It's interesting when someone, who knows nothing about you, tells you something about yourself that you didn't know--and it' sure makes them look ridiculous when they're wrong!
Jimmy Carter says I'm a racist. Hmm . . . really? Lets consider the source. I used to admire Mr. Carter. Because of his work with Habitat for Humanity, I figured he must just be a wonderful guy. However, according to the Secret Service Agents that served him during his time in the White House, he was a real 'piece of work' (my words).
Apparently he treated these people with contempt, in the typical southern plantation style. 'Agents were not allowed to address him directly or make eye contact when he passed'. And he often prevailed upon them to do menial tasks for him that were not in their job description. Without going into the details, I'll summarize by saying he was VERY different when the cameras weren't around, and went to great lengths to put on a facade for them. (More details can be found in the August 2009 issue of Newsmax.)
It has been my experience that liars think everyone is a liar, and cheaters think everyone is a cheater, etc. People often project their own character flaws onto others when they make accusations. As the old saying goes 'it takes one to know one'. So with that in mind, and in light of what I learned about his character, I would be fairly confident in betting that Mr. Carter is a racist. He may have learned to mask it, but if he treated even his bodyguards with contempt (and they were probably white), what are the chances he sees blacks as equals?
I point this out, not necessarily to malign Mr. Carter, but to show that this is a ridiculous accusation, from someone whose opinion probably shouldn't be given too much weight in regards to issues of prejudice.
If memory serves me, one of the big theories among the radicals of the sixties is that there would be a revolution and a race war. Now these radicals are running the show. One of their main objectives is to cause chaos and dismantle our current government and society so that they can replace it with a Communist/New Age regime. If you are black, I have a question for you: are you being provoked to start a race war?
Thankfully, it appears most people aren't taking the bait. I have rarely met a racist. I know racism exists in America. I know polygamy exists in America, and pedophilia, and slavery, and a host of other despicable things. But I don't think there are many people who can say that is their normal experience of life in America. I don't believe it is widespread. There are pockets of it, sure. But if that is what you are seeing day to day, perhaps you should consider moving to another town. There are certainly plenty of places to go where you will be appreciated and respected for who you are!
(And, if this is your experience, after you get out-please expose it! There are a lot of us white folks who would like to stamp out racism, so lets bring it into the light and deal with it.)
I cannot imagine what it is like to be born into the land of your grandparents' oppressors. What white men inflicted on the Negroes, Native Americans, and others, is despicable, abominable, and without excuse!
I think many whites feel shame over what their forefathers did. However, you can only push that so far! We will apologize and try to make right, UP TO A POINT but, just as you were not the ones who were enslaved, we were not slaveholders. A couple of generations have passed, and we will not take the responsibility for the sins of our ancestors upon ourselves. We are sorry. They will have to stand before God and be judged for what they did.
I can assure you I have always been opposed to slavery and would actively be working with the underground railroad, if I were living in that time. However, I'm pretty sure you are not going to like the rest of what I have to say. I'll tell you the basis for my attitude souring over the past decade or so, because I believe it's happening with others too, and I believe you have the right to understand why.
Some blacks keep on pushing, and they are the ones I see. Being white, I am not in your home, your church or your neighborhood. I don't see the full extent of your culture. What I do see is just a slice--I don't think it represents most African Americans, at least I sure hope it doesn't. It is the rude, loud, arrogant, disrespectful, in-your-face part. The gangster wannabe part. The violent, profane, rap music part. The pants-falling-off-the-butt part. I don't care about the color of your skin, or where your ancestors were from--what I care about is your attitude!
The generation that fought for civil rights was a proud and respectful generation. I think they would roll over in their graves at the way the younger generation is undoing the respect they fought for! They seemed to understand that, if you want to be respected, you need to behave respectfully.
Some people bring on their own problems. If they come into a quiet neighborhood with rap music blasting profanity and their pants falling off their butt, and they want to rent a house there, they shouldn't be surprised if they are turned away! If they were white, it would be the same! If they present themself in a way that would scare customers back out the door--they shouldn't be surprised if they don't get the job!
It certainly seems to be in vogue lately to throw out accusations of racism. You've probably heard the old story of 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' . . . the story of a boy who liked to get the village people all riled up by calling 'wolf' so they would run out to protect him. He did it so often that, pretty soon everybody was on to him and paid him no more attention. Then, one day, there really was a wolf, and nobody believed him or came to his aid. Enough said?
If you think I am discriminating against you, I just might be--but don't be so quick to assume it's because of the color of your skin. What is your attitude? What do the lyrics of your music say about you? Because, if you are blasting it loudly, I'm going to assume you are using it as a way of speaking your mind. And, last but not least, maybe I'm just afraid of interacting with you. Not afraid you'll cut my throat, but afraid that, despite my best intentions, I'm going to end up doing or saying something that offends you.
The other thing I'm going to say is this: I have seen many more people of color who are racist than whites who are. In fact, it seems to be the approved attitude in black culture today. I think if I hear ' . . . it's because I'm black' one more time, I'm going to scream! Sometimes, claiming racism is just a copout!
To me, constantly bringing the issue of race into things is a pretty good indicator that the person who does so is a racist. Believe it or not, a person's race rarely crosses my mind, and even more rarely does it influence my decisions! I believe that's true of most of the white folks I know.
From what I've seen, most whites don't give much thought to race. (I guess it's easier not to if you weren't the ones who were oppressed.) But, an unintended consequence of making accusations of racism is that it is training us to think of race, where in the past we wouldn't have. And, being that the focus on it is happening in such a negative way, I don't feel like it is creating more understanding between us. Instead, I think it is dividing us into 2 camps, and none of us has a choice which camp we end up in, because it is based on the color of our skin--something none of us had a choice in.
Are you sure you are a victim of racism? Or, are you being baited to start a revolution? Are you angry about your own experiences, or are you being provoked by the words of others? Are you being told the truth--or are you being used to further someone else's agenda?
I can understand being angry if you don't feel like you're being treated fairly. However, the way you choose to try to resolve it will have a lot to do with the results you'll achieve.
So, what do you want to accomplish? Do you want to continue to be angry and adversarial? Do you want to increase racism? All these accusations are certainly increasing racism among young blacks! Think of the example it sets for them! If you can't get past the anger, then lets TALK.
Or, do you want to turn it around? If you're ready to change it, here is something that may help:
What you may not realize is that people tend to reflect back what you project to them. If you project anger and mistrust at them, they're likely to reflect that back on you. But, if you project yourself as a calm, rational, confident person that is equal to them, that's how you'll likely be treated.
I think a lot of black people simply don't understand that's how relationships with whites work. People that mouth off and try to be threatening are the ones who meet with the most resistance. Those who project themselves as inferior are going to attract people that treat them as if they are.
When you interact with most whites, except the ridiculously arrogant 'elite', you'll be treated the way you want if you are polite, calm, rational and confident.
Slavery is behind us. You have been given the full rights of citizenship. I think you can safely assume that the majority of us see you as equals. (As far as the few that don't-they have a problem, and they make us uncomfortable too.) From our point of view, we are confused as to why you keep on fighting. You've already won! Just live the part!
Racism & Lincoln
. . . It's About Freedom!!