Something has radically changed in America. There is a spiritual darkness present here now, as the darkness that envelopes the land before a great storm. I don't know whether or not you have sensed it too.
I'm sharing a list of suggestions, to help you protect yourself from things that are to come: deception and spiritual forces of evil (in whatever form they may manifest in our physical world).
Scripture tells us that a people without understanding (of God's ways) will come to ruin. Jesus says that we are as sheep among wolves, yet we should be as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves.
- There is another dimension-an unseen spiritual world-that is intricately tied in with everything that happens in our world That world is eternal, ours is bound by time. From that world, all dimensions are seen. In our world, much that happens is not visible to us. Our world is secondary to that world. In that world, the story began--the story that never ends. This world, as we know it, is coming to an end. A new heavens and a new Earth will take its place, by the grace of God, because this one has been irreparably corrupted (no, I don't mean global warming).
- Everything really does boil down to the battle between good and evil That is the whole reason 'our world' was even created. It was chosen to be the theater for the great battle between good and evil.
- Don't be so sure that you know what is going on--nothing is as it seems Many deceiving spirits are among us. Theories abound. Conspiracies abound. A lot is going on, and a lot is being revealed. God will show you what you need to know. Be careful you don't get caught up in the confusion and start defining people as 'friends' or 'enemies' by whether or not they share your current beliefs about what is going on--they may just know more (or less) about it, than you.
- There is one force of good--spiritual forces of evil are attacking from many sides There is only one force for good, and it is far more powerful than the force of evil. However, the force of evil is desperate, and is attacking from every side. Stand firm and wait for God's deliverance (no, not the 'Rapture') when you are besieged. Have faith. Resist evil and it will retreat.
- Get back to the basics Don't let yourself be taken on a tangent by new and intriguing teachings. There is much deception swirling around us. Go back to the basics that God teaches us in the Bible, and hold on tight.
- Search your heart often Our hearts our desperately wicked, yet if we would judge ourselves, we'd all see ourselves as innocent. God judges the intent of our hearts. It is your heart that decides toward what direction to point your will. It is your heart that falls into sin first. None of us is righteous. Our greatest enemy lies within us, and we are blind to its true condition, and to its power to lead us astray.
- Read your Bible & pray for understanding
The Bible is God's message to us, and is for God's people only--no one
else can understand it. But, the Holy Spirit must teach you what it
means. Equip yourself for the days ahead, by learning it now.
- Live by Biblical principles: even if you don't understand them--they protect you God's rules form a hedge around you--not a hedge to keep you in, but a hedge to keep evil out.
- Don't follow the crowd Jesus told us that the path to destruction is wide and many people will go that way and, conversely, the way that leads to life is narrow, and few will find it.
- Don't be distracted by the trivial God, and his people, are being attacked from every side. Stay focused, there are many important issues right now--don't let the enemy distract you.
- Be very suspicious of 'miracles' and supernatural displays Jesus promised that false messiahs and workers of miracles would abound in the latter days. Don't be surprised, and don't be taken in, no matter how elaborate a 'miracle' may seem. A lot can be done with money, technology, and demonic power.
- Deceptions come in all sizes Don't think something is too big and powerful, or too little and unimportant, to be fake.
- Turn off your TV! More than anything else, this is the tool that Satan uses to unify people in their beliefs and actions. It's not about what shows you watch--it's the whole paradigm for life, the whole package of values and beliefs, that is presented over and over and over and over . . . molding you without you even being aware.
- Trust no one 100% Sadly, unfortunately, we have come to this point.
- Be skeptical, think critically Don't believe everything you see and hear, no matter how often you see and hear it. Don't believe everything you are told--no matter who tells you.
- Blindly follow no one Think for yourself. It is largely your choices that will determine the course of your life. Everyone has an agenda. As times get tougher, people will become more self protective, deceptive and manipulative--in a word: less trustworthy.
- Be responsible for yourself and your children Start taking on the responsibilities God gave you, because soon you will have to fight tooth and nail for them. Everyone's children will soon be taken away--because parental authority will be usurped by international treaty. The irony is, you'll still have the expense and responsibility for raising them, they'll still live with you, but you will not have the freedom to choose what is in their best interest, or how you will raise or teach them. (What do you think your family life will be like when your teenager realizes you have no legal authority over them? Who will be running the show then?)
- Protect what is important to you You are standing on the verge of losing everything that matters to you--and you don't even see it. Trust me--you'd better wake up and stand up to protect what is important to you now, while you still can. After that, you're going to have to decide which of your values and freedoms you are willing to die to hold onto, and which you'll learn to live without.
- Diligently protect your children! The real battle is for the hearts and minds of your children. If you don't believe me, look to history, look to other countries and their kidnapped child-soldiers, look to how our mandatory, liberal/progressive-run educational system is turning children against their parents. 'There is nothing new under the sun'--history repeats itself. To see the future, examine the past. Fight now, before it's too late!
- Teach your children Equip your children now, to face the deceptions ahead of them. Your window of opportunity is closing. Not only will you not be legally able (your parental authority will be gone), your children will be turned against you in the schools where they are spending 30 or more hours a week under intense pressure from people whose values are in direct opposition to your own--people who have already begun a revolution, against the values we represent.
- Think long and hard before surrendering your freedom for security An enemy will say anything to get you to surrender--it's much easier on them than having to fight you! They will even create a crisis, to convince you to surrender your freedom to them, in trade for the promise of peace and safety.
- Remember that what you agree to do voluntarily, will later become mandatory Seems to be a basic principle in life.
- Remember that if you don't use self control, you will end up under someone else's control Another seemingly basic principle in life.
- Don't be proud and arrogant Pride comes before a fall. It's pride and arrogance that got America into this mess. It's pride and arrogance that God hates.
- Don't be sucked in by flattery Oldest trick in the book. It works most effectively on those with low self esteem, excessive pride and arrogance, or narcissism.