Friday, January 22, 2010

Beware Of The Second Beast!

(I know nothing about Scott Brown.  This is not a commentary on him in any way.)

As much of a relief as it is that another Democrat did not win the Massachusetts election--it is not time for 'back to business as usual'.  Never again should we let down our guard.  Although the win of a Republican was strategically important, it does not mean we are safe--not by any stretch of the imagination.

No matter how similar to us they may seem, there is something inherently different in most people that run for office--especially those that actually are elected.  That hunger for power and position is something that should be viewed with a certain amount of wariness on our part.  Besides that, they are human--and humans are fallible.  Power corrupts, and it spends a good bit of time prowling around the halls of our government, looking for an opportunity. 

Remember: there are two types of people, against whom no one can testify:
  1. those who are innocent
  2. those who leave no witnesses alive

We still live in perilous times.  No one can be trusted 100%.  I hope, through all the influential people whose corruption has been exposed--in politics, finance, etc.--over the last couple of years, that you will take the lesson to heart. 

The problem here is not one of political parties.  It is one of behind the scenes affiliations.  Hopefully you have learned from all that has been said about  'The Bilderbergers', the 'Trilateral Commission', and the 'Council on Foreign Relations', etc.  Hopefully you are now aware that there are powerful forces working behind the scenes.  The real problem is not Republican vs. Democrat.  The problem is with the elite that are behind them both.

I'm sure there is still MUCH more that could be exposed.  I imagine all that we have seen is only the tip of the iceberg.  There is something EXTREMELY suspicious about a bipartisan congress that would just go along with everything the president was putting forth--at least, at the beginning.  There is some kind of real power that brings that about--whether it be persuasion, bewitchment, or blackmail.  That power is still present in the halls of congress.  No matter who we elect, the real test will be what they DO when they get there.  In my belief, it is only the power of God that can truly stand against such evil and triumph. 

But don't be fooled!  The enemy (Satan) can pick a fine looking man, dress him up in robes, and give him a cross to hold out in front of him.  He may rant and rave against the powers of darkness, and give every appearance of being in opposition to them.  He may do miraculous things--signs and wonders. He may very well have the absolute endorsement of all the most respected religious leaders of our day.  But . . . that does not mean he is filled with the Spirit of God!!

The people behind the scenes will not relinquish power without a "hellacious" fight.  Nor will the enemy of our souls--who is the force that empowers these people.  His time is short, and he is desperate.  Never again--until Christ returns--will we be able to take a deep breath and relax.  We must always be on guard, vigilant, and discerning.

The pendulum swings both ways.  'The people have spoken!'  Expect to see more 'God fearing' candidates--more people running on religious ideals--and expect to see them winning.  Don't think that Satan, and the elites, won't make full use of that!  Expect them also to put forth candidates that are religious, that make claims of being Christians.  These are people without conscience--bodies without souls! 

The elite look at the people of the world without compassion--as mere problems to be solved, numbers to crunch, etc. They aim to purposely depopulate the world!  They are advocates of eugenics, genocide, euthanasia.  They see war as a means to prosperity!  This is nothing but a giant chess game to them.  They will put forth candidates that the people will vote for, and they count on the masses to be blind and gullible!  Expect a 'great awakening' of religious ideals to sweep the nation politically--but only some of it will be genuine! 

That being said--the real danger is that the one who does the most to unravel America may be a 'Christian'!!
  Someone who claims to be a Christian.  But here is the problem:  there are more people claiming to be Christians today, than really are Christians, and we have been as naive as little lambs.  When someone tells us they are a Christian, we have taken them at their word--but 'by their fruit you will know them'!! 

If you look into the connections the Bush family has with the organizations mentioned above (and Prescott Bush with Auschwitz and Monowitz), you will see that they are among the elites.  They may call themselves Christians--and that is for God to decide--but I see them as wolves in sheep's clothing!  We believed we had a Christian president, but that is when the most of our liberties were stripped away--and we still have many people who haven't woken up to that!

Then along came Obama, claiming to be a Christian too.  Don't tell me, after all you've seen him do, that you don't believe he was a disciple of Reverend Wright!  He most certainly believes, and concurs wholeheartedly with, everything that man has to say!  Look at his voting record on abortion!  Look at his backing of the gay, lesbian, transgender agenda!  Etc., etc., etc.  He says he's a Christian--so what!!  HE'S A LIAR!!  Let the record show, this man has lied more than he has told the truth!!  If you want to know the real truth, you'd better look back on all he has promised--and expect the opposite to be in your future instead!  This man will look you in the eye and lie--and you'll believe it!  He has a powerful annointing of evil!

So, now the people have spoken and the pendulum will swing the other way.  Let me warn you of what may lie ahead.

Don't be surprised if our next president appears as a strong Christian, well respected, annointed--and maybe he has been, but somewhere along the way he fell into (or will fall into) 'secret sin'.  The enemy found a weakness and capitalized on it, seducing him into deep spiritual darkness.  Then, knowingly or not, he 'made a deal with the devil'.  And, let me tell you what--unless America has truly repented, this man will have God's endorsement to be our president. 

You can expect the 'Christian' leaders of the day to wholeheartedly back him.  A few Christians (there are Christians and there are 'Christians') will discern, by the Spirit, what he is and, in alarm, will try to warn people--but it will be of no use.  Today 'Christians' far outnumber Christians, and he will be one of them.  Today's backslidden, lukewarm 'Christians' will be completely comfortable with him, because that's the only kind of Christian most of them know.  It is said that 'we get the leaders we deserve'.

To add to the illusion--God's Watchmen may not speak.  If America does not repent, and God continues to visit judgment upon America, it may be, that at some point He instructs them not to speak.  Better it is for judgment to do its work and bring forth repentance, than for people to find a way to avoid it, and go to eternal destruction.

So now you know, and if your heart is right, you may discern it when it happens--you may even be one of the voices calling out a warning.  But if God has sent the judgment and the delusion, people will continue to blindly follow, and what is decreed will come to pass.  There is a time to speak--and a time to remain silent.  Let the Holy Spirit be your guide.

All that is just the prelude to what this post was to be about:  the second beast aka 'The False Prophet'.

Beware of the second beast!  All the attention these days is given to looking for the first beast and avoiding it.  The first beast will blaspheme God.  The first beast will make war against God's people.  The first beast will have authority over all the earth.  The first beast is an empire and whoever is its leader.

But it is the second beast that really causes men to be damned.  It seems to me that it is the second beast that takes center stage in world events. 

The second beast will exercise all the authority of the first beast.  The second beast makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast.  It is the second beast that performs great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from  heaven.  It is the second beast that deceives the inhabitants of the earth, by way of the signs he performs. It is the second beast who commands men to create an image in honor of the first beast.  It is the second beast who gives breath to the image of the first beast--so that it can speak and cause all who refuse to worship the image (itself) to be killed.   It is the second beast that causes everyone to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead in order to buy or sell--a mark which is the name of the beast (first or second?) or the number of his name (first or second beast?).

Especially take note of this:  The second beast has 'two horns like a lamb' but 'speaks like a dragon'.  We already know the dragon is Satan--but what about the 'two horns like a lamb'?  My interpretation of this (I could be  wrong) is that the second beast is a false Christianity, with two aspects (Protestant and Catholic?). 

With that possibility in mind, read over the paragraph above.  Keep in mind too, that the prophecy will be literally fulfilled--but perhaps not in the way we interpret and picture it, ahead of time.  Meaning: we tend to form a picture of how things will happen, based on our interpretation of what the verses say and, in hindsight, comparing events to the Scriptures, we will be able to see that things were literally fulfilled--but most likely, not at all how we had predicted!

I'll point out a few things that we might easily misinterpret, because they have many possible interpretations:
  • will exercise all the authority of--in what manner will he exercise it?
  • will exercise all the authority of--is this authority granted by man (such as by election), or is it granted by God, or both?
  • makes the earth and its inhabitants worship--to what degree does he 'make' them do it?  Does he round them up in the night, or does he just say that they need to do it, or does he get them so riled up that they do it on their own (like at a concert?)?
  • makes the earth and its inhabitants worship-- in what manner do they worship?  Do they physically bow down several times a day, as Muslims do?  Or do they just talk about it, and praise it all the time?
  • fire to come down from heaven--is it real, literal fire coming down out of the sky?  Is it a fireball?  Is it lightning?
  • commands men to create an image--how does he command it?  In an authoritative voice via television?  By passing a law? Does he command everyone?  Or does he just tell a few guys on his staff to do it, without fanfare?
  • commands men to create an image--what is this image?  A statue?  A logo?  A hologram? Some marvel of future technology that we haven't seen yet?  Something so ordinary we wouldn't even think of it as fitting the Scripture?
  • gives breath to the image--will it literally be alive, having its own consciousness? Will it be 'animated'? Will it just be something, powered by electricity, that gives the appearance of being alive?
  • speak and cause all who refuse to worship the image to be killed--does it just stir up animosity against those who refuse, so that people hate and kill them?  Does it put a bounty on them?  Does it issue a fatwa?  Does it pass a law, that all must worship it, that carries the death penalty?
  • cause all who refuse to worship the image to be killed-all who verbally say 'no'?  All who protest? Even those who just passively avoid it?
  • causes everyone to receive a mark--endorses it?  Deceives them into it?  Shames them into it--calling them 'nuts', 'religious fanatics', 'superstitious'?  Legislates it?  Rounds them up in the night if they don't?

These are just some of the possibilities--ones I can think of. This should illustrate to you that there are MANY ways to misinterpret any or all of the things that will come.  The only way you will know is if God reveals it to you.  He may reveal the whole picture ahead of time, or He may only show us one step at a time--or He may keep it veiled and reveal events as having fulfilled prophecy after they happen!

I study, and pray, and seek the interpretation--but God has only revealed a few things to me.  What He has shown me instead is how many ways things could be interpreted, when looking ahead.  He has also shown me that even the most respected Bible scholars and 'prophets' have a lot of errors in their understanding.  I'm nobody special, so it's not surprising that He might not reveal it to me.  What is telling, is that no one really seems to know--at least, no one seems to know the whole picture.

So, if no one has the answers you are looking for--what do you do?  If, even at this late date, God has not opened the prophecies to our understanding, what are any of us to do?  What is important is to focus, not on events that you want to find a way to avoid, but on Him!  If you are serving Him, yet had never heard any of the prophecies, He would still show you the way to walk.  The people who will most quickly recognize 'The Beast', 'The Antichrist' and 'The Mark' are not the ones who spend the most time worrying about them, but rather those who dwell in His presence!  Trust that if you know Him and walk with Him daily, He will not let you be deceived, nor will you accidentally take The Mark!  He is fully able to guard what you have entrusted to Him!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is Your TV Stealing Your Soul?

Continued from 'Will They Take Away Our Children?'

Their two biggest tools are the schools and our entertainment industry.  Our schools are currently the biggest threat, and most imminent danger, to our future liberties!

The other HUGE threat to our children is like a monstrous, powerful, raging river on which we are all rafting.  I don't think it's possible to overestimate the power that our entertainment industry has in shaping our culture, our morals, and our values.  I am talking about all the separate rivers (television, movies, pop music, sports, video games, etc.) and smaller streams (magazines, books, etc.) that merge together into a powerful river that is basically the heart and soul of the American populace. 

But, like a river, it is the power that moves us--not the other way around.  Although we are all 'kicked back' on our rafts, being entertained by the scenery, the river is not.  The river is working--racing, cutting, carrying, and pushing, with great power, towards its goal.  And although you and I sit on our sofas, in front of the big screen tv, and empty our minds at the end of a long and tiring day--allowing ourselves to be relaxed, entertained, hypnotized--rest assured that there is a force behind it that is molding and shaping you, conforming you to someone's vision for this world.

And when you recline tiredly in front of the tv, and consciously turn off your mind (to unwind and destress), you are putting yourself into a level of physical and mental passivity that is optimal for bypassing your conscious mind and allowing suggestions and images to penetrate deep into your subconscious.  (Compare it to the process of hypnosis or 'guided imagery'.)  Don't think those behind the scenes are unaware of the power they have to shape America!

This river is the force that creates and defines American culture and binds us together cohesively.  It is our 'collective consciousness' and forms the paradigm for our lives.  You Christian parents need to give some serious thought to how it affects you--and your children.  I'm not talking just about using discretion in regards to individual games, TV shows or singers--I'm talking about the influence of all of it put together.  Step back, way back, and take a look at the big picture.  It is so big, I don't think you can dip your bucket in it and not be swept away.  I doubt you have enough influence with your kids to counterbalance the effects it has on them. 

God tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds--by studying His word.  He also calls us out, when we are caught up in a depraved culture, and then he sends judgment upon it.  I don't care if your church condones it, or tries to bend it for their use--you need to seriously seek God in prayer about what involvement He thinks is best for you and your family, in regards to our American culture and entertainment industry today.

American Empire

These two forces combined, are the reason children that are raised in church leave the church and never look back!!

Will They Take Away Our Children?

Continued from 'American Empire'

You can rest assured that, even if we hold off the 'elite's' designs on America for now, in 20 years they will be accomplished, regardless.  That is because, they have stolen the hearts and minds of our children, right from under our noses.

Their two biggest tools are the schools and our entertainment industry.  Our schools are currently the biggest threat, and most imminent danger, to our future liberties!  Our history has been rewritten, with a spin.  Any reference to God, or his truth, has been removed from our schools.  Our children are being indoctrinated with humanism, liberalism, relativism, globalism, and sexual and moral perversion--while at the same time being deprived of a basic education.  Look at the ideals of the people who are writing the textbooks!!

How many parents, these days, have enough time with their children to undo these influences in which they are immersed every day?  When did education go from being a right of our children, to being a license for educators and government to liberate our children from our care and influence?  At what point did we relinquish our parental authority?

Our schools have changed from being centers of education and empowerment, to being disseminators of propaganda, and tools for social change.  Our children are being trained up, prepared, to be perfect citizens of a global dictatorship.  I would venture to say that many of our kids are (maybe only unconsciously) expecting and looking forward to it!  Their educators have given them a vision--have we?  Their educators are unabashed in their mission--are we as bold as Christians?  If you never complain about how or what they are being taught, then, in your kids' eyes, it has your seal of approval--and they open their hearts and swallow whatever they are told!

If parents don't wake up to this--SOON--all really will be lost.  If parents don't rise up together and demand change, what authority they do still have over their children will evaporate too.  Maybe it means everyone that is opposed, pulling their kids out of school.  I don't know.  But the longer we wait, the more it is going to cost us.

The other HUGE threat to our children is like a monstrous, powerful, raging river on which we are all rafting.  I don't think it's possible to overestimate the power that our entertainment industry has in shaping our culture, our morals, and our values.

Is Your TV Stealing Your Soul?

These two forces combined, are the reason children that are raised in church leave the church and never look back!!

American Empire

Searching for an article I had previously read, I did a Google search of 'America Empire'.  It yielded twenty six million hits!  It's right in front of our eyes, yet hidden in plain sight! 

People: 'Actions speak louder than words', 'a picture is worth a thousand words'--put aside everything you have been told (about America promoting democracy or protecting its 'interests' throughout the world), and let actions speak for themselves!

Here is a picture that's worth a thousand words:

We're told that we are hated because our enemies 'hate our way of life' . . . really?  These people hate freedom and prosperity?  Education and opportunity?  Technological advancement?  Good medical care?  Nah, I'm not buying it. 

The few that really DO hate our way of life seem to be opposed to the sexual depravity (and materialism?) that we export worldwide via Hollywood!  (It's really a shame that the American Church is less discerning, with regards to sin, than the ungodly!)

I believe what our enemies hate most, is to be subjugated!!  They hate our imperialism.  Most Americans are blissfully unaware of that aspect of America.  Who the heck gave us the right to determine what other countries should or should not do if they are living peaceably within their own borders?  By what authority do we create 'regime change' or assassinate people in another country?  These are just a couple of the things America engages in, that you may have already heard of.

Do I hate America?  I don't know--I don't think so.  I do believe America was chosen, inspired, and established by God--that America I do not hate.  The American people--I do not hate.

The corrupt, depraved, imperialistic, tyrannical beast that America has become, backed by multinational corporations and wealthy elite (this must be what they call the 'military-industrial complex')?  I am no fan of this.  Our hedonistic culture--This I hate with a passion! 

Do I sympathize with our enemies?  With terrorists?  To the extent that I understand why they hate America--yes. As far as understanding their anger and desperation at being subjugated--yes.  Do I condone their actions? NO!!  EMPHATICALLY, NO!! 

Would I be just as frustrated as them, if America were under Soviet or Chinese occupation?  I would imagine so!!  Wouldn't you?

Under Obama, our dear empire has begun using the same tactics to topple America as it has used to topple and subjugate other countries.  We are being relieved of our 'favored nation' status within the empire.  We are being brought down to be on par with the rest of the citizens of this new global empire. 

Our economy, our independence, and our pride, will be destroyed--and God will allow it to happen.  The people who are dismantling America are being used as the hand of God, to bring His judgment upon us.  Chaos will overtake America.  But, rather than cry out to God in repentance, we will most likely 'cry Uncle' (Sam!).  Once we are totally broken, the empire will create a solution that will be our 'salvation'. We'll no longer demand special treatment, our 'entitlement mentality' will be broken.  We'll be humbled and willing to sacrifice everything that was our birthright--just for a bowl of soup.

Our currency will be replaced.  We'll start out fresh, on a new, 'level playing field' with the rest of the world, economically.  Our people will depend on the government.  Our right to choose our own leaders, make our own laws, seek redress in court--will be curtailed.  Our personal liberties and individual rights will be surrendered for 'security'.  Our laws will no longer have God's standards and truth as their basis, but will instead be based on the good of the empire, the good of all.

In order to give us the best chance at freedom in a world of sinful men, God inspired a fairly elaborate form of government that depended on a series of checks and balances--this ensured that power was not concentrated in any one part of the government.  He  modeled it on Himself (The Father as law giver, the Holy Spirit as the convictor of sin, Jesus as the righteous judge). 

In order to endure, this government would require people of upright character to participate and to make sure that the rules were followed.  This government would be able to withstand attempts by an individual, or even a few people, to bring it down.  What it could not endure was widespread corruption, and collusion in regards to looking for ways around the rules.

As our people became more and more corrupt, and looking for loopholes became the 'American way', cracks began to form in the foundation.  Before long, beady-eyed little vermin spotted the openings, enlarged them a bit and began to come in, then bigger ones came along and followed suit.  Soon the whole structure was infested and in danger of toppling. That is where we woke up to find ourselves in 2008.

There seems to be a universal principle that, if you will not show restraint, restraint will be placed upon you by outside forces; if you will not take responsibility, it will be imposed on you by outside forces.  So, if you are not sure what sins America is being judged for, look for what has been taken away, and there you'll find what we misused.  Look for what restraints are placed upon us, and you'll see what freedoms we abused.  When we forgot that we were 'one nation under God', that there was a God in authority above us, that's when the trouble began.

While our multinational corporations, government, and military were out conquering and subjugating the rest of the world (under the guise of bringing peace and safety), America enjoyed the spoils.  Most of us weren't concerned or turned a blind eye--if we were even aware of what was going on.  It's not like our media was telling us . . .

In fact, for most of us, we were busy pursuing our own happiness and prosperity, and our concerns extended little farther than the boundaries of our own backyards.  Oh sure, we might have volunteered a bit, or written a check here and there--but how often did we protest about . . . anything?  When was the last time any of us spoke up, or protested, on behalf of someone else--even someone in our own community? 

Like it or not, we Americans are basically self interested, laid back, 'live and let live' kind of people--although we can be compassionate and generous.  It is this laid back attitude of the populace that has allowed those of totally opposite nature to become powerful in America.  And it is because we see ourselves as laid back, 'live and let live' people who aren't hurting anyone else, that we are absolutely perplexed as to why we are hated!  I'll spell it out again:  it's because those in power, the 'elite', are not like you and I.

Their nature is polar opposite to ours.  They lust for power and wealth and will do anything to have it!  Power corrupts and I would venture to say that many of them are beyond redemption.  We are hated because these are the people that have become the 'face of America' to people throughout the rest of the world.  Most of our enemies don't distinguish the difference between the empire of the American elites, and the actual 'American People'.  Therefore, Americans are hated all over the world.  (And 'Christian' if seen as synonomous with 'American', becomes an abomination.)

So . . . now some people are waking up to what is, and has been, going on.  Maybe enough people will wake up and repent, and act, to be able to slow down this train that's barrelling towards destruction.  I sure hope so!

But you can rest assured that, even if we hold off their (the 'elite's') designs on America for now, in 20 years they will be accomplished, regardless.  That is because, they have stolen the hearts and minds of our children, right from under our noses. 

Will They Take Away Our Children?
Is Your TV Stealing Your Soul?

The powerful tools they use, are the reason children that are raised in church leave the church and never look back!!