not burn in hell for all eternity.  If I am wrong, may God have mercy on my soul.  (This is something you should study for yourself.)

Without Jesus, people do not have eternal life.  People without Jesus will be judged by their works and thrown into the Lake of Fire.  The Lake of Fire is the end of the road.  Nothing that goes into it comes back out.  It burns forever.  But man, being 'made from dust', is consumed by the fire, once, forever.  Without Jesus, people do not have eternal life.

What about Revelation 14: 9-11, where the Bible says that the 'smoke of their torment' goes up forever and ever?  Clearly, the smoke being visible forever is to serve as a remembrance to all who see it.  We see, elsewhere in the Book of Revelation, that prayers--made in the physical realm--manifest as incense to be burned, before God, in the spiritual realm (creating smoke).  I believe the smoke spoken of here is symbolic as well.

Although in the physical realm it may be necessary, it doesn't necessarily follow that in the spirit realm the burning must continue forever and ever for the smoke to go up forever and ever.  In fact, when Babylon falls, it is said that 'the smoke from her goes up for ever and ever'.  Babylon is a physical city on planet Earth, which we know cannot possible burn forever.

We see, later in Revelation, that the beast, the false prophet, and later the devil, are thrown into the lake of fire.  We are told that they will be tormented forever and ever.

No mention is made of smoke.  They do not have physical bodies that would create smoke if they were burned.  Nor is it likely that they will be sending up any kind of prayers that would manifest as smoke.  They are thoroughly corrupt and are not able to repent.

It also makes sense that they would be tormented 'forever and ever' because they are eternal beings.  Even fire does not destroy them.

In the same passage in Revelation (14: 9-11), it says that if anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand:

1. He will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath
2. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb
3. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name

(This proclamation goes out near the end of The Tribulation, before the seventh 'trumpet judgment' has occurred--I believe that the 'seven bowls of God's wrath' ARE the seventh trumpet judgment.)

The seven bowls of God's wrath follow this proclamation, fulfilling #1.

The first bowl of God's wrath, is that ugly and painful sores break out on the people who have the mark of the beast and worship his image.  This likely fulfills #3, that there is no rest for those who worship the beast and/or receive the mark.

#2 is not fulfilled by any of the bowls.  It could be that it is fulfilled by the final judgment, in the Lake of Fire, but I believe it is more likely fulfilled by the sixth trumpet judgment:

'Four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. The number of the mounted troops was 200,000 . . . the heads of the horses resembled the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur.'

One thing that is important to understand about the book of Revelation, is that things do not take place in the exact order in which they are told.  There is a chronological order in the prophecy, but many of the visions serve as parenthetical statements--they go back to the beginning of a subject and get you caught up to where they were just spoken of in the prophecy.

This is much like watching a movie, when you see a subtitle '2 weeks earlier', and then what follows is what happened 2 weeks earlier.  (You may even follow it all the way up to the last event you saw in the main story.)  Then you return to the main story and continue to go forward chronologically.  Revelation does this repeatedly, as well as repeating certain events from different perspectives.

Back to the question, of whether I am so callous that I don't care if most of the world chooses to go to Hell . . .  stop and think about this:  if someone hates God and what He represents--wouldn't spending all eternity in Heaven, with God and Christians, be a hellish punishment for him?

Our character, likes and dislikes, are formed here on Earth.  We will be fundamentally the same people in Heaven as we are here on Earth.  This is why God works so diligently to form the proper character in us while we are here!

Our understanding of evangelism and eternal life has become really warped.  We often, unintentionally, evangelize people by presenting the gospel as though God is desperately trying to meet His own needs by getting people to love and worship Him--or we try to blackmail them 'into the kingdom' by telling them they will suffer and burn in hell for all eternity if they don't accept Jesus!

God wants people who CHOOSE to love Him and who value the qualities that He embodies!  He is all about free choice.  Understanding His respect of our free choice, can provide the answers to most of our questions about why He allows things to happen on Earth, rather than intervene.  It seems to me, that He considers our free choice as something sacred!

There is a passage in Revelation (which means it is relevant for us today) that says:
'Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy.'

The way I understand it is like this:
'Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy.'

You aren't going to change anybody.  Present them the truth and let them decide.  If they accept Jesus--make them a disciple!  Otherwise . . . 'Next!'  (move on).

Similarly, in I Corinthians 7 Paul says:
' . . . And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him . . . But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so.  A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace.  How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband?'

I know from experience, that when you are married to an unbeliever, there is no peace in your heart when you believe that your spouse is going to suffer great torment in hell for all eternity.  Nor does constantly bringing up the subject promote peace--yet how can you not?  But, according to Paul, if your unbelieving spouse wants to stay married, it is possible to live peaceably together.  The only way that can be accomplished is by respecting their free will.

This bears witness to my statement that it is not your responsibility to save anyone from their sins, not even your spouse!

Also, notice a couple of things.

1. No command is made to the unbeliever.  The unbeliever has not submitted to the lordship of Jesus Christ, and therefore receives no commands from the Lord.
2. The respect of the unbeliever's free choice is so important that it even trumps the marriage vows, in that they may choose to divorce a believing spouse if they wish.

That may not mean much these days, but consider that God hates divorce.  His command is that believers not divorce.  (Moses had made a concession for those whose spouse is unfaithful--but Jesus said it was a concession, because of the hardness of their hearts; He would rather they forgive.)  That should underscore how much respect God has for the free will of unbelievers*.  He makes the rules, but He doesn't make the decisions.

We don't get 'brownie points' for converting people!!  Present the gospel, live the gospel, and leave the choice up to them!!

Remember, Jesus has promised us that we will be persecuted--and that in these last days, many will die for their faith in Christ and their obedience to His word.  CHOOSE not to be afraid!  You have His promise that He will always be with you!!

*(Believers: your free will is to be submitted to God's will.)

It's Time To 'Shake The Dust Off'
God Wants Us To Go To War!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I Think This Says It All

Copenhagen Summit Newspaper Ad

Isn't this a fantastic newspaper ad?  It is being published in Copenhagen during the Copenhagen Climate Summit!!  Kudos for the great idea!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

How Dumb Is That?

How very strange that we live in a country where truth is so hard to find. Not that the truth is rare, or somehow hidden--but rather, because those who know it would prefer not to mention it!

Although we are not running for office, we have allowed ourselves to be convinced that what we say should be 'politically correct'.  How dumb is that?

And since when did we think it was admirable to be like a politician?

God Damn America?
Is America Going To The Dogs?

How Can You Say Your Way Is The Only Way?

'How can you say your way is the only way?  There are so many ways to God, and everyone thinks their way is the right way.'  Sound familiar?

I'll tell you why.  Because there IS only one way.  God's way.  He gives you the choice, and leaves it at that.  No threats, no coercion.  It's up to you.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.  No man gets to the Father, except by Him.  There is no other way.

(By the way--Allah is not God the Father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.  Allah is Satan.)

Satan is in a battle with God.  He's also narcissistic and egomaniacal.  It is extremely important to him that men either love or fear him (but in any case,  that they submit to him).  He calls himself God and has created countless ways for man to reach him.  He doesn't 'put all his eggs in one basket' so to speak.  It's almost as if he gets points for everyone who follows him--so 'hey, whatever it takes!' right?

God Wants Us To Go To War!!
Just Another 'Blue Light Special'?

God Wants Us To Go To War!!

We are in a war!  It is a war in the spirit realm--a war between Christians and Satan.  The prize is the kingdom of Earth--where all mankind will be united under one leader. 

The first ruler of this earthly kingdom will be The Antichrist.  He will make war on Israelites and Christians, because he can't stand to have any opposition.  At the same time, there will be various wars, struggles, disasters, etc. on Earth, as this spiritual war manifests itself in the physical realm.  If you aren't aware that, behind it all, there is one war in the spirit realm, you will probably be seeing many seemingly unrelated things happening.  You may be confused about many things, even if you study Biblical prophecies.  (In addition to Bible prophecies often being vague and confusing, Satan is actively creating as many other teachings, interpretations and explanations as he possibly can.)

What is important to remember is this:  The war is in the spirit realm.  The war is being fought directly between Christians and Satan, for control of the kingdom of mankind on earth.The only way you can fight this battle is by relying on Jesus.

Many of the details of what happens in the physical realm are given in the Bible.  However, little is specified about what is happening in the spirit realm.  I will give my best interpretation and opinions--based on my study of the Bible and being a Christian for nearly 30 years.

We are told in the book of Ephesians that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but spiritual powers of darkness.  We have to remind ourselves that what we see is only a small part of what is real.  The small part we see may not help us understand the unseen any more than a single leaf can give us a clear understanding of a tree.  The only way to see the whole picture is to study God's Word and pray for understanding.

The book of Revelation tells that, when Satan was still in Heaven, the angels that were loyal to God fought him and the angels that had 'crossed over to the dark side'.  Satan and his angels 'were not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven'.  Then they were cast down to Earth. (Woe to us, because he is filled with fury since he knows his time is short).

The book of Daniel tells us that The Antichrist (empowered by Satan) will wage war against Christians and will be defeating them (in the physical realm), until the Lord comes and pronounces 'judgment in favor of the saints of the Most High' (Christians),who are then given the kingdom.

Just as earthly soldiers fight wars for their country, while their leader isn't on the front lines-so will Christians fight to win the kingdom for God, while their  king-to-be (Jesus) waits in the wings.
If you are someone who has heard or read Bible prophecies, you're probably going to think that's wrong, because you know that Jesus will come to Earth and fight in the physical realm when he returns--before he is enthroned as king.  BUT, remember, the war I'm talking about is in the spiritual realm.  Jesus comes for the 'mop up' , so to speak (in the physical realm).

It is up to us,  who live on Earth, to do spiritual battle for the spiritual title to the kingdom of mankind on Earth.  So far, Satan and fallen man have the title, and are holding it firmly.  This is because we are not fighting in the spiritual realm, and Satan is walking all over us!!

Most Christians are content to 'live and let live' with regards to evil.  That is not God's plan.  We are to be active in engaging and fighting evil, remembering that what we see in the physical realm is the fruit, while the roots are found in the spirit realm.  We need to go to the spirit realm to dig out the roots.  In order to battle in the spirit, we need to live holy lives.  Indeed, living a holy life is spiritual battle.  In some unseen way, it tips the balance of power towards the side of good.

Now, none of us is good, and none of us can live holy or do spiritual battle on our own.  It is only through depending on Jesus that we can do anything.  But it is important that we be doing spiritual battle.  We ARE in a war, like it or not.  Either we fight, or we surrender--every day.

So, where are we at right now?  We are in a spiritual battle with Satan, with glimpses of it, here and there, in the physical realm.  I believe that, because we have not been living holy lives, the balance has tipped in favor of Satan.  So much so in fact, that soon he will be able to pretty much unite the world under one puppet leader (The Antichrist) that he will choose, enthrone and empower.

Once The Antichrist is in place, God will allow him to have authority for three and a half years.  During this time he will do his best to win over everyone on Earth.  Those that he can't charm, he will threaten.  In a continued escalation of force, those who are unmoved by his threats, he will persecute.  When that doesn't work, he will punish and/or and execute.

Although he is blindly narcissistic and egotistical, I believe there may be another reason he puts so much effort into winning people over.  I think the worship he receives, from those he causes to submit to him, gives him more spiritual power.  (I also believe that dying for what you believe is very powerful in the spirit realm.  This could be a reason that he doesn't simply execute his opposition at the outset.)

After some time of his 'winning' in the physical realm, by killing many Christians (in the physical realm we consider it a loss to die in battle), the balance of spiritual power shifts.  At the appointed time, God 'calls the match'--in favor of the Christians. We are told that the Christians overcame Satan by the blood of Christ, their testimony, and by being willing to die for Him (and, of course, many did).

I think it may also be, in addition to the number of martyrs, that after real persecution sets in, the veil of deception we've been living under is lifted and we are able to stop denying the spiritual war we are in--and we get serious about living for God and fighting evil.

One other point, and word of warning I have to make:  Only those who fight will win.  If you fight to the end, without giving in or giving up, you win.  The days of being able to 'sit on the fence' spiritually are almost over.  You will get off the fence, or you will be knocked off the fence soon.  If you choose 'God's side', you will have to fight--you cannot be on His side and ignore the battle.  If you choose God's side, you have to live holy, and that is half the battle!

A Time To Kill
The Gates Of Hell

Monday, November 23, 2009

Is America Going To The Dogs?

We, in America, are a people who feed and dress our pets as if they were kings.  Meanwhile, we share the planet with millions of people who haven't had a meal in days and don't even have a pair of shoes--people who watch their children die, in front of their eyes, for lack of a few pounds of rice.

But the day is coming to us, that the hunger in their belly will drive grown men to fight to the death for a can of dog food.  Because of our rebellion and sin, we will find out what life is like, without the blessing of God. 

In your pride, you think you got where you are all by yourself.  Well, as requested, by an overwhelming majority, God is going to depart from America.  You'll get to see how far you can get without His blessing.  Hopefully you'll realize that He was a lot more involved in your life and circumstances than you ever thought possible.

When you have had enough of sin, enough of trying to make it on your own, without God, look Him up.  His door is always open.  Well, for a little while longer anyhow . . .

God Damn America?
Unconditional Salvation?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Unconditional Salvation?

American church, you have lost your way!  You are a ship, adrift at sea, cut loose from your moorings.  Great storms are coming, yet you have been rocked to sleep and are drifting unaware into the eye of the hurricane.

You call your prophets alarmists, and in your hearts you mock the messages God sends to you.  You shun words of correction, but chase after those who will flatter you and say what you want to hear.  You adore those who tell you that you can live as you wish and still inherit the kingdom of God.  (In this case, who is the God, and who is the servant?  By living this way, you exalt yourself to be God and relegate God to the position of a genie who grants your wishes whenever you rub his bottle in prayer!) You pick and choose what to believe, casting aside whatever doesn't suit you.

Some of you have 'chosen God' as a means to wealth, power, unlimited blessings, unending grace and supernatural protection.  I'm not just speaking to the leaders!  Most of you see Christianity as the way to a blessed life here on Earth.  What will you do if He takes it all away?  If He strips you to your bare skin and all you have left is His outstretched hand and His invitation to walk with Him?

God is fully able to keep those who want to walk with Him.  He will guide them so that they stay on the path, and help them up when they stumble.  But, unlike the adversary, God holds no man against his will.

When you, who are Christians, choose to live in sin, you abuse the generosity of God and insult his gift of grace.  If you continue to live that way, His anger will burn hot against you.  You were chosen to be a cleansing, preserving salt, and a light of wisdom and hope to the world around you.  Many of you are neither.  Of what use are you then to God?  Step aside and let another take your place, lest He sweep you away in His anger!

You have been given the choicest meats, the finest grain, the most fertile and beautiful lands, yet you take it all for granted!  Many of you even think you deserve it.  On what grounds?  What makes you any better than the man in India who will never sleep one night in a bed?  Or the filthy little orphan children who dig their food out of a garbage dump, and are never rocked to sleep in the arms of a loving parent? 

Don't you know you are balanced on the head of a pin?  All that you hold dear was given you by the grace of God--yet  how many of you even remember to thank Him?  If a little breeze should blow, you would topple to the ground!  God chooses who to humble, and who to exalt.  Don't make the mistake of thinking your position is secure!!

Do not practice sin, it will not release you from its grip. Make no mistake, it is 'him who endures to the end' who shall be saved.  If, after knowing Christ, you resume a life of sin--there is no sacrifice left that will cover your sins! 

Examine your heart and your motives!  Do you really love God, or merely the gifts He gives His children?  At dusk, He will come and take His children by the hand.  They will gather up their toys and take them from you, then they will head for home.  All that will be left for you is silence, and the vision of their backs as they walk away intothe deepening night.

If you have let your zeal for God grow cold, if you are living a life of sin, BEWARE!  You are standing on the edge of the abyss!  You are in very real danger of eternal damnation! 

It is not that God cannot forgive your sin, it is that you may soon be unable to repent--unable to feel sorrow, shame or regret, or to even summon the motivation to seek forgiveness! 

Sin deceives you, sears your conscience, takes away all shame and modesty, hardens your heart and mind, and closes your ears to the invitation of God to return to Him!  You don't know which stab of guilt will be the last you feel--which will be your final call to repent, before sorrow can no longer penetrate the hardness of your heart, and ceases to strive with you, leaving you to practice your sin unbothered.

Don't be deceived, God is not mocked--a man reaps what he sows.

A Time To Kill


I Hate Islam!! But . . .

Although Obama claims to be a Christian, he definitely is not.  By his voting record, you can see.  He not only approves of abortion, he promotes it!!  Although political correctness demands that we allow a woman her 'right to choose', ABORTION IS A SIN AND A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY!!  If you are a Christian, and you have ANY problem whatsoever with that statement, you had better get on your knees before God and repent!

Abortion, Are You SURE You Have The Right?

But, this blog is not about abortion. It is about islam . . . and about Obama.   Our president is a man who claims all religions, yet practices none.  However, I believe he has a special place in his heart for islam.

Presidential Admissions (short video)

Islam is the most foul, blasphemous thing I have ever seen.  Every word I hear from the koran makes me either want to laugh (because of how transparent it is in regards to who 'inspired ' it), or vomit (because of the blasphemy).  Every word of that vile text came straight from the mouth of satan himself!!  And mohammed--he was demon possessed, just like hitler after him, who rose up in the same image and manifestation of satan.

I recently posted a blog on the koran   Warning To America: THE KORAN    which I can't even bear to read, it is so vile.

From what I have learned about islam, it seems very probable that The Antichrist is a muslim caliphate (the equivalent of a muslim pope).  However, I have two reasons to question that:
  1. What I understand from scripture, so far, is that the kingdom of The Antichrist will be attacked by two coalitions of predominantly muslim countries.
  2. I know, from history, that satan plays both extremes.

Just as demons perform a little show of allowing themselves to be exorcised by cross wielding Catholic priests, so can satan be the puppetmaster behind both an islamic caliph and the caliph's archrival--whoever that may prove to be.  Don't be so drawn into the drama that you see his archrival as a savior!  Just because someone is the enemy of your enemy, DOES NOT necessarily mean he is your friend!!

Satan wants to make it appear that there are many roads to righteousness and one road to damnation.  He will unite all religions together under the banner of 'tolerance' of the Antichrist, and he will proclaim Jehovah God, Creator of All, to be the source of damnation.  (This means unrelenting persecution and murder of Jews and Christians by the rest of the world.)

In fact, the reverse is true-- Jehovah God is the only source of truth and salvation.  Allah IS NOT God, nor are any of the many other gods and 'prophets' who are worshiped by men.  Jesus (God) came to earth as a man, led a sinless life, died on the cross to pay for OUR sins, and ascended into heaven on the third day.  He is now seated on the throne in Heaven, awaiting the day (before this generation passes away) that He will return to Earth, defeat the armies of the wicked, pour out God's wrath upon the evil, and take the throne on Earth, to rule over all mankind.  (Even so, come Lord Jesus.)

The man we have elected to run our country has his own agenda: to run America into the ground, to totally destroy her, to enslave her people, and hand her over to her enemies.  And God has willed it so--unless we repent!!  We can fight Obama all we like, and cry out to God for help and deliverance but, unless we repent, it ain't gonna happen!!

God Damn America?

I hate islam!!  But:
  • It's not the only danger we are facing.
  • It is only one face of evil on a multiheaded beast.
  • It doesn't necessarily mean you are my friend if you hate it too.
  • It doesn't mean you are holy by virtue of fighting it.
  • It doesn't make you my savior, or the messiah, if you deliver me from it.


  • The suffering islam would bring to America, may be one of the plagues God uses to cause our nation to repent.
  • Without repentance, we are in very real danger of being subject to sharia law (among other things, women will lose their rights, our children will be lost to vile islamic ideology, and amputations and executions will be the punishment for breaking the law).
  • The road, that takes us from where we are now, to sharia law, is one of many horrors and extreme suffering.
  • God loves us, is grieved if we choose this road and wishes, with all His heart, that we would repent instead!!

God Damn America?

Absolutely Not!! God inspired, established, and has protected America for over 200 years! BUT . . . WE have damned ourselves!

The man we have elected to run our country, is a man whose agenda is to run America into the ground, to totally destroy her, and hand her over to her enemies. And God has willed it so--unless we repent!! We can fight Obama all we like, and cry out to God for help and deliverance, but unless we repent, it ain't gonna happen!!

Repent of what? In no particular order, and definitely not all-inclusive, the practice, protection and/or promotion of:
  • denial and rejection of God 
  • abortion 
  • homosexuality 
  • cheating (financially, academically, in marriage, etc.) 
  • abandonment of family 
  • rejection of marriage
  • basing decisions on economics (rather than morality) 
  • greed 
  • exploitation 
  • self-exaltation 
  • disrespect 
  • dishonesty 
  • arrogance 
  • pornography 
  • pedophilia 
  • incest 
  • vengeance 
  • violence
  • murder 
  • sexual perversion 
  • profanity and vulgarity 
  • abdication of personal responsibility 
  • abuse of drugs and alcohol 
  • abdication of parental responsibility 

If you say we are a Christian nation, you are deceiving yourself! Our sin and greed have risen to such gigantic proportions that they are the face of America that the rest of the world knows us by! Yes, there are many Christians in America--and many kind and generous people. Yes, the motives of the majority of the American people, towards the rest of the world, have been honorable. BUT--we have let the actions of a minority represent how we relate to the rest of the world, and they have not treated the rest of the world with Christian love.

Our big businesses, multinational corporations, and government are in bed together. Together, they have misused their power, by plundering the earth and exploiting the poor around the world. They have meddled in the affairs of other nations, even to the extent of determining who the leaders of other nations should be, arming and funding resistance movements, assassinations, etc.! All this in the name of 'defending American interests'. Nonsense! It was never our right to do such things! It was motivated by greed!

But this is only one facet of our nation's sinfulness. The stench of our depravity here at home is appalling!! Unfortunately, this is all exported too! In the form of Hollywood movies, television, and slick advertising campaigns, we market our vile, depraved culture, along with our products, to people all over the world.

I am talking to the churches in America, because God's covenant is with us, not with the unbelievers. He placed us here to be 'salt' and 'light' to the world. Yet, is our influence holding back decay or illuminating the sin around us? Are we using our God-given authority to wage war on evil, when it sprouts up in our nation? I don't think so . . .

Make no mistake, we are the ones God holds accountable. He has given us freedom and a system of government that allows us to determine our course and to choose our leaders. Therefore, we are completely responsible. Rather than take part in our government, most of us have abdicated the responsibility and gone about our lives, looking to our own interests. It is said, that we get the leaders we deserve.

How many of you can still discern evil? Our senses have become so dull, our consciences so seared, that we don't even recognize vile sinfulness when it is standing right in front of us!!

After 9/11 'God Bless America' signs were everywhere. Unfortunately, I couldn't make that prayer my own. How can we expect God to bless, for even one day, a nation that offers its children as sacrifices to the god of personal convenience? Yes women have the right to choose--whether to be celibate or promiscuous, whether to use contraception or not! Once a sperm and an egg fuse, a person exists! From the moment of conception, that person has GOD GIVEN rights! Your rights do not extend to taking the life of another--regardless of who you are!!

Another vile and grievous sin that America practices, protects, and promotes is homosexuality. People used to be wise enough to know that God did not create a man's body to be penetrated by another man. The very idea of such a thing used to disgust people, but not these days. Perhaps if we didn't have the modern conveniences of toilet paper, antibiotics, soap, and sexual lubricants, that would be more readily apparent. Regardless, we do still have the Word of God that tells us this behavior is an abomination in the eyes of God.

Pornography has played a HUGE role in the collapse of the family, the exponential increase in every type of sexual perversion, and violence against women, children and young men. It has gone from being a closet sin to being mainstream among young adults. Today, many young women aspire to be porn stars, while others are lining up to be 'exotic dancers' and prostitutes. We have lost all shame and personal modesty. Women have become brazen and vulgar, young children are promiscuous and sexually violent, and even straight men talk about having 'man crushes' on other men.

How many of you are grieved by the disrespect that is so rampant today? Even nice Disney films have been remade, and updated, with characters that have a disrespectful, belligerent attitude. Children don't respect adults, women don't respect men, and a good many of us don't respect authority! But, then again, adults don't respect children, men don't respect women, and those in authority don't respect the people they oversee. Our culture is in shambles.

Not only is each of us 'out for himself', but many have come to regard themselves as gods, goddesses, and divas! If we acknowledge God at all, most of us don't submit to His authority! Our personal, and national, arrogance is unbelievable!

Do you realize that lying is listed alongside murder as a sin that will exclude you from the Kingdom of Heaven? Yet, we take it so lightly. Take the time, next time you watch TV, to analyze the programs and the commercials in terms of what values and sins they promote. If you watch it objectively, and don't get caught up in the drama, I think you'll quickly be amazed at what a powerful tool television is in molding social values. I think it will be eye-opening for you to see what a strong cultural pressure there is for people to be deceitful.

I may be wrong, but I propose that when people continually practice dishonesty, they lose the ability to discern the truth from a lie. (Can you see how this will further the acceptance of the man of lies--The Antichrist--when he comes on the scene? What I understand from Scripture is that Israel, America, and many European nations will be among those that embrace him--his kingdom may even take root here first.)

Why do churches back away from speaking out against sin? From being involved in politics? My theory is that it was primarily because churches were allowed tax exempt status, but could lose it if they got involved politically. To me, that is a clear choice between serving God or serving money. It may not have been readily apparent at the time, nevertheless, here we are now.

And indeed, here we are now--and we still have a choice! Every church has the option of giving up their tax exempt status and being unfettered in what they say! But how many have the courage to do so?

Shame on those who have sold out! What will it profit you to have the most grandiose church, the longest list of members, the most offerings in your coffers, if the truth and the presence of God are absent from your midst? The day is coming that the blood of martyrs will be upon your altars. For it will be you that betrays your brothers to death, you that delivers up the ones that hold to the truth, because it pierces your heart and you can't bear it, it puts you in danger with the authorities and you can't abide that. Therefore upon your altars, as a witness against you, those who hold to the truth will be slain. Their blood will soak your carpets and splatter your walls, and the stain of it will never be removed.

America has rejected God. Yes, the churches too. We have repeatedly allowed our religious expression to be limited. We have retreated from the conflict time and again. (No wonder the jihadists believe our God is weak--our resolve and faith in Him certainly is!)

You can justify it by saying that we've lost battles and the laws have changed, and that we are just following the new laws (unfortunate as they may be). That certainly illustrates a lack of zeal and commitment to God. Would you yield so readily if someone told you that you couldn't claim your spouse and kids on your tax return? Or if they limited how may miles a week you could drive your car? We don't easily surrender what really matters to us!

Our sin and apathy are creating a perfect environment for the kingdom of the Antichrist. Do we really want to create a place where he can feel welcome to set up shop?

Stop trying to blend in with our Godless culture! Repent!! Live right! Stop trying to appease the ungodly! Speak the truth! Pray at meals and meetings when you feel led. Decorate for Christmas if you want! Go to jail if you must, but stand up for your God! Don't you know He'll stand with you?

We have allowed unbelievers to remove God from America. So, as requested, He has withdrawn from us somewhat. He allows things to befall us that He would have protected us from in the past. He is giving us small glimpses of what it will be like if He withdraws from us completely. Yet, when disasters befall us, rather than consider our relationship to God, we summon our pride. 'We're tough', we say, 'what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.' And we become even more hardened and entrenched in our sinfulness!! How much will we have to suffer, before we truly repent?

Our nation is standing on the verge of collapse. Many forces are gathering against us. Our economy is deliberately being destroyed. Our leaders are betraying us. Our international enemies are expanding their militaries and forging coalitions. Like a pack of wolves silently surrounding us, stealthily creeping forwards, great calamities are approaching.

Our enemies, used to encountering God's wall of protection around us, are cautiously probing and testing. If we go from the status of a nation that was so blessed and protected, to one that is left wide open to its enemies--expect the attacks to be horrific! Not only have our actions provoked hatred towards us from among the nations, but so has our position of being blessed and favored by God! What a terrible, terrible thing it will be, to fall into the hands of our enemies--but even that pales in comparison to the judgements that God will pour out upon us Himself, when He returns.

An Attack On America Is Imminent! 
Abortion, Are You SURE You Have The Right?
Homosexuality: Why Is It Such A Big Deal?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

PLEASE Wake Up!!

I am including a link to a very important post on a blog I have been following for several months. Please read it! It covers what currently borrowing, the value of the US dollar, and your family's freedom and welfare.


China is trying to put pressure on Obama in regards to the excessive spending required by his new policies, and the decision to simply print more dollars as a response to our economic crisis, but he is responding defiantly. Why is this a problem? If you aren't aware--most of our national debt is owned by China, followed by Japan.

Japan is a friend of the US and I have not heard one objection raised,or warning given in relation to the amount of our debt that they hold. China, however, is a communist country that does not share the same values as America. While China has not acted aggressively towards America, that does not mean they are 'safe'.

It is a peculiar American trait that we assume everyone to inherently have the same values, dreams and motivations that we have. They don't. We tend to have a naivete towards others, imputing a character of loyalty, altruism, and generosity to them, until experience proves otherwise. However, this assessment may not be accurate. We also assume that we are perceived, by others, to have those character traits, and that is often not true.

The result of this can be a very big difference in the perception of our relationship, by the US and whoever the other party may be. As anyone who speaks a second language knows, you cannot simply translate the words into the hearer's language and get the intended message across. It is important to have some understanding of the values, beliefs and taboos of the other party. It may also be good to have an idea of how they perceive you. Without taking these things into account, you blunder along like a bull in a china shop.

All that is to say, I don't believe we should automatically trust the Chinese government (which is both communist and oppressive towards its people). Especially not when the balance of power is not equal (such as us owing them HUGE amounts of money). Nor should we assume they are our friends because they 'were nice enough' to loan us money when we wanted it.

As soon as we borrowed from them, the balance of power shifted. They have leverage over us, proportional to the amount we are indebted to them, and compounded by our present inability to pay the balance in full. Does that make sense?

Just in case, I'll try to give an example. Let's pretend you have a guy you work with, that you get along fairly well with, but sometimes things are a little tense. He's quiet and a bit moody, and you have a feeling that you don't see eye to eye on everything, but he never really comes out and says when he disagrees. Let's say that the positions you hold make you competitors within the workplace--not an outright contest, but an awareness that your superiors are always evaluating you against one another. But, all in all, everything is on an even keel.

Now lets say you're short on lunch money one day, and he offers to loan it. You agree and pay him back the next day. From time to time occasions arise that you borrow a little bit and repay it, then, over time, you find yourself borrowing more money and more often. Eventually it becomes a habit, and you start borrowing in order to make investments, even gambling a bit.

Long story short, one day you borrow a lot of money from him and sink it into a VERY risky investment because the possible gain is incredible. He finds out and expresses concern, because he expects you to repay him in a couple of weeks--like you promised. An honest assessment shows that you are deeply indebted, to someone you don't know well, who has the ability to undercut you or sabotage you in your career. Hopefully you wake up and realize because, at this point, and difficult as it may be, you can restore the balance of power between you, and safeguard yourcareer.

There are a couple of ways you can do this. You can withdraw the money from the risky investment and repay him in full, or you can sell some of your company stock and use that money to repay him in full. Just having the ability to do so makes the balance of power equal.

However, if you don't have any stocks or other means to repay him immediately, and if you can't withdraw from the risky investment, you are on very shaky ground. EVERYTHING depends on the success of your risky investment.

That, obviously, creates a great deal of stress for you and between you, until you learn the outcome of your investment. The longer that drags out, the more uncomfortable he may become, and the more pressure he may put on you. Because you both know you presently have no means of getting out of the deal between you (the short-term loan), he has all the leverage and can change the terms as he chooses, threaten you, or pressure you to do other things. (Blackmail is another illustration of an imbalance of power).

Living with that level of stress, and worry over any number of unknown actions he can take, really can make your life unbearable. And God forbid that your investment not pay off as you had hoped. . .

That is what it can be like to live with an imbalance of power, in a relationship with someone you don't know you can trust. And that is where the United States currently is in her relationship with China--if an honest assessment is to be made.


Selling Out Poland
Oh Yes He Does Get It!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Collapse of US States?

I keep hearing that different states are going broke. Ok, sounds scary, but my question is: what does that mean? What happens when a state goes broke?

I guess it could play out in a lot of different ways, depending on what the people in that state's government decide. I'm no expert on how government works, so I don't even want to speculate. However, apparently a decision maker in one of the states in peril (California), had actually checked the US Constitution to see if the state could go back to territorial status (CA never was a territory, although most states were). I don't know whether this is an option for these states or not.
Apparently there are four types of territories, depending on whether they are 'incorporated' or not, and 'organized' or not. The type that looks the most likely to me, if a state should yield its sovereignty, is the 'unincorporated organized territory'. Today, this type is represented by:
That gives you an idea, if a state becomes a territory (if that is even an option), of the potential status of its citizens. If you click on the links above, you will find more info on the type of government each of these territories has.

Here's something to consider if you value the right to free speech, to peaceful assembly, practice of religion, right to bear arms, etc.:
'The Supreme Court ruled that territories /belonged/ to, but were not /part of/ the United States. Therefore, under the Territorial clause Congress had the power to determine which parts of the Constitution applied to the territories.'

What is common to all territories is that their citizens, while residents in that territory, cannot vote in presidential elections (but can vote in primaries), and they have one non-voting representative to the US House of Representatives. (That delegate can, however, vote on matters while they are 'in committee'.)

Otherwise, government of an organized territory roughly parallels the government of a US state. In general, an 'organized' territory has (or is permitted to have) its own constitution, (appointed or elected) governor, legislature, law enforcement and courts.
They say every cloud has a silver lining--although Nancy Pelosi would probably still hold her post in the House of Representatives, and could talk as much as she wanted, she wouldn't be able to vote on bills!
No, not really, unfortunately. The people in power don't play fair, nor do they ever cede their power. You can be sure they would make some kind of provision for each state-turned-territory to retain their privilege of having voting representatives.

One other thing I suspect, is that they would not let the opportunity go to waste to take federal ownership of the land and resources of any states that go this route (if that doesn't already, automatically happen). In fact, the federal government would pretty well have the leverage to force the state to comply with whatever terms they laid down for them, in exchange for granting their request.

Is The Transformation To Communism Already Well Underway?
Is The President AWOL?


Incidentally--I wonder if the huge number of illegal immigrants in California may have had anything to do with its financial collapse . . .

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Warning to America: THE KORAN

As I opened the cover of THE KORAN, I was engulfed in a cold, damp, brown cloud of the most foul smell imaginable  The smell was so overpowering that it left me weak.  Though nauseating, at the same time, it was cloyingly sweet.  It burned inside my nostrils, leaving me coughing, choking, and retching until I vomited blood.  Then I lay heaving, on the ground, while my insides burned like fire.

I struggled to crawl back to the Koran, which was still seeping its vile mist.  As I grasped the cover to close it, it became as heavy as lead.  The words began to rise from the page and take the shape of a beast.  It orange belly was soaked in urine, and feces were matted to its behind, from where it slowly dripped a green, vile-smelling mucous.  As the drops hit the ground, each one turned into a tiny, vile little beast.  They scurried off in all directions.  Its male part, twisted and misshapen, hung limply, encrusted in feces.

I began heaving again.  I backed away, trembling from the exertion, and as I did I began to see the entirety of his form.  His feet were like those of a rat--bare flesh with strong rounded toes that gave forth long, curved, pointed claws.  He sat on his haunches, with his short arms hanging in front of him.  In his right hand was a black book, with 'The Word of God' emblazoned on the cover in gold letters.  Gripped in his other fist was a maiden, lying calmly, and wearing a thin cotton sleeping gown.  She was not struggling, and seemed to be unaware.

Then I looked at his face.  It had the appearance of a gargoyle--a round face with pointed ears set near the sides of the top; large, round, lidless eyes that gaped at me; a broad, flattened nose, that rattled with congestion when it breathed; and a grinning mouth, filled with widely spaced, pointed teeth,  that drooled partly congealed blood and saliva, deep red, nearly black.

He continued to sit there, gazing at me, with the same malevolent, mocking grin, as if taunting me, to see what I would do.  I glanced away and surveyed the ground around him.  Strewn at length, and piled everywhere, were bones.  The bones of men, and women, and children.  In a few places, the broken, jagged stumps of  dead trees stood above the bones.  The ground was dry, barren, and dusty.  Desolation.  I saw not another living thing.

As I looked back into his face, a boldness and resolve began to fill me.  His eyes probed me, questioningly.  He continued to grin and spoke not a word aloud, yet his raspy, squealing voice rang loudly in my head, causing it to ache as if it would explode into pieces.  'What are you doing here?' he calmly asked, 'why have you come?''  A loathing welled from my heart and filled me from head to toe.  Grinning before me was the pure, arrogant, mocking, embodiment of absolute evil and depravity.  I did not have an answer.

As I continued to size him up, a baby girl came round from behind him, toddling along, her blanket in tow.  As he sensed her presence, his male part swelled. He turned loose of the maiden and snatched up the baby.  I turned my head as he violated her.  When her screams had subsided, I looked back.  Her tiny,  limp, bloody body, split in two, lie in the palm of his hand.  His stiff, pointed tongue licked her caressingly, as he savored the blood.  Then he popped her into his mouth and gulped her down.

I had not known I would be transported here when I opened the cover of that blasphemous book.  Yet, here I was.  The loathing and anger inside me grew ever stronger, overcoming my pain.  I raced forward, lunging at him with all my strength, and battering him with my fists.  He chuckled, unfazed.  I drew back and raced forward again, and again, and again.  His chuckles gave way to a full-bellied roaring laugh, bringing tears of mirth to his eyes.  He wiped the slobber from his mouth with the back of his hand.  He was so caught up in glee that he had turned loose the Word of God.  I watched it fall from his hand.

As it lay there, in the dust and filth, I stared at it.  I thought to pick it up, but I was filthy and corrupt from being near the beast, and throwing myself upon him, and I couldn't bring myself to touch it.  I longed for the peace , beauty and love that I knew were contained inside The Word of God.

As I continued looking at it, desiring it with all my heart, it whispered to me.  'Eat me.'  I was taken aback.  'Eat me', it whispered again, 'and I will bring life and strength to your bones.'  'Eat me, and I will be your sword  I will bind myself to your heart and proceed out of your mouth.  Together, we shall destroy our enemies, and deliver the heavens and the earth to Him who sits on the throne.'

What I have written here was not a 'vision' or a dream.  Rather, it is my attempt to describe what I discerned in my spirit as I learned what is really contained in the Koran.  
I apologize for the offensiveness of the portions which are lewd and graphic.  I take no pleasure in using such descriptions, but they are necessary to fully portray the depth of blasphemy, evil and depravity that are embodied in Islam.

  • koran (aka kuran, qu'ran): The 'holy' book of islam, inspired by satan ('Allah'), and written by mohammed.
  • allah: ultimately, satan; the deceiving spirit that spoke to mohammed.
  • mohammed: a warrior who 'channeled' allah and proclaimed himself to be a prophet. He was confused and deceived.  He refers to satan as 'Allah' and 'God'.  (This is not the same 'God' as the Creator God of Christians & Jews, nor is 'Allah' that God.)
  • islam: the embodiment of the principles of mohammed, contained in the koran.  Followers call it a religion.
  • muslim: a follower of islam, who (often unintentionally) worships satan by worshipping mohammed and allah.
  • caliphate: basically an islamic 'pope'; he would be a present day successor of mohammed who would impose sharia law.
  • sharia law: the laws contained in the koran.  (In some ways an immitation of Old Testament laws, but coming from, and teaching, a competely different set of values.)  The goal of islam is to have the whole world under sharia law.
  • Three choices for the conquered:
  1. conversion or
  2. 'dhimmitude' (paying a tribute, every moment of one's life) or
  3. death
  • jizya: a monetary tribute; a poll tax required of non-Muslims
  • DESOLATION: What happens in the land, the community, the family, and the individual where islam dominates.
  • dhimma: a supposed 'treaty of protection' that establishes the terms of surrender (the daily tribute required) of those who have been conquered but choose not to convert to islam.      They shall 'pay the jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued'.      This is comprised of a number of humiliating and demeaning requirements, to keep the person in submission-- as well as a loss of all rights.
DO NOT BE DECEIVED!!  Regardless of not becoming a muslim, and not accepting the teachings of islam, surrender to the terms of the dhimma is a form of worship (by actions) of allah/satan (which is why he is willing to allow it)!!

Link to a short video: 'Fitna--A Documentary About Islam' 

Allah Is Not God!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Abortion, Are You SURE You Have The Right?

Unborn Baby (5 months gestation)

Partial Birth Abortion
(anytime after 3 months gestation)


If This Is True, We'd Better Not Yield To The Temptation
Homosexuality, What's The Big Deal?

You Only Die Once--Make It Count!

"It is a terrible waste for a Christian to die a natural death."
Medhi Dibaj, Iranian Martyr

Here's The Deal . . . 
'The Mark Of The Beast': Characteristics

If This Is True, We'd Better Not Yield To The Temptation

I have heard that the National Health Care plan is to be set up in such a way that results in young people paying more than older people. The reasoning? Not sure about that, but I can see one benefit to those who are pushing the bill: many older, less healthy people may breathe a sigh of relief because they can't afford higher payments, and will be less likely to oppose the bill. We'd better look farther though, and not yield to that temptation.
Most young people enjoy good health but have low income. Why should they pay more? They should not inherit our problems. Ultimately, we failed to provide for our own old age, before these young adults were ever born!
The Bible tells us to discipline our children, but warns against provoking them to wrath! What provokes children to wrath? Injustice!
I will mince no words. If we approve of binding such an unjust burden upon the young people of America--we will ultimately reap what we sow: euthanasia.
Do any of you who wonder: Why would Obama turn on the young people who, overwhelmingly, voted for him?
Here is my opinion. He knows he has their unquestioning adoration, and they see him as a peer. The blame will not fall on him, it will fall on 'the opposition' (whoever opposes Obama and his agenda), and upon those who will benefit from this unjust system: the sick and the elderly.
This president and his cabinet, czars, etc. have caused more division in America than anything, or anyone, that I have seen in my lifetime, or can remember from history! He knows exactly how to play into the entitlement mentality of today's young people to win them over. Once their loyalty is won, he and his people add their own discontent and rebellion to the discontent, anger, and fear of the young. They provoke and magnifying the discontent of the young, to help accomplish their revolution.
I don't think it is an oversight that the National Health Care system was set up in this manner. The whole thing is a HUGE Trojan horse, full of provisions to ensure the complete overthrow of America as we have known it. This is why Obama is so adamant that it must be passed! This embodies his agenda. (See my prevous post: Will America's New Health Care ID Card Eventually Morph Into 'The Mark Of The Beast'?)
When this man took his seat in the White House, America began to crack and divide: Democrat against Republican, Liberal against Conservative, Black against White, Son against Father, Poor against Rich.
A nation divided against itself cannot stand! This administration is getting its inspiration and direction straight from Hell! We know that it is Satan's nature to steal, kill and destroy, so it is obvious he's behind this.
We need to be wise, strategic, and HONORABLE. Don't let fear and greed tempt you to betray the young in order to effect your own security! Yes, we need health care reform, but don't rob someone else to get it!!

Abortion, Are You SURE You Have The Right?
Homosexuality, What's The Big Deal?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

What Does The Devil Look Like?

I recently praised a little girl for taking the time to thank God for her food.  I added that some people don't think about God very much.  Her response shocked me: 'Because they think they are Him?' she asked.  Kids can say some really profound things!

A child recently asked me 'What Does the Devil look like?'  I interpreted that to mean: 'How can I know it's the Devil if I see him?'  A very good question.

As I was explaining that nobody knows what he looks like, and mostly you know if it's the Devil by how you feel in your heart, I was asked if he was white.  I had to chuckle.  'Some people would say so',  I responded.   I added that others would say he was black and some would say he is red.   Then I explained that he might look like a shining star, or like a dragon, or a snake.

It's not something we can pin down.  The Scriptures say that he can 'even appear' as an angel of light, from which it can be inferred that isn't how he usually looks.

He is also referred to as a dragon, in Revelation, and a serpent, in Genesis, which seduced Eve to sin (and resulted in all serpents being cursed to crawl on their belly).   That would infer, prior to that curse he had legs.  A 'serpent' /snake with legs could be describing a dragon here too.  And, there are other places in Scripture that translate the word 'serpent' or 'dragon', depending on the version of translation.

Satan, the Dragon, was thrown down to Earth, from Heaven, when he rebelled against God.  He is referred to, in some places, as 'Leviathan' and is said to live in the sea'.  Chapter 41, in the book of Job, is completely devoted to the description of a dragon. I don't know if this is describing Satan, or just any generic dragon that lived on Earth at the time.

Children don't have any problem believing this, but most adults probably see it as pretty far-fetched.  We are used to seeing angels portrayed as little, naked toddlers with wings, or as women with blond hair, arrayed in white silk, with wings on their backs and halos on their heads. How in the world did we settle on these images? 

Unless I'm forgetting something, the angels that Scripture describes are mature, masculine beings--or 'living creatures' that look like amalgamations of different animal and human parts, with wings, and many eyes all over their bodies!

Jesus also, in Revelation, appears as a lamb that looked as if it had been slain.  Apparently 'shape shifting' is the norm in the spiritual realm.

Which brings me to the reason I took the time to write this post: some of the things that we see in the years ahead may seem to be straight from a science fiction novel!

I suspect this for several reasons:

  1. In studying the book of Revelation, it is clear to me that the demon spirit that either is (or will possess the man who is) the Antichrist, is not Satan.  Rather, it is a spirit whose name is Apollyon.
  2. Shape shifting is part of the tradition of sorcery.
  3. I sense that Satan is using Hollywood to desensitize us to horrendous looking beasts and shape shifters.

So what does Apollyon have to do with it?  Maybe nothing.  But I have a hunch that he is a demon with a nonhuman appearance, and that he is included in ancient folklore. 

Apollyon is the 'Beast out of the Sea' in Revelation 13, and is the same beast we are speaking about when we say 'The Mark Of The Beast'.  We also refer to him as 'The Antichrist'.

Although his description is similar to the description of Satan/The Dragon in Rev. 12, they are not the same.  He is however, the same beast that is described in Rev. 17, upon which the Whore of Babylon rides. 

Here it is explained that he 'once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction.  The inhabitants of the earth . . . (who aren't Christians) . . . will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come.' (emphasis mine)  'The beast who once was, and  now is not, is an eighth king.'  (This refers to a vision involving 7 kings that come before him.  He is the eighth, and final king to rise from that kingdom--the Antichrist.)

Anyhow, my interpretation of the verses above gives me the idea that he may have a nonhuman appearance and be found in the writings of ancient man.  I don't think my other two reasons need explanation.

Ultimately though, if we are walking with the Lord, we will recognize him by the response of our spirit.  Will Christians that aren't walking with the Lord recognize him?  I don't know.  I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.  Will nonChristians recognize him?  Definitely not.  (Although perhaps those that are involved in the occult will--but that's a whole different story.  They may know he is a demon, but who know what twisted beliefs they have regarding what that means.)

Here is how I know for sure than nonChristians won't recognize him:
  • '. . . but the fatal wound had been healed.  The whole world was astonished and followed the beast.' (emphasis mine)
  • 'All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast--all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.'
  • 'Because of the signs he (the second beast/false prophet) was given power to do on behalf of the first beast (Antichrist), he deceived the inhabitants of the earth.'
  • 'For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible.'
  • 'The coming of the lawless one (Antichrist) will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing.  They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.  For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.'

I don't like to devote a lot of my time to speculation, but I thought it worthwhile to post this--in the hope that you will keep an open mind, and be willing to 'think outside the box' when it comes to prophecies. Most of all, I'd hate to see you have your mind so firmly made up about how things will happen that you fail to realize when they do.

We don't know for sure how the fulfillment of prophecies will 'look', but I expect in a lot of cases it will be so mundane that it would be easy to miss--or so unbelievable and astonishing that we will be caught off guard!

Extraterrestrials . . .
Angels, Demons & Raising The Dead