Sunday, January 3, 2010

What Do You Say?

The Scriptures tell us that the 'saints' (Christians) will overcome Satan, in the end times, by the blood of Christ (Jesus the Messiah) and by 'the word of their testimony'.    Have you ever wondered exactly what the 'the word of their testimony' (our testimony) was/will be?

We know that the arrest of Christians will be the way that we verbally witness to the rulers of all the Earth, of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.   In regards to that, Jesus told us to make up our minds not to worry beforehand (before the day we go on trial, as I understand it) about what we will say (in our defense, at our trials).  The Holy Spirit will speak through us when the time comes.  Remember this!!

I don't think this is 'the testimony' that  the verse above was referring to though. I believe 'the word of (our) testimony' will be simply what we tell people in our daily lives, and how we should answer if law enforcement asks us if we are Christians.  Here is the testimony God has given about his Son:
  • "God has given us eternal life, and
  • this life is in his Son (Jesus). 
  • He who has the Son has life;
  • he who does not have the Son of God does not have life."

So much has been made, in evangelical churches, of how we should witness to nonbelievers, what should be said, what pattern to follow, etc.  It can seem so intimidating and so complicated that we just don't do it.  But, the passage above  (1 John 5:11-12)  is 'thetestimony God has given about his Son'.  Very simple.  Very concise.  I think this is what God would have us to say too.

Was Jesus a Prophet?

Readers, I want to point out something important.  I paraphrase a lot of things the Bible says, but don't give references.  If you are not a Christian, it may not matter to you--it is the Holy Spirit that draws you.  If you are a Christian--has this bothered any of you? 

If you know the Bible well, then probably not, because you know these things.  But if you don't know the Bible well, and you want to question where something is written in the Bible--please ask!  It is important that you don't believe everything you hear.  Many deceivers and lies are in the world--and even those of us who strive to be truthful, can sometimes be mistaken.  Always be on guard!

The Bible tells us (1 John 4:2-3) how to recognize the Spirit of God. 
"Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God."
In God's Word, not one word is spoken in vain.  Every word here is important.  It's easy to skim over it and miss the meaning.

A lot of false/antichrist religions acknowledge that Jesus lived on Earth--so how can this passage be true? 

Let me add my comments and emphases here:
"Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus (the human being) Christ (the Messiah, the Savior that God has sent, God himself) has come in the flesh ( is Jesus)  is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus (as the promised savior/messiah, who came and lived on Earth)  is not from God."
The test is whether they acknowledge that Jesus came to Earth and that He is the Messiah--the Savior, God in the flesh.

Please look around and reevaluate some of the religions that you may have thought passed the test.  If they only recognize Jesus as being a good man, a teacher, or a prophet--they are not from God, but are antichrist (anti=against, Jesus being the, christ=promised one, messiah, savior) because they do not recognize that Jesus is the Christ. 

Christ was not Jesus' last name!  Every time ' Jesus Christ'  is spoken, or written, it is an acknowledgment that  Jesus is the savior that God promised to send, to save mankind from our sins! 

 So, in answer to the title: Was Jesus a prophet?  Yes--and much, much more!!