Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Are You Afraid? (forced vaccinations)

I've just spent this cold, dreary day surfing the Web and reading lots of scary things about what is going on now.  What was most terrifying of all I saw today was a video on You Tube, about forced vaccinations. 

I'm not going to link you to that video.  Let me tell you why.  I was not too concerned when I first started watching, and the Lord impressed upon me, simultaneously, two things:
  1. The incident that Paul had when bitten by a viper (Acts 28:5-6: 'But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects.  The people expected him to swell up or suddenly fall dead, but after waiting a long time and seeing nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and said that he was a god.'  Of course he wasn't a god, but this shows how lethal the venom of that viper was).
  2. ' And these signs shall accompany them that believe: . . . and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall in no wise hurt them . . .' (Mark 16:17-18)
But as I watched the video, even with full faith in these things, fear came over me.  I have learned some mighty scary things lately, yet have not been afraid because I've had the 'peace of God which transcends all understanding' which is promised to guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  I've even contemplated, quite a bit, the probability of death (eventually) for standing up for what I believe.  But this video made me afraid.

With the video came a spirit of fear.

Now, what is in the video may be true--or not. And I'm  not saying the motive behind it was to engender fear, because I believe that is a strategy and tool of Satan.  But, he is working in concert with things like this.  There is a lot of hysteria developing, and that hysteria will have repercussions.  As Christians, we should be the sanest, calmest people in the room.  We should understand what is happening, and why.

The Lord promises us not 'a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind', and  'you did  not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear . . .'  This should reaffirm to you that fear is a bondage, and this type of fear is not from God.

Now, I can understand if you are afraid, but let God take your fear away and replace it with strength and boldness.  He has done it for many of us already.  He will give you the grace to go through whatever comes your way. 

There is one other point I want to make briefly, but cover in greater depth soon: The Rapture. 

Yes, Christ will return after seven years of tribulation on the earth, but there is no 'Rapture' before the Tribulation.  We will not be whisked away just as trouble and persecution reach our shores.  I think in your heart you know this, but you are desperately trying to believe in it anyway, and this is why you struggle with fear. 

When you try to believe in one thing while the Spirit is telling your heart differently, it makes you off balance spiritually and more prone to the attacks of the enemy.  When you understand that it is God's design for Christians to go through the Tribulation, then the things He has been trying to impress upon your heart, to prepare you, will make sense.

Back to the issue of forced vaccinations--I really don't want one, and I don't want a tracking device on me.  But, not because I am afraid of that. For most of my life I feared the things that were to come, but now that they are at the doorstep, the Lord has given me peace and boldness. I am just a hermit-like person who prefers privacy.  I will not take the vaccination, unless I have to.  But if I have to, I will--and it will not harm me. 

That is not my personal 'line in the sand'. However, as a society, I believe we should continue to fight such things, when they are unfounded. But, the thing is, sooner or later, there will be a legitimately good reason for such measures. And, when that time arrives, we would be foolish to stand in the way.

I think it is important that we continue to remain sane and rational, because if hysteria takes hold we will lose all credibility.  Fear becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

We talk about living by faith, but how will you live in faith tomorrow if you can't live by faith today?  Start practicing now!!

National Health Care ID Card . . . 'The Mark Of The Beast'?
'The Mark Of The Beast': Characteristics
2010 Census Questions

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

'The Mark of the Beast': Characteristics

Here is some excellent information on The Mark of the Beast. So good, in fact, that I have little to add, so I have simply cut and pasted it. I will include my own comments as well, in parentheses { }. The original document can be found here.  *

{The NIV translation of Revelation 13:16 says: "He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name."}

Revelation 13:16-18; 14:9-11; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4
EadsHome Ministries;
1) Likely a physical implant or detailed scarification.
The repetitive nature of John’s description of The Mark lends itself to the interpretation that the Mark is to be taken as literal, rather than figurative.
It has been theorized that The Mark refers symbolically to the belief in [forehead] and support of [right hand] the Antichrist, rather than to a literal mark. However, if this were the case, it would be difficult to imagine how consumers could be easily identified as not having The Mark, since John says that those without The Mark will not be able to buy or sell.
The Mark is described as something that is “received”. Faith in Antichrist and service to the Antichrist is not “received”, it is ‘appropriated’ and ‘given’. The fact that The Mark is received highlights the fact that it comes from an outside source, not from within the person.
2) This physical Mark will be on the right hand/wrist or the forehead. (Rev. 13:16)
The fact that the left hand is not mentioned as a possible site for The Mark is intriguing, and could shed some light onto the future purpose of The Mark from a practical standpoint. With large numbers of people receiving this mark in a very short period of time, the choosing of the right hand may be for convenience purposes. New military recruits often stand in line to receive their vaccinations, which are given into the same arm as the line advances. The same may be true for The Mark. The location on the right hand may also serve as a quick means of identifying a person for commercial reasons.
The option of receiving The Mark on the forehead may be for practical purposes [such as with amputees] or to identify those who cooperate with the beast on another level. Marking of the forehead would, under normal circumstances, be less desirable than marking an extremity for physical, surgical, and cosmetic reasons. Thus, those with The Mark on the forehead could serve to identify a “special” class of people who are more deeply involved with the beast’s kingdom.
3) The great majority of people on earth will receive The Mark.
The usage of the word “everyone” in Revelation 13:16, cannot mean literally everyone on planet earth will receive The Mark. We know that there will be Christians who will not receive The Mark, and they are specifically mentioned in Rev. 20:4. But, apparently all types of people will be represented as bearers of The Mark [small, great, rich, poor, free, slave].
4) It will be impossible to engage in common commerce without The Mark, but there will likely be an “underground” currency and commerce system amongst those without The Mark.
The statement that “no one” could buy or sell without The Mark is not intended to mean that literally no one on earth will be able to buy or sell from anyone else on planet earth. If that were so, then most, if not close to all, Christians would die of starvation or dehydration during the final years. Since many elect will be left until the end to be gathered to Jesus [Matt 24:29-31], these will need to find a way to survive during the final 3 ½ years of oppression [Rev. 12:17, 13:7; Daniel 7:25]. Sustenance farming and lake water purification will not be immediately available to most, so an underground commerce system will likely form. Again, the usage of “no one” in Rev. 13:17 parallels the usage of “everyone” in Rev. 13:16, detailing that the entire world common market will be governed by the beast and will necessitate having The Mark to participate in it.
{The Bible does not speak of this, but common sense would show it to be true.}
5) The Mark will consist of two types.
  1. The name of the beast
  2. The “number” of his name
It is important to remember that not every Mark will correlate to a number. We cannot be sure whether the majority will be related to his number or his name. The fact that even today a vast majority of people are familiar with 666 makes one wonder if the majority of “Marks” will relate to his name rather than his number as many will never imagine that they have the “dreaded Mark of the beast” because it is in no way related to a number.
6) The relationship of The Mark to the number of the beast will not likely be immediately apparent. Insight and wisdom will be necessary to make the connection.
Rev. 13:18 says that the correlation of The Mark to the number of the beast requires: 1) wisdom 2) insight and 3) calculation. The Bible says this despite the fact that a few words later the number 666 is given to us. For these reasons, The Mark will likely not be a large “666” tattooed on the back of the hand. We are encouraged to keep our mind and eyes open to recognizing The Mark. It may be prudent to avoid ANY marking or implantation of the right arm or head to avoid taking a device which is later transferred to the power of the beast.
It will be easier for those who have a marking or implant for innocent reasons to conform their pre-existing device to the name of a man, than it will be for first-time receivers of the marking or implantation.
{Very good points. With all the concern and mistrust for the government today, it will be hard to 'sell' people on anything resembling The Mark of The Beast.  Listen to your instincts-don't second guess yourself!

Here are my thoughts on tactics that will probably be used to get people to comply:
  • Embarrass & Correct. We will probably be ridiculed for our suspicions and shown, probably by people who seem to be experts on the Bible, how what they are proposing couldn't possibly be The Mark.  Listen carefully to exactly how things are worded!  For instance, I received an email update from my state representative, presumably to show how hard he was working and to justify his (sellout) position.  Here was his argument: "The rising cost of health care is stretching family budgets and hurting American businesses. And if we do nothing, our health care system will explode our national debt."  It's hard to argue that--it's probably true.  BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT THE DEBATE IS ABOUT!  I don't think I've heard anyone suggest that we should do NOTHING!  The devil likes to play with words.
  • Lies. We will probably be lied to.  Self explanatory, but not so easy to spot.  We have to learn to let people's actions do the talking and not put too much trust in the words they utter.  Listen to your instincts!
  • Shame & Shun. Piling on the guilt.
  • Downplay & Justify. Minimizing the consequences, but inflating the benefits.  Make the reasons to do it look big, and the reasons  not to do it look small, silly, unimportant, outdated, superstitious, uneducated, misinterpreted, evil, etc.
  • Possibly: pleading. If the above methods aren't working.
  • Threatening. If all else fails--to induce compliance based on fear.
  • Punishment. To frighten others into compliance.}
7) 666: What we know about it.
  1. The number is six-hundred and sixty-six, not six, six, six. Six, six, six is three separate numbers, whereas six-hundred and sixty-six is one number. The ramifications of this difference cannot be completely known at this time, but the Scriptures are clear that the number is a singular number, not three separate side-by-side numbers. Let the reader remember this important distinction.
  2. 666 is “the number of his name” meaning that it is connected, though calculation, to the beast’s name. The tying of this number to the name of the beast may mean that a literal Arabic number will not be visible on The Mark.
  3. 666 is also “that of a man”. The NIV translation of “man’s number” implies that mankind has a “number” which is known and can be used for our calculations. However, the structure of the Greek is properly denoted in the NASB and KJV. The number is “the number of a man”. Let no one be deceived into thinking that this name, or its number comes from heaven in anyway. This number comes from a man. And anyone who follows man instead of God [Galatians 1:10] is destined for an eternity apart from God.
Note: three interesting textual variants should be mentioned with regard to the number of the beast. We are very certain that the original Greek stated six-hundred and sixty-six, but a few documents give another number. They are:
  1. 665
  2. 646
  3. 616
8. Those who receive The Mark will be tormented with burning sulfur without rest forever. [Rev. 14:10-11]
{Here are a few easy things to remember, to help you have discernment in life, and to judge things by:
  • God adds & multiplies; Satan subtracts & divides.
  • God absolutely gives you free will; Satan seeks to control you, often through fear.
  • God is in charge; Satan is trying to unite men to himself to stir up enough psychic energy to unseat God.  (It won't work).
  • There is only One God, creator of all;  Satan is one god (not capitalized) that goes by many names.
  • There is one way to God (Jesus Christ); many ways to Satan.
  • God and Satan are not equals--God created Satan. God is superior; Satan is inferior.

*(Although I agree with what I have posted here--unless otherwise noted--I have no affiliation with the owners of said website, nor can I say whether or not I support their positions or agree with any of their other postings since I have not had adequate time to familiarize myself with their entire site.)}

A 'Sleeper Doctrine'
Just Another 'Blue Light Special'?

Homeschoolers--Why Not . . . ?

(My own children were homeschooled, based on my religious convictions.)

I don't intend to minimize the serious, and ever-growing challenges you are facing as homeschoolers in America today. I just have one simple suggestion, regarding SOME of the curricula you are being required to teach. I think it could be a wonderful opportunity to make the best of something Satan intends to use for evil.

If your child is old enough, and the material permits--why not study it together, with the explanation that this is something the government is requiring you to teach, and then take it apart? You can use it as an opportunity to illustrate propaganda & the engineering of social change, to teach critical thinking skills, and to really present your positions and the reasons behind them.

That said, I have not seen the material myself and don't know how well that would work. However, I suspect that they have said that you must teach the material, but have not dictated HOW.

(Comments welcomed)

Racism & Lincoln

Question for those who say America is racist:
If we are racist, why is Abraham Lincoln our favorite president, hands down?
(Lincoln was famous for ending slavery)

Are Blacks Being Baited To Start A Race War?
. . . It's About Freedom!!

Is It Time For The Unveiling?

There's not a day that goes by that I don't have to see his face or hear his voice on the TV. 

I heard it said that, in his speeches, he refers to himself every 13 seconds.  Could that be true?  He certainly does love the limelight, and he does seem to think a lot of himself.  He is strikingly arrogant, narcissistic even.

He manages to insert himself into the pettiest of situations, and seems to want to give everyone the impression that he is the mediator-, arbiter-, judge-, translator-, reconciler-, entertainer-, educator-, author-, and policy-maker-, in-chief. 

He seems to have great faith in his powers of persuasion.  It's as though he's thinking, 'Gee, if I could just talk to them, I could make them understand . . . '

It crossed the line from being merely annoying, to being downright obnoxious months ago.

(We are all aware of your positions.  When you continue to push, some people will cave but others will start to push back.  You are not as convincing as you think, and some of us don't find you charming at all!  Not that you are listening . . . especially not to me.)

All this promotion, and self promotion, had me wondering a long time ago--how long before they roll out the giant statue?

Now little children are extolling his virtues and worshiping him with songs of praise.  Surely their teachers weren't commissioned in this task . . .  They are probably just acting out of their own adoration for him (how wonderful he is!).

It's not just about the planet anymore, or Amerika, it's about our new savior.  Whatever the dish, it's not complete without a dash of him sprinkled on it!

Now they've put the suggestion out there to the artists funded by the NEA (National Endowment for the Arts), that they might like to think about how they could help him sell his agenda.   Was he secretly hoping one of them also might REALLY adore him . . . ?

Wait, what's that tapping I hear during the midnight hours?  Ah, my artist friend, what is this giant slab you are chiseling away at?  Let me come and stand beside you and see what you are creating.  This must be 20 feet tall!  Such workmanship!  Such love reflected in your sculpting!  What's that you say?  Oh yes--absolutely!  It looks exactly like him!

It's Time To Push Back!
Speaking Of Free Speech . . .

An Attack On America Is Imminent! (The Drunken Whore Part 2)

(Continued from Part 1, The Drunken Whore)
 I am not a student of war.  I don't know the proper terminology, but I know what I see taking shape.  I will describe it as best I can.
Russia and China are allied, and lately have been conducting joint military exercises.  Russia has also conducted joint naval exercises with Venezuela and is presently working with Cuba to upgrade its military equipment.The Chinese subs that have recently been patrolling off our coasts could obviously be a hindrance to shipping traffic in the event of a war against the United States.  And between Russia's outposts of Cuba & Venezuela, the Gulf of Mexico could be blocked. It is probably safe to assume that the Chinese subs are capable of initiating an EMP (ElectroMagnetic Pulse) attack,
An EMP attack would destroy, in an instant, any unshielded electronic equipment within range.  I would guess that means everything from a calculator to a jumbo jet--cell phones, computers, cars, digital thermostats, bank atms, gas pumps, cell phone towers, radio & tv broadcast equipment, etc.  We would be without, transportation and communication.  If it occurred in winter (which it almost certainly would), we would be without heat.
No means to get food,  no heat, no news, no way to call for help, no way to contact family, stuck in place with no transportation and no idea of what's going on.  (How long will it take to realize that it isn't an 'ordinary' blackout?  Well--does your cell phone work?  Does your calculator work?  Does your car start?)
That is how the war would most likely begin--and because of the damage an EMP attack does, it could be years before all these electronic components could be replaced-if they were even available.
Chinese and Russian cyber attacks have mapped out our critical infrastructure and have left software in place that will allow them to seize control of our electrical power grid.  Our water and sewage systems are also at risk.  So, add to the above: no electricity, no water, and sewers backing up.
A cold, dark hell.  For how long?  Plenty long enough for what would come next.
Consider the present state of our military.  Russia, who lost a protracted 'war of attrition with Afghanistan', now plays the part of 'Brer Rabbit' and concedes to let our military continue to exhaust its men and supplies in a location to which Russia controls evacuation and supply routes.  Weary soldiers have served tour upon tour in some of the most desolate, extreme and spiritually oppressive locations on the face of the earth.  And our blessed new leader (all hail) feels that this is an opportune time to begin disarming America by decreasing our military spending!  If all  that isn't enough, figure in the constant pressure, here at home, to disarm the American people.
The first wave of invasion will be Russian, from the north.  Alaska is just a skip and a jump from Russia.  (As I understand it, the land is passable when the ground is frozen to a great enough depth, making winter the most attractive time of year for an incursion via Alaska.)  The Russian tanks will roll in, cross Canada and flood the center of America.  At the same time, Russian tanks in Venezuela will be moving to the North--and others will be moving into the Southeast via Cuba.
I'm sure there's more.  Our oil supplies can obviously be cut off in the Persian Gulf, but I think (until the real attack comes) that's more likely to be a strategy to gain leverage over issues like permitting Iran and other Russian proxies to continue with their weapons programs.
Oh, did I forget to mention the new supersonic 'Sizzler' Russian antiship cruise missiles that can decimate a fleet of US aircraft carriers? Yeah, they're passing those out to their friends too . . .
We are missing what is in plain sight!!
Start doing your own Google searches about these subjects.  The warnings are out there, but we are falling apart in so many ways here at home, that we are nearly oblivious to the noose that is closing around us!
I was asked, by someone who was skeptical, 'Why would Russia attack us?'.  I don't know.  Do we have to have a reason first, to believe it could happen?  My immediate response is-why wouldn't they?
I guess it's the old 'glass half full or glass half empty' conundrum.  Some people look at things as being improbable unless there's a good reason for them to happen, but I see things as probable unless there's a good reason for them not to.
I can speculate as to why, or put myself in the place of a Russian or Chinese leader and see good reasons for it, but 'why?' is not really important to me. For me, the question is always 'how?'
It's important to remember-everyone is not like us.  We all see the world differently. We all have different aspirations, different values.  Just because we wouldn't do something, doesn't mean someone else wouldn't see it as being a perfectly good option.
If you are a person who always has to know why, my reasons will probably seem lame, but here they are:
  1. my intuition is telling me so
  2. several people in Russia, at great personal risk, are trying to alert us to the coming danger
  3. the Bible foretells it
Don't get stuck at why!

Here are some links to start with:

Here are a couple of older articles that are still very relevant:

And a video:

Selling Out Poland

The Drunken Whore (Part 1)

No one can hold the title forever.  One thing is certain--when you have something valuable, someone else will want to take it away.

As the American economy swirls down the drain and American society melts into chaos, powerful leaders of the shadow government (corporate/government/banking alliance whore) behind the Western World sit back and watch.  But they have sown the seeds of their own destruction.

In the final chapter of their plan for world dominion, they have set in motion powerful forces to bring America to her knees.  Once she is there, they plan to hold out a benevolent hand to lift her up.  This is when they will put in place the capstone of their planned world government--or so they think.

They must be starting to panic a bit now.  Once the forces of chaos are brought into play, no one can control them.  They are beginning to find that their groomed and sponsored messiah is not beholden to them.  For, along the way, he learned to despise them, and he formed alliances of his own.  They are but a mere stepping stone on his way to power, and soon he will grind them to dust.

Their narcissism has deluded them. They sowed the seeds of contempt, rage, and revenge amongst many peoples of the world when they extended them the same 'benevolent hand' that they plan to extend to America. 

They financially enslaved them by pitching great and wonderful projects to them that they could never afford to repay.  Then they loaned them the funds, with many strings attached, and took charge of the implementation.  They played to the greed of the leaders and conquered them, financially enslaved their people, and looted their natural resources.  Out of this have risen rebel groups and leaders--often the dictators that later foment the most hatred towards America.

They have come to believe that they are the divinely appointed keepers of all mankind, and for years they have been constructing a global hierarchy with themselves at the top and everyone else subservient to them.  But we do not all share their delusion and they have made enemies for themselves wherever they have gone.

Because America is the home of the multinational corporations, and the American government complicit in imposing their agenda, America has become the enemy.  America, rightfully or not, has become the face of oppression for most of the world. 

Most Americans, while unknowingly enjoying the spoils of the conquests, don't have a clue what is going on. Or haven't, until recently. Now that it has happened here (subprime mortgage crisis . . . ) America is waking up and beginning to tear at the flesh of the corporate/government/banking whore. 

At the same time, because of HER vile deeds, international coalitions are forming against America.  Fierce, vengeful, dictators have arisen in different countries, in defiance of her tyranny over them.  They are drawing into their camp those from all over the world who have a grievance against her.

While she is drunk on the wine of her conquests and gorged on the delicacies of her plunder, her enemies are encircling her.  They make their preparations and arm their outposts, gradually moving in on her.

As her economy crumbles and her people descend upon her, she rouses, but she is in a stupor and does not know which way to turn.  Her enemies watch, and continue their stealthy approach.  Famished, they lick their lips, creeping ever closer . . .  mere feet away and undetected . . . in a moment, they will pounce upon her.

(Continued in Part 2: An Attack On America Is Imminent!)

Speaking of Free Speech . . . Are We Listening?

There is a whole group of people that we, in our modern society have ignored, to our own peril.  Certain people are just born gatekeepers--watchmen if you will, or whistle blowers. 

If you look at our worst disasters, there were people who had been trying to warn us.  The 9/11 attacks . . . Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme . . . protests against the Vietnam War . .  . What about the 'Green Revolution', genetically modified crops, exploitation by multinational corporations . . . (oh, I'll bet you haven't heard about the results of some of these things, but you will). 

Our failure to listen has brought us to where we are now--and there is more to come.  We have been 'sowing bad seed' for quite awhile.  Not all of it has reached fruit-bearing age yet.

Why is it that our society has this blind spot?  Certain people are just more tuned in to their intuition, the Spirit of God and/or the 'collective consciousness'.  They are able to forecast trends or see a few steps ahead of the masses. 

If a person uses this gift to advance himself by channeling it into creating a business, it rises to the top, they become well-known and we marvel at their foresight. But those who try to use it for the well-being of others, to warn them of impending problems, we label as extremists or nut jobs.  Why is this?

One of my theories is that, in our time at least, what they say has tended to conflict with somebody's bottom line.  We have elevated the corporation to the status of a god--and God forbid we should do or say anything that questions the motives, or threatens the intentions of this god! 

Capitalism is good, but not perfect.  (I am a capitalist too, make no mistake, because I don't know of a better system.  But, in its present form, I think it is completely corrupt--a system that perpetrates greed, exploitation, and corruption.) It is seriously flawed if it operates without ethical oversight. 

The reverence and worship for the American Corporation that we hear today, in the words of so many proponents of capitalism,  reveals their blind spot, their Achille's heel if you will.  They are under its spell.

Are we starting to see the character of this god yet?  Have all the fiascos of the last couple of decades, and especially the last year, not caught our attention?  CORRUPT!  Without our watchmen at the gates, corruption thrives!  Our politicians have long been 'in bed' with these multinational corporations (and international banks--just another kind of multinational corporation).  Together, they have formed a shadow government that is really in charge of much of the world *. 

And who is it that stands to gain the most from silencing the voices of the gatekeepers?  The corrupt political/corporate/banking government.  They marginalize and discredit the voices of opposition.  This is always the way it works--discredit the witness.

But, here is something to consider--what do the parties involved stand to gain?  Doesn't the fact that the gatekeeper/whistleblower has nothing to gain lend him more credibility?  Doesn't the fact that he is willing to speak out, sometimes at GREAT personal risk, lend him even greater credibility?  Can we not believe that not everyone can be bought, that not everyone is motivated by greed?  No, instead we are suspicious of someone whose motives we can't uncover. 

There IS a certain breed of people, motivated by the desire for justice and the welfare of others!  Many people can't understand such a motivation, and believe it is just a cover for something sinister, or for a mental defect.  But most of us respect that calling if it is channeled into a career as a pastor, teacher or social worker! 

It is time to wake up and realize that what we have needed has been here all along.  Every society has its watchmen. They are legitimate in their calling, and they are our first line of defense--against corruption, tyranny, exploitation, etc., etc, etc.  It's time to seek them out and listen!!

* The Bible refers to this present-day political/corporate/banking government, in Revelation, as 'Babylon the Great'. Some call it 'The Whore of Babylon'.

It's Time To Push Back!

If You Are Black, I Have A Question For You.--Are You Being Provoked To Start A Race War?

It's interesting when someone, who knows nothing about you, tells you something about yourself that you didn't know--and it' sure makes them look ridiculous when they're wrong!

Jimmy Carter says I'm a racist.  Hmm . . . really?  Lets consider the source.  I used to admire Mr. Carter.  Because of his work with Habitat for Humanity, I figured he must just be a wonderful guy.  However, according to the Secret Service Agents that served him during his time in the White House, he was a real 'piece of work' (my words).

Apparently he treated these people with contempt, in the typical southern plantation style. 'Agents were not allowed to address him directly or make eye contact when he passed'.  And he often prevailed upon them to do menial tasks for him that were not in their job description.  Without going into the details, I'll summarize by saying he was VERY different when the cameras weren't around, and went to great lengths to put on a facade for them. (More details can be found in the August 2009 issue of Newsmax.)

It has been my experience that liars think everyone is a liar, and cheaters think everyone is a cheater, etc. People often project their own character flaws onto others when they make accusations.  As the old saying goes 'it takes one to know one'.   So with that in mind, and in light of what I learned about his character, I would be fairly confident in betting that Mr. Carter is a racist.  He may have learned to mask it, but if he treated even his bodyguards with contempt (and they were probably white), what are the chances he sees blacks as equals?

I point this out, not necessarily to malign Mr. Carter, but to show that this is a ridiculous accusation, from someone whose opinion probably shouldn't be given too much weight in regards to issues of prejudice.

If memory serves me, one of the big theories among the radicals of the sixties is that there would be a revolution and a race war.  Now these radicals are running the show.  One of their main objectives is to cause chaos and dismantle our current government and society so that they can replace it with a Communist/New Age regime. If you are black, I have a question for you:  are you being provoked to start a race war?

Thankfully, it appears most people aren't taking the bait.  I have rarely met a racist.  I know racism exists in America.  I know polygamy exists in America, and pedophilia, and slavery, and a host of other despicable things.  But I don't think there are many people who can say that is their normal experience of life in America.  I don't believe it is widespread.  There are pockets of it, sure.  But if that is what you are seeing day to day, perhaps you should consider moving to another town.  There are certainly plenty of places to go where you will be appreciated and respected for who you are!

(And, if this is your experience, after you get out-please expose it!  There are a lot of us white folks who would like to stamp out racism, so lets bring it into the light and deal with it.)

I cannot imagine what it is like to be born into the land of your grandparents' oppressors.  What white men inflicted on the Negroes, Native Americans, and others, is despicable, abominable, and without excuse!

I think many whites feel shame over what their forefathers did.  However, you can only push that so far!  We will apologize and try to make right, UP TO A POINT but, just as you were not the ones who were enslaved, we were not slaveholders.  A couple of generations have passed, and we will not take the responsibility for the sins of our ancestors upon ourselves.  We are sorry.  They will have to stand before God and be judged for what they did.

I can assure you I have always been opposed to slavery and would actively be working with the underground railroad, if I were living in that time.  However, I'm pretty sure you are not going to like the rest of what I have to say. I'll tell you the basis for my attitude souring over the past decade or so, because I believe it's happening with others too, and I believe you have the right to understand why.

Some blacks keep on pushing, and they are the ones I see.  Being white, I am not in your home, your church or your neighborhood.  I don't see the full extent of your culture.  What I do see is just a slice--I don't think it represents most African Americans, at least I sure hope it doesn't.  It is the rude, loud, arrogant, disrespectful, in-your-face part.  The gangster wannabe part. The violent, profane, rap music part.  The pants-falling-off-the-butt part.  I don't care about the color of your skin, or where your ancestors were from--what I care about is your attitude!

The generation that fought for civil rights was a proud and respectful generation.  I think they would roll over in their graves at the way the younger generation is undoing the respect they fought for!  They seemed to understand that, if you want to be respected, you need to behave respectfully.

Some people bring on their own problems.  If they come into a quiet neighborhood with rap music blasting profanity and their pants falling off their butt, and they want to rent a house there, they shouldn't be surprised if they are turned away!  If they were white, it would be the same!  If they present themself in a way that would scare customers back out the door--they shouldn't be surprised if they don't get the job!

It certainly seems to be in vogue lately to throw out accusations of racism.   You've probably heard the old story of 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' . . . the story of a boy who liked to get the village people all riled up by calling 'wolf' so they would run out to protect him.  He did it so often that, pretty soon everybody was on to him and paid him no more attention.  Then, one day, there really was a wolf, and nobody believed him or came to his aid.  Enough said?

If you think I am discriminating against you, I just might be--but don't be so quick to assume it's because of the color of your skin.  What is your attitude?  What do the lyrics of your music say about you?  Because, if you are blasting it loudly, I'm going to assume you are using it as a way of speaking your mind.  And, last but not least, maybe I'm just afraid of interacting with you.  Not afraid you'll cut my throat, but afraid that, despite my best intentions, I'm going to end up doing or saying something that offends you.

The other thing I'm going to say is this: I have seen many more people of color who are racist than whites who are.  In fact, it seems to be the approved attitude in black culture today.  I think if I hear  ' . . . it's because I'm black' one more time, I'm going to scream!   Sometimes, claiming racism is just a copout!

To me, constantly bringing the issue of race into things is a pretty good indicator that the person who does so is a racist.  Believe it or not, a person's race rarely crosses my mind, and even more rarely does it influence my decisions!  I believe that's true of most of the white folks I know.

From what I've seen, most whites don't give much thought to race. (I guess it's easier not to if you weren't the ones who were oppressed.)  But, an unintended consequence of making accusations of racism is that it is training us to think of race, where in the past we wouldn't have.  And, being that the focus on it is happening in such a negative way,  I don't feel like it is creating more understanding between us.  Instead, I think it is dividing us into 2 camps, and none of us has a choice which camp we end up in, because it is based on the color of our skin--something none of us had a choice in.

Are you sure you are a victim of racism? Or, are you being baited to start a revolution?  Are you angry about your own experiences, or are you being provoked by the words of others?  Are you being told the truth--or are you being used to further someone else's agenda?

I can understand being angry if you don't feel like you're being treated fairly.  However, the way you choose to try to resolve it will have a lot to do with the results you'll achieve.

So, what do you want to accomplish?  Do you want to continue to be angry and adversarial?  Do you want to increase racism?  All these accusations are certainly increasing racism among young blacks!  Think of the example it sets for them!  If you can't get past the anger, then lets TALK.

Or, do you want to turn it around?  If you're ready to change it, here is something that may help:

What you may  not realize is that people tend to reflect back what you project to them.  If you project anger and mistrust at them, they're likely to reflect that back on you.  But, if you project yourself as a calm, rational, confident person that is equal to them, that's how you'll likely be treated.

I think a lot of black people simply don't understand that's how relationships with whites work.  People that mouth off and try to be threatening are the ones who meet with the most resistance.  Those who project themselves as inferior are going to attract people that treat them as if they are.

When you interact with most whites, except the ridiculously arrogant 'elite', you'll be treated the way you want if you are polite, calm, rational and confident.

Slavery is behind us.  You have been given the full rights of citizenship. I think you can safely assume that the majority of us see you as equals.  (As far as the few that don't-they have a problem, and they make us uncomfortable too.)  From our point of view, we are confused as to why you keep on fighting.  You've already won!  Just live the part!

Racism & Lincoln 
. . . It's About Freedom!!

It's Time to Push Back!

Has my silence been giving the wrong impression?

For several decades I have been silent--a spectator.  I may have written one or two 'letters to the editor', but I'm not sure.  I never called in to voice my opinion on a talk radio show.  I never held up a sign at a rally.  In fact, I'm not sure I ever WENT to a rally!

I am starting to believe that my silence may have spoken louder than words.  I think that my failing to exercise my freedom of speech may have given the impression that it wasn't important to me.  That by not giving voice to my opinions, it was assumed I was aligned with the majority.

Well, now I'm 'going postal' in the blogosphere.  Realizing I might lose my right to speak out,  I've decided to give my viewpoints while I still can.

Our rights have been eroding for a long time.  At first it was our own fault.  We willing yielded our right to speak by not exercising it.  Later, it began to get a bit uncomfortable as 'political correctness' swept the nation, but we submitted to that too.  The final stage will be to wrest away from us the portion of that freedom that we have held onto.

This is a pattern that repeats itself all around us.  It is a principal by which things in this world operate.

We have realized this to some extent-as summarized by the popular phrase 'if you don't use it, you'll lose it'.  This is often referring to physical fitness or mental ability, but it applies across the board.  What you don't use, you will ultimately lose.

Take another example from nature.  Things have a way of encroaching.   If you take time to notice, many weeds creep into your lawn, or garden, from around the edges.  Let's say you take a laid back approach when you mow.  You hate to do it so you rarely do.  When you get around to it there are thick weeds and small saplings around the edges.  So, being laid back, you don't feel like confronting them and you mow around them.  Each time you mow, you give up a little more of your yard because they keep encroaching, pushing further and further in.

Freedom is not a natural state.  There is always something encroaching.  If you aren't willing to risk a confrontation, you will end up ceding more and more of your liberty.  Our founders knew this and they put in place checks and balances.  They realized that, being most closely woven into our lives, our government would be our first greatest threat.  Outside enemies come in second.  The greatest threats to our liberty are going to come from within.

To keep your freedom you must, at the very least, hold onto the territory that you already have.  In America we have certain rights, but if we don't exercise them, we will find them gone.  Most of us probably thought it was enough to put our rights up on a shelf--handy and close, if the occasion should arise that we needed to exercise them.  Now, if I leave my car parked in the driveway for twenty or thirty years, I'd be foolish to expect it to work properly when the need arises.  So it is with our rights.

If you prize your rights, you'd better use them!  Even if it just means taking them down off the shelf every few months, and using them to keep in practice.  When you don't exercise your rights, you imply that you may be willing to surrender them.

It's time to fight back against the encroachment.  It's time to push back!  And this time, lets not be content just to preserve our original boundaries.  While we're at it, lets push farther and take some new ground!

Our first & second Amendment rights are the most in peril right now.

"Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

'Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.'

It's time to hold a 'fire drill'!  Please:

  • Choose a religion and exercise it!
  • Speak out boldly!
  • Support the press that tells the truth.
  • Assemble peacefully.
  • Petition the government as often as necessary.
  • Buy a weapon for self defense.

Even if these are things you don't ordinarily do--in fact, ESPECIALLY if these are things you don't ordinarily do-do them now!  Let me give you some good reasons to:

  • You care most about what you are invested in.  If you choose a religion, speak out, watch the news, assemble peacefully, sign petitions and buy a weapon, you are going to notice when someone attempts to take that right away from you, and you are going to care!
  • Our exercise of our rights makes it clear to those who would take them that: we value our rights, we will notice if they attempt to take them away, and we will probably fight to preserve them.  Using your rights can be a powerful deterrent to those who would think to take them away.
  •  If anyone DOES attempt to rob us of those rights, a great cry will go up,  that people all around the world will witness.  Most evil prefers to operate in secret!

Let's push back--hard!!

Is The Transformation To Communism Already Well Underway?

Selling Out Poland

Well, Obama has made another national security 'blunder'.  He has reneged on our assurance of protection to Poland by giving up on the missile defense shield--in order to grovel for Russia's love.

This president is consistently showing his support for Marxists and dictators.  People who say he doesn't realize have just not been ready to face the ugly truth.  The timing of his announcement was the 70th anniversary of Poland's invasion by Germany!  Not only did he make the announcement that he would no longer protect Poland--he made it in capital letters, boldfaced print, underlined and with exclamation points!

If that is not enough, if you still think it was ignorance or an oversight, or whatever, you need to look at the whole picture so far: 

  • He continues to meet with dictators. 
  • He supports the corrupt, constitution-violating, ousted leader of Honduras who was moving to establish himself as a dictator. 
  • He had to be pushed to make any statement of support for the patriots in Iran that were protesting the fraudulent elections that allowed a madman to stay in power in their country.
  • He 'honored' the British with an absolutely pathetic gift --a boxed set of American movie classics (as though they couldn't be purchased by anybody, anywhere!)  The British, by contrast, gave him a priceless gift with deep meaning-an ornamental pen holder made from the timbers of a British anti-slave ship!
  • He returned a special gift from Britain (a bust of Churchill).

It's not that any of these things, taken alone, couldn't be rationalized, justified, explained away or forgiven.  It is the consistency of his actions that is concerning.  Obama consistently says one thing and does another.  You have the inner spirit of the man (expressed through his actions) and the clever facade that hides it (expressed through his words). This is where the old truism comes in--'ACTIONS speak louder than words'!

There are 2 Obamas: the one talking and the one acting.  Tease the two apart and you will have 2 very different results-the compendium of all he says and the embodiment of all he does.

Which do you think is the truth?   Which one matters the most?

 The American Paradigm Is About To Be Shattered!

The Witness (Oh yes . . . Part 4)

(Continued from Part 3, 'Novus Ordo Seclorum')
What a great responsibility we have!  We are one of the few countries where the people have the power of governing themselves!  We are one of the few, and probably the best equipped, to delay and frustrate the plans of the antichrist in setting up his government!  The date he will take the throne of world government has not been set.  The American people may be the only ones who can delay it--by standing up for our rights and refusing to give up our rights to govern ourselves!  We can not stop what God has said will happen, but we don't have to allow it to happen here, now!
God has entrusted us with much and much will be required of us.  We--individual Americans--have a grave responsibility, not just for ourselves, but for freedom loving people all over the world,to resist!  How disappointed God will be--after giving us such great natural resources, inspired founding documents and direction, prosperity, freedom, and understanding--if we squander it and allow the world to be taken captive by the antichrist!
I believe America's whole foundation & existence was divinely ordained to put an obstacle in the way of Satan's plan at this very point in time!  I believe we are called to use our freedom &; constitutionally guaranteed rights to resist and expose the truth about Satan's plan to the world, at this very hour, while we still have those rights!  This is the fulfillment of Christ's words in Matthew 24:14:
'And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.'
That is us, American believers!  And each of us now has the freedom & the tools to preach the gospel to people throughout the entire world, from the comforts of home!  We can be at the forefront of this great mission!
I believe the words 'for a witness' hold special significance.  I believe this means that we, while the events spoken of in the end times prophecies are unfolding, will be explaining them to people throughout the world, and sharing the gospel message!  No one will be able to say they didn't understand what was happening, and who was its author, if we do what we have been divinely inspired to do--in this very hour!  Our message will be the 'witness' to them whereby they will later be judged as to whether they understood what they were participating in!
Don't be mistaken though, if you answer the call, you will likely give your life in the process.  You will likely be one of the 'multitude in white robes' who were martyred during the 'time of great tribulation' for spreading the word of God and the testimony/witness of the meaning of the events that are unfolding.
The first of the seven seals (written about in the book of Revelation, Holy Bible) has been opened.  The four horsemen of the apocalypse are being released (invisible spiritual beings, empowered by God to pour out His judgment upon an unrepentant world).
The rider on the white horse has been loosed upon the world, bent on conquest.  This is not a conquest of war and bloodshed, but it is a subjugation, a seizure of freedom from those that resist, and a seduction to those willing to surrender.
The other three horsemen will soon follow.  Be on the watch for the second (he causes men to kill each other-don't assume it just means in the context of war), the third (food prices will skyrocket-it will cost an average day's wages for a loaf of bread), and the fourth (death--by weapons, famine, plague & wild animal attacks).

This is a warning to you of some of the dangers America is now facing from within while, simultaneously, God's judgment is starting to be poured out on the earth. Most people are unaware that America is under siege from within, and will soon be attacked from outside as well.  We are surrounded by enemies! Our only hope is in God.  Repent and pray for His intervention and deliverance!
(Separate blogs will explain the dangers mounting against us from our enemies outside our borders, what prophecies say will happen to America, and whether there is any hope for us.)

The Drunken Whore

Novus Ordo Seclorum --'A New Order of the Ages' (Oh yes . . . Part 3)

(Continued from Part 2, 'Amerika')

There WILL BE one world government, ruled by the antichrist.  I don't want to see it happen, because I've read the end of the book--I KNOW how that turns out!  While the Bible spells out much about what will take place, it doesn't say that America has to be the seat of his power!

Sure, our currency reflects the designs that the freemasons have, for a world government that begins in America--but that is not prophecy! It is a hope, a plan, a goal of some--but God has not decreed it to happen.

Don't be fooled by false 'prophecies'--a prophecy is only as infallible as the one who ordains it!  Maybe the Mayans somehow saw the future--or not.  Maybe Nostradamus saw what would happen--or not, etc., etc., etc.

The Bible makes it clear that if a prophet is speaking God's prophecies--he will never be wrong!  If he is not 100% right in his prophecies, then they did not come from God.  And if it doesn't claim to be the word of God, then it is not even a prophecy.  It is a goal, a hope, a fear, or an opinion!

If you are still not convinced that something new has settled upon our country, that there is a conspiracy unfolding, then look at the alliances Obama is making.  He is snubbing our traditional white, imperialist allies and befriending dictators!  Sure, you can say he is just trying to 'establish a dialogue' with them to bring about resolution to current conflicts--but that is just the cover!  In fact, it isn't even a cover.  All of this is happening in plain sight, yet people do not see!

We currently have several world leaders, who have recently seized power from their people--Putin, Chavez, Zelaya.  Elected democratically, they then changed the laws, enabling themselves to stay in office.  Wake up please.  It is happening in America now too!

If you don't think he sympathizes with these dictators, look at his response to the heroic efforts of the Hondurans in ousting a leader who was doing the same thing he is--usurping power and violating the people's constitutional rights!  He sided with Zelaya and insists he should be returned from exile and placed back into power over the Honduran patriots!

And consider his lack of response to the brave freedom loving people in Iran who were protesting a fraudulent election.  Silence, until he was repeatedly pushed to issue some kind of response-- and even then it was lukewarm at best!

These are the people that Obama is befriending--bold, audacious men that take what they want by force.  I believe he feels a kinship with these men because he has similar ambitions.  In fact, I believe they are all auditioning for the position of world leader.

These are the philosophical allies of our president--and he is working to establish them as his political allies as well!  Every move he makes is to court those who despise freedom and draw them into his circle of influence!

Look at his appointees-many of them are drawn from the ranks of the organizations he puts them in charge of overseeing!  Do you not see that he is throwing the door open wide and letting the fox into the henhouse?  And he welcomes people from every ideology that is opposed to America as we know it!

The status quo is under attack--and it probably should be!  But the direction in which he is taking us instead is not towards honesty, transparency, justice, and equality.  Those are his claims, but you must look at his actions!  While he may cover his real convictions with the words we want to hear, the people he surrounds himself with don't even attempt to veil their convictions!

It has struck me how he has told us, more or less, what he planned to do.  His agenda is not deeply concealed.  In fact, it is so obvious that it is hard to understand why people are not seeing what it is!  Unlike previous administrations, his ambitions and design are all happening in plain sight-this is very unusual too!  Here is why I believe that it is happening this way:

Whether or not he knows and intends that what he is putting in place in America will pave the way for the antichrist to have world dominion is not apparent at this time.  However, there are deep spiritual involvements and implications here!

Understand, for example, that a person cannot be possessed without inviting it.  There are spiritual laws that cannot be violated.  So too, it would be a violation of spiritual laws for Satan to seize control of  government on earth.  However, he is free to persuade & deceive men to grant him the power that is rightfully theirs!  So, he courts the leaders of the world's people.

So, Obama is NOT violating spiritual laws in creating a government for the antichrist to control.  He is doing this in plain sight to obtain the implied consent of the American people!  He may say one thing, but we can see, if we choose to, what he is really doing.  This protects the antichrist from being unseated on the grounds that he violated spiritual laws in obtaining his power. Therefore, if you have any objections to what is happening, you must act to oppose it now, while the power of government still belongs to the American people.

(Continued in Part 4, 'The Witness')

Amerika (Oh yes . . . Part 2)

(Continued from Part 1, 'Oh Yes He Does Get It')

You know what, this world is not my home.  I'm just a traveler and this is a brief stop on my way home.  A rest stop on the way to eternity.  If everybody really wants a one world government, and I can see some justifications for it, then let them have it!  But they should be careful what they wish for!  What we first submit to willingly, becomes a yoke of iron upon our necks!

There WILL BE one world government.  I don't want to see it happen, because I've read the end of the book--I KNOW how that turns out!  But, if that's what the people are ready for, so be it.  This has been a free country.  If the last free choice made BY THE PEOPLE is to surrender that freedom, then fine.

But I am MAD AS HELL, that it is being foisted upon us!  This is not what the majority of Americans want!  And may I be so bold as to say, if that is what you want, then leave!  We wish to remain the land of the free and the home of the brave!  I still have the right to speak, the right to vote, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  How dare you try to take that from me! 

Most of the rest of the world loves your ideas--so go somewhere else and join them!  Leave those of us who prize our freedom to live in our own little country and mind our own business!  (That's really what we should have been doing all along!  Instead, we seem to have initiated this whole global domination thing, but in a benign way, of course . . . ?)

As I said, there WILL BE one world government, but NOT IN MY BACKYARD!  If that is what you want, do it somewhere else!  You are not going to have my  help to begin it here in America!!

People, please wake up and exercise your rights while you still have them.  Obama is not the antichrist, but he foreshadows him.  The antichrist will be like Obama but bigger, faster, more charming, more cunning, more deceptive, more popular, more powerful, more audacious.  And he WILL be the leader of this world government that is coming.

If you can't see beyond Obama's facade, how are you ever going to recognize the antichrist when he comes?  If you are a little uncomfortable with the changes now, but not enough to act--how comfortable do you think you will be when the antichrist takes the reigns?  Unless God intervenes, with the path that we are now on, the antichrist will be our next leader!!

(Continued in Part 3, 'Novus Ordo Seclorum ')

Oh Yes He Does Get It! (Part 1)

I am surprised that so many people still don't get it.  I hear, daily, how Obama just isn't getting the message, just isn't understanding the American people, foreign policy, the economy, etc.  I think people that say this are being very gracious to him, and have not yet awakened to what is going on.

Obama gets it!  Trust me, he gets it!  He was prepared for this when he began his conquest of America. Surely he anticipated the reaction of the people to his radical agenda!  He just isn't listening!  He doesn't want to hear it!

Look at him with an open mind.  So many people are projecting their hopes onto him that they aren't seeing who he really is.  Look at his past, the activities he was a part of, and the people he surrounds himself with.  Understand that he shares the same beliefs as his inner circle of friends & czars. 

These are people who have been waiting a long time for a revolution.  Their protests began in the sixties, about how the government and American corporations were in bed together, and that they were damaging the environment and exploiting people.  But their protests fell on deaf ears.  Some of these people moved on with their life and adapted to things the way they were, others found constructive ways to make a difference.  But, the folks that have taken over the White House now are those that could not let it go!  I can understand, because I share the same concerns.

For some people, it can become such a matter of conscience and such an obsession, that they will go to whatever lengths are necessary to right the wrongs they see.  The sad thing is, through years of bitterness and resentment, devising plans and strategies, they imperceptibly begin to drift into the same moral decay that they so detest! 

Tired of failing to get their turn by legitimate means, they wait, and fume, and plot. Finally they have an opportunity, and they seize power and begin to enact their agenda.  For the rest of us it's just the same old song and dance.  Change the names, change the faces, but the game is played the same.  Once they gain power, it becomes about domination and control, having things their way, and subjecting everyone else to their version of what is in everyone's best interest, while jealously guarding power for themselves and--not listening. 

The radicals on campus have moved into the White House.  The people are to be at the mercy of the 'greedy capitalist pigs' no longer-instead, they will have their rights revoked and be strangled by the tentacles of an all-encompassing, monumentally intrusive monster of a government that will enslave them to the wishes of the new ruling elite--all in their best interest, of course.

But this time the stakes are so much higher!  We are dealing with people who take power that isn't theirs to wield, who lie, and cheat, and steal (not paying one's taxes seems to be the secret password for this crowd).  And they are not content just to have their four, or eight, years in power and then allow the pendulum to swing back the other way.  They want to surrender the sovereignty of our country and merge it into a world government!  Do you wonder what they're building, as Glenn Beck says?  They are building the foundation for a world government!

(Continued in Part 2, 'Amerika')


I like a bumper sticker I recently saw:

"Yes you did . . . elect a Marxist dictator!"

If you haven't woken up yet, I hope you will soon.  America has been hijacked by a bunch of radical Marxists.  Obama's little collection of czars seems to include holders of every kind of wacky philosophy I've ever heard of-and more!

And no, I wasn't all that happy with Bush!  However, with him it was just more of the same government intrusion we'd gotten used to through the years.  Obama was something else-I'll give him that! All of a sudden, many of us jolted awake from our uneasy slumber!  A line had been crossed, the camel's back had broken-however you want to describe it.  But suddenly it was all too much and happening way too fast!!

And so we've been scrambling to find out what we are up against (those of us who are tired of having our constitutional rights trampled on), and we've been learning an awful lot of ugly truths. 

For me, the way this all has unfolded, and the string of 'bad choices' that have been made, seems to be far more than stupidity, ineptness, or inexperience. (I had the same feeling during the Clinton years, that something else was going on.  It seemed to me the Clintons had their eye on a bigger prize than the presidency.)  This administration, in less than a year, has wiped away any doubts I may have had about some kind of conspiracy to take down our government.

Our country is systematically being disarmed, impoverished, and dismantled.  I believe this is all being orchestrated, for the purpose of initiating a world government. 

Many people now believe that there are a group of elite bankers and wealthy men that are behind this.  They talk about the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers,  etc.  And there are theories involving the Illuminati, the Freemasons, etc.  It is fascinating reading for the curious, but it can absorb much time and accomplish little.  I'll throw my idea in as well-these groups are not necessarily working together, but may be in competition with the same goal in mind.

And now, a new development.  I believe Obama was chosen by this elite group, who reportedly controls who will be elected, to be the last 'democratically elected' president.  And he is hard at work building a new government that will emerge from the ruins of the old one, because the plan is to destroy the old one by some catastrophic crisis or crises, real or contrived, in the very near future.  (Ever stop to think about how easily he has been appointing czars as compared to the less than stellar progress he has made in filling legitimate positions in his administration?)  And so, the puppet makes his masters proud.  But I foresee a twist to this story.

Obama, or the people who have helped him navigate his way, seem to be fairly astute in figuring out how the game is played.  He aligns himself with people that share his views, yet at the same time, he is able to convince the elites, who may not share all of the same radical views, that they can work together for a 'win-win' situation.  I think they underestimated him.  For whatever reason, and race probably being part of it, they picked him as the man to represent the system they have been devising, and to sell it to the world.  But I believe they are going to find themselves ensnared in the trap they have set.

I believe his agenda runs deeper than they suspected, though they may now be starting to catch on.  I sense in him, and his wife, a particular arrogance, and a seething contempt for rich, white, elitists.  They are the pig he rode to power, but that pig has just been invited to dinner!

Is The Transformation To Communism Already Well Underway?
Is The President AWOL?

The American Paradigm Is About To Be Shattered!

(written 2/6/09)

Part I
We are usually unaware of how our perceptions and understanding of life are filtered through our paradigm. That paradigm is shaped by our experiences, our friends, our family , the people in our lives, the media. ‘That’s just the way things are’ or ‘That’s how things work’ or ‘That’s how things should be’—that is our paradigm. Anything outside of our paradigm is ‘impossible’ or ‘unthinkable’. Few of us think to question it. But, the American Paradigm is about to be shattered.
When we have observed people with whom nothing makes sense , whose explanations are full of holes, and whose actions seem illogical at best, we begin to doubt their honesty. Most honest people operate from the paradigm that others are honest and it is very confusing to them when confronted with the incongruency of a dishonest person. Other dishonest people aren’t fooled, because they operate from a different paradigm—one that allows for the possibility than any other person may also be dishonest. Innocence, naivette, gullibility, call it what you will. Take a small child who believes in Santa Claus and confront him with the truth. He will call upon the most absurd explanations to preserve his paradigm! When our paradigm is shown to be false, we are shaken to our core.
God often teaches us by patterns. For the past few years, and certainly accelerating in recent days, are the uncoverings of dishonesty in people and institutions that we have trusted. Lets assume the acceleration is God’s way of speaking LOUDLY to us, of putting an exclamation point at the end of the lesson. What might this lesson be? What might each of these uncoverings be foreshadowing? Are they beginning to put some cracks into the American Paradigm . . . beginning to open our eyes to things that seemed unthinkable . . . impossible?
When you look around you does everything seem to be coming apart? Is everything happening too quickly to make sense of it? Are we calling upon absurd explanations to make sense of all that is unfolding around us? ‘The American People’ are very optimistic, generous, and naïve. That is at the core of our paradigm. But, what if there really is evil afoot? What if there really are people who are not concerned with the common good, but rather, with their own ambitions? No, that’s not news, we can all agree on that. We’ve seen that for a number of years, and certainly, accelerating in recent days. But what might this foreshadow? What might God want to open our eyes to . . . to warn us about? What is coming?
Part II
The president of the United States loves The American People and seeks for their good, for their best . . . the president of the United States is a benevolent leader whose patriotism is beyond question . . . the president represents the will of those who elected him . . . the president’s will is to honor the high calling of serving and protecting The American People. Paradigm.
What if his will superseded the will of The American People? What if he was neither serving, nor protecting The American People? When we observed him, would nothing make sense? Would his explanations be full of holes? Would his actions seem illogical at best?
If he were corrupt, dishonest and concerned with his own ambitions . . . if he was not working for our good . . . if he was not benevolent . . . not patriotic . . . what could his agenda possibly be? Who is more powerful than the President of the United States? Who COULD BE more powerful than the President . . . ? What more could he desire? Power corrupts.
What if he felt called, chosen, destined . . . to unite and lead the world?
Part III
What would it take to unite the world? Country against country, clan against clan, family against family . . . what could possibly be big enough to unite the world? It must be a believable threat. Whether or not it be true is irrelevant. What is crucial is that the threat be credible to people all over the world and soon affect them personally. A threat that no one could escape. A terrible shadow looming over all of mankind. An urgent mandate to unite against a common threat. Something huge enough to make us oblivious to a shift of power, or to clamor for it, in light of the threat we faced. Global warming . . . economic collapse . . . pandemic . . . natural disaster . . .
Part II Revisited
What if he felt called, chosen, destined . . . to unite and lead the world?
Would his patriotism . . . to the entire world . . . not be more noble than allegiance to just one country?
In the name of world peace and unity he could undermine his country . . . disarm them . . . reverse the old policies . . . make concessions . . . negotiate with terrorists . . . empower the downtrodden . . . reconcile age-old enemies . . . and be revered as . . . Savior Of The World.
A new paradigm bursts forth! The deceptive explanations, the illogical actions . . . it all fits now. It all makes sense. All the pieces are coming together-quickly. The confusion gives way to clarity, the nagging doubts become certainty, the senseless now makes perfect sense. Thunder resounds as The American Paradigm is shattered and crumbles to the ground. Tears fall like rain and the people shriek in rage . . . betrayed, betrayed, betrayed . . .

Oh Yes He Does Get It!

Here's The Deal . . .

The Deal is that man & woman (Adam & Eve) were created good, and pure.  They were allowed to live, protected, in a perfect environment & were given free will.

CENTRAL to God's plan for people is their FREE WILL!

God set before them a choice-to have a relationship with Him, on His terms, or to follow their own desires. They chose the latter, thereby severing the relationship with God and choosing, ultimately, death.

But God loved them and knew the horrible fate to which they would be consigned-and all of their descendants as well.  I believe His heart was grieved for all of mankind that would follow, already sentenced to death and cut off from relationship with Him.  (Since Adam's choice, all mankind is born into sin and each one will ultimately commit sin him/herself.  Once a person knowingly sins, they are cut off from relationship with God.)

He had known, sadly, when He created them that this is the path they would take and so, when He created them He already had in mind a plan to bring about good for them, in spite of the choice they would make.  Although angry with Adam & Eve, He still loved them and His heart overflowed with forgiveness.

In order for mankind to be reconciled to Him, He would have to come to earth, live a sinless life in a human body of His own, and pay for the sins of all mankind by surrendering Himself to death and hell.

So, He chose a virgin and, by His Spirit, conceived a child within her. The Son, (part of God, who is a triune being--Father, Son and Holy Spirit) who had lived in Heaven, now came to earth in a body of flesh.  He lived a sinless life so that His death could pay the price for the sins of all mankind and so that they could be set free-if they choose.

He surrendered His body and spirit to death and descended into hell.  Here He paid the price for the sins of every man, past, present & future.  He spent 3 days in Hell and triumphed over Satan, then was resurrected.  He spent a short time on the earth with his disciples and then ascended into heaven.
It's that simple.  You could compare it to someone buying you an all expenses paid vacation to the Bahamas.  But you won't wake up on the beach unless you accept their gift, take the ticket, pack your bags and get on the plane.  Although the price has paid, you still have to make the choice and do your part.

To be reconciled to God you
  • admit and repent of your sins (be sorry about them, ask forgiveness for them, and make up your mind not to live that way anymore)
  • believe that He is God, that He came to earth, lived a sinless life, and died to pay for your sins
  • accept His gift of freedom & life, with thankfulness
  • pray to Him, read the Bible, and ask Him to connect you with Christians for friendship, teaching, protection and spiritual support
  • be faithful to Him

'The Mark Of The Beast': Characteristics
A 'Sleeper' Doctrine?

Extraterrestrials-Could They Be Human?

I have not been inclined to believe in space aliens.  The Bible says that Satan can disguise himself even as an angel of light, and the Scriptures do not deal with the subject.  Therefore, I haven't spent my time delving into that.  I place the idea into one of two categories (or both):
  1. a deception
  2. a distraction
Because God does not address the matter in the Scriptures, I feel that it is not central to the point around which the Scriptures revolve.  There is no end to what God could have included in the Scriptures.  However, everything in them either points to, prophesies of, foreshadows or explains The Deal between God and man.  The timeline on The Deal is coming to a close, so that makes it even more of a priority to not get distracted.
That being said, I suspect that something to do with extraterrestrials (real or otherwise) will be a part of end times/latter days events.  
As I said, I have not spent my time delving into the matter and I am no expert.  Like everyone else, I have some familiarity with the subject.  Many people claim to have had encounters with otherworldly beings.  The dominant themes that emerge seem to be:
  • Fear and negative feelings surrounding the encounter
  • Being dominated
  • Being physically examined
  • Mental perceptions being altered
It also seems, but I could be mistaken, that most people describe these aliens similarly.  The pictures I have seen all portray them as humanoid, resembling fetuses in my opinion.
Here are my thoughts regarding who these beings, might be.
Whatever these beings are, they were created or allowed by God.  He was, in the beginning, the creator of all that existed.  Since then, many things have been created from what He provided in the beginning.  However, unlike God, no one has been able to create anything apart from the basic building blocks that God put in place.  Therefore these beings are subject to Him and the laws of His kingdom. 
While God's kingdom is based upon free will, these beings apparently do not respect the free will of those they encounter.  They dominate and control the objects of their interest. 
Now, IF life were to arise, by itself, in some distant galaxy-why would the beings so closely resemble humans?  Look at the incredible diversity of life here on earth and pair that with the odds of evolution!  What are the chances of such similarities AND the intersection between us and them both in TIME and in PLACE in the vastness of the universe that is billions of years old?!
The theories I have currently, which seem plausible to me, are:
  1. The beings are fallen angels/demons
  2. The beings had a human ancestor here on earth
(I won't elaborate on the first idea here, but it will be explained in the context of a future blog on The 2 Kingdoms.)
So, if we consider the idea that these beings had a human ancestor here on earth, it opens up a number of possibilities.  I'll admit that, because I don't have the time or the inclination to really ponder this to any degree, I have formed an opinion without a great deal of thought or research into the matter.  I have taken up this opinion based on things I do know, and an idea that came to me from who-knows-where*. 
I don't believe that humans have ever mastered time travel.  I believe that whenever they have been on the brink of that discovery, that God has 'pressed the reset button'.  But I have long thought that man, perhaps at one time, lived on Mars and utterly destroyed its atmosphere. 
It could be that pre-flood mankind did colonize other planets, or create space colonies of some sort.  It could be that these people, once sent into space, were affected both by the conditions of where they chose to live, and by having a limited gene pool for reproduction. Or they may have employed cloning, or some other method, to reproduce.  It is also possible that ancient man understood the DNA code and had chosen to create different races of men. What if these beings are humanoid and were either, by choice or circumstance, genetically altered or mutated?  What if they come in search of purer DNA to heal themselves?
My concern is either that these encounters are real and the enemy, using the opportunity they afford, will weave them into his plan for domination of all mankind (or that he has inspired the visits as part of his plan) OR that these are merely demonic entities and it is all part of his elaborate deception to conquer and control mankind.
Whichever the case, certain things remain true:
  • There is a God that, in the beginning, created all things.  He is still alive and Lord over all.  He has given us all free will and, unless invited to by his people, will not interfere again in the affairs of mankind, until the appointed time.
  • There is an enemy (Satan and his following of fallen angels/demons) whose time is short.  The keys to this world were given into his hands when Adam (to whom God had given the keys) chose to sin. He is one 'god' that goes by many names and it is his goal to control all of mankind and to enlist the support of as many as he can in his rebellion against God.
  • Since Adam, all mankind is born into sin and each one will ultimately commit sin him/herself.  Once a person knowingly sins, they are cut off from relationship with God.
  • God is a triune being-3 beings in one (Father, Son & Holy Spirit).  He decided that, to save mankind whom He loves, He must come to earth in flesh, live a sinless life and pay for the sins of all mankind, so that they could be reconciled to Him.
  • He, The Son, surrendered Himself to death & hell, and paid the price of sin for all mankind.  He was resurrected on the third day.
  • This Son, Jesus, is the ONLY way for mankind to have a relationship with God. By accepting His death & punishment on our behalf, by repenting of our sins, and by commiting ourselves to serve Him and live by His standards, we are set free.
  • Whether these beings are descended from man or are fallen angels, they, as we are, are subject to God and created according to His plan.
  • They will probably be part of a Satanic deception or distraction.
  • They are irrelevant to God's plan for mankind.
*I believe ideas can come from several sources:
  • God
  • The enemy/Satan/demons
  • Our own imaginations
  • Other people
  • Our intuition/gut feelings

I believe our intuition is our subconscious mind processing everything that we take in by way of our five senses.  It then produces a result that comes to us as a dream, an idea, or a feeling. 
Because our subconscious mind is aware of many more things that our conscious mind, and because it works in the background, free of conscious censorship, and because it can access all the memories that our conscious mind can forget, it can add a deeper dimension to our understanding of the world around us.
HOWEVER-it, just like our conscious mind, can be influenced by the other sources listed above.  It is also limited, like our conscious mind, to what it has actually experienced and perceived.  It is NOT a source of unlimited wisdom and absolute truth. 
It is sort of like the difference between a calculator and a supercomputer: it can process the information better and faster, and calculate more possibilies, but it is still dependent on the information that is given to it. 
For people that have learned to connect with their subconscious mind, it can be a valuable tool.

What Does The Devil Look Like?
Angels, Demons & Raising The Dead

2010 Census Questions

I'm a little ashamed of myself.  I too got caught up a bit in the hysteria over the 2010 Census questions.  But, before you decide that this is where you 'draw your line in the sand', let me give it to you 'in a nutshell'.
Here is a link to the proposed questions, as submitted to Congress in March 2007 (not during the Obama administration).  You can decide for yourself.:
2010 Census & ACS Survey
To summarize: Every 10 years the CENSUS is taken.  It is NOT mandatory that you participate.  The next will be taken in 2010, some time after April. Most of these questions have been asked for the last 200 years, and most people wouldn't have a problem with them.
The part that people are upset about is the AMERICAN COMMUNITY SURVEY.  This is now taken every year, with about 1 in 6 households being chosen to participate.  This IS mandatory, with fines up to $5,000 for not providing a truthful answer to the questions.  This is where the intrusive questions are asked.
At the above link you can see each question, along with an explanation of the date it was included in the census &/or survey and the reasons the question is being asked.
From what I could see, all of the questions were being asked to tailor existing social service programs and benefit levels to the needs of the individual community.  I happen to have familiarity with a number of these programs and can confirm that they depend on this information.
That being said, certainly the information could be used for other purposes.  It also requires trust to give up so much personal information and, frankly, this administration spent most of the public's trust in its first 100 days.
Besides these questions being submitted to Congress, for approval, a year and a half before Obama was elected, another thing to note is that these questions are the same ones from the 2000 'long form' census, with the exception of one that is being dropped (regarding military service) and 3 that are new:
  1. What type of health insurance do you have? (multiple choice)
  2. Marriage History: change of marital status in last 12 months?  How many times married?  Year of last marriage?
  3. Do you have a service-connected disability rating from the VA? (Veteran's Administration)
I am not convinced of the rationale behind the Marriage History questions.  However, a 'new HEALTHY MARRIAGE grant program' is mentioned.  I can't say I've heard of it myself, but I expect it is legitimate.  If so, then the questions might be justified.
So, as for me, I guess I won't be exercising nonviolent civil disobedience, but will go ahead and answer the questions-except perhaps the new ones regarding marriage.
My main concern however, is the involvement of ACORN which is currently under investigation-and rightfully so, as it appears.  If I were to refuse to answer any questions, it would be because ACORN is conducting the survey.  I say, offer the job to the wonderful Senior Citizens that volunteer at the polls in my city.  With them asking the questions, I'd feel comfortable answering.
(In the past, when the 10 year Census was conducted, most people received the 'short form', but some received the 'long form' that asked additional questions.  A couple of changes have been made:
  • The census dropped the additional questions and now is only 'short form' and still is only every 10 years.  It is asked of everyone, and is voluntary, but not too intrusive.
  • The additional questions became the 'American Community Survey' which is now taken every year.  It is sent to approximately 1 in 6 households each year.  It is mandatory and seems fairly intrusive to many people-most of whom are hearing the questions for the first time.
If you are concerned, it is understandable in light of the current administration's deceptions, manipulations, excessive pressure, contrived sense of urgency, usurpations of power, monumental intrusiveness, radical agenda, and trampling of our constitutional rights.  However, this may not be the 'big deal' some are making it out to be.)

National Health Care ID Card . . . 'The Mark Of The Beast'?
'The Mark Of The Beast': Characteristics
Are You Afraid? (forced vaccinations)