Thursday, November 12, 2009

Warning to America: THE KORAN

As I opened the cover of THE KORAN, I was engulfed in a cold, damp, brown cloud of the most foul smell imaginable  The smell was so overpowering that it left me weak.  Though nauseating, at the same time, it was cloyingly sweet.  It burned inside my nostrils, leaving me coughing, choking, and retching until I vomited blood.  Then I lay heaving, on the ground, while my insides burned like fire.

I struggled to crawl back to the Koran, which was still seeping its vile mist.  As I grasped the cover to close it, it became as heavy as lead.  The words began to rise from the page and take the shape of a beast.  It orange belly was soaked in urine, and feces were matted to its behind, from where it slowly dripped a green, vile-smelling mucous.  As the drops hit the ground, each one turned into a tiny, vile little beast.  They scurried off in all directions.  Its male part, twisted and misshapen, hung limply, encrusted in feces.

I began heaving again.  I backed away, trembling from the exertion, and as I did I began to see the entirety of his form.  His feet were like those of a rat--bare flesh with strong rounded toes that gave forth long, curved, pointed claws.  He sat on his haunches, with his short arms hanging in front of him.  In his right hand was a black book, with 'The Word of God' emblazoned on the cover in gold letters.  Gripped in his other fist was a maiden, lying calmly, and wearing a thin cotton sleeping gown.  She was not struggling, and seemed to be unaware.

Then I looked at his face.  It had the appearance of a gargoyle--a round face with pointed ears set near the sides of the top; large, round, lidless eyes that gaped at me; a broad, flattened nose, that rattled with congestion when it breathed; and a grinning mouth, filled with widely spaced, pointed teeth,  that drooled partly congealed blood and saliva, deep red, nearly black.

He continued to sit there, gazing at me, with the same malevolent, mocking grin, as if taunting me, to see what I would do.  I glanced away and surveyed the ground around him.  Strewn at length, and piled everywhere, were bones.  The bones of men, and women, and children.  In a few places, the broken, jagged stumps of  dead trees stood above the bones.  The ground was dry, barren, and dusty.  Desolation.  I saw not another living thing.

As I looked back into his face, a boldness and resolve began to fill me.  His eyes probed me, questioningly.  He continued to grin and spoke not a word aloud, yet his raspy, squealing voice rang loudly in my head, causing it to ache as if it would explode into pieces.  'What are you doing here?' he calmly asked, 'why have you come?''  A loathing welled from my heart and filled me from head to toe.  Grinning before me was the pure, arrogant, mocking, embodiment of absolute evil and depravity.  I did not have an answer.

As I continued to size him up, a baby girl came round from behind him, toddling along, her blanket in tow.  As he sensed her presence, his male part swelled. He turned loose of the maiden and snatched up the baby.  I turned my head as he violated her.  When her screams had subsided, I looked back.  Her tiny,  limp, bloody body, split in two, lie in the palm of his hand.  His stiff, pointed tongue licked her caressingly, as he savored the blood.  Then he popped her into his mouth and gulped her down.

I had not known I would be transported here when I opened the cover of that blasphemous book.  Yet, here I was.  The loathing and anger inside me grew ever stronger, overcoming my pain.  I raced forward, lunging at him with all my strength, and battering him with my fists.  He chuckled, unfazed.  I drew back and raced forward again, and again, and again.  His chuckles gave way to a full-bellied roaring laugh, bringing tears of mirth to his eyes.  He wiped the slobber from his mouth with the back of his hand.  He was so caught up in glee that he had turned loose the Word of God.  I watched it fall from his hand.

As it lay there, in the dust and filth, I stared at it.  I thought to pick it up, but I was filthy and corrupt from being near the beast, and throwing myself upon him, and I couldn't bring myself to touch it.  I longed for the peace , beauty and love that I knew were contained inside The Word of God.

As I continued looking at it, desiring it with all my heart, it whispered to me.  'Eat me.'  I was taken aback.  'Eat me', it whispered again, 'and I will bring life and strength to your bones.'  'Eat me, and I will be your sword  I will bind myself to your heart and proceed out of your mouth.  Together, we shall destroy our enemies, and deliver the heavens and the earth to Him who sits on the throne.'

What I have written here was not a 'vision' or a dream.  Rather, it is my attempt to describe what I discerned in my spirit as I learned what is really contained in the Koran.  
I apologize for the offensiveness of the portions which are lewd and graphic.  I take no pleasure in using such descriptions, but they are necessary to fully portray the depth of blasphemy, evil and depravity that are embodied in Islam.

  • koran (aka kuran, qu'ran): The 'holy' book of islam, inspired by satan ('Allah'), and written by mohammed.
  • allah: ultimately, satan; the deceiving spirit that spoke to mohammed.
  • mohammed: a warrior who 'channeled' allah and proclaimed himself to be a prophet. He was confused and deceived.  He refers to satan as 'Allah' and 'God'.  (This is not the same 'God' as the Creator God of Christians & Jews, nor is 'Allah' that God.)
  • islam: the embodiment of the principles of mohammed, contained in the koran.  Followers call it a religion.
  • muslim: a follower of islam, who (often unintentionally) worships satan by worshipping mohammed and allah.
  • caliphate: basically an islamic 'pope'; he would be a present day successor of mohammed who would impose sharia law.
  • sharia law: the laws contained in the koran.  (In some ways an immitation of Old Testament laws, but coming from, and teaching, a competely different set of values.)  The goal of islam is to have the whole world under sharia law.
  • Three choices for the conquered:
  1. conversion or
  2. 'dhimmitude' (paying a tribute, every moment of one's life) or
  3. death
  • jizya: a monetary tribute; a poll tax required of non-Muslims
  • DESOLATION: What happens in the land, the community, the family, and the individual where islam dominates.
  • dhimma: a supposed 'treaty of protection' that establishes the terms of surrender (the daily tribute required) of those who have been conquered but choose not to convert to islam.      They shall 'pay the jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued'.      This is comprised of a number of humiliating and demeaning requirements, to keep the person in submission-- as well as a loss of all rights.
DO NOT BE DECEIVED!!  Regardless of not becoming a muslim, and not accepting the teachings of islam, surrender to the terms of the dhimma is a form of worship (by actions) of allah/satan (which is why he is willing to allow it)!!

Link to a short video: 'Fitna--A Documentary About Islam' 

Allah Is Not God!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Abortion, Are You SURE You Have The Right?

Unborn Baby (5 months gestation)

Partial Birth Abortion
(anytime after 3 months gestation)


If This Is True, We'd Better Not Yield To The Temptation
Homosexuality, What's The Big Deal?

You Only Die Once--Make It Count!

"It is a terrible waste for a Christian to die a natural death."
Medhi Dibaj, Iranian Martyr

Here's The Deal . . . 
'The Mark Of The Beast': Characteristics

If This Is True, We'd Better Not Yield To The Temptation

I have heard that the National Health Care plan is to be set up in such a way that results in young people paying more than older people. The reasoning? Not sure about that, but I can see one benefit to those who are pushing the bill: many older, less healthy people may breathe a sigh of relief because they can't afford higher payments, and will be less likely to oppose the bill. We'd better look farther though, and not yield to that temptation.
Most young people enjoy good health but have low income. Why should they pay more? They should not inherit our problems. Ultimately, we failed to provide for our own old age, before these young adults were ever born!
The Bible tells us to discipline our children, but warns against provoking them to wrath! What provokes children to wrath? Injustice!
I will mince no words. If we approve of binding such an unjust burden upon the young people of America--we will ultimately reap what we sow: euthanasia.
Do any of you who wonder: Why would Obama turn on the young people who, overwhelmingly, voted for him?
Here is my opinion. He knows he has their unquestioning adoration, and they see him as a peer. The blame will not fall on him, it will fall on 'the opposition' (whoever opposes Obama and his agenda), and upon those who will benefit from this unjust system: the sick and the elderly.
This president and his cabinet, czars, etc. have caused more division in America than anything, or anyone, that I have seen in my lifetime, or can remember from history! He knows exactly how to play into the entitlement mentality of today's young people to win them over. Once their loyalty is won, he and his people add their own discontent and rebellion to the discontent, anger, and fear of the young. They provoke and magnifying the discontent of the young, to help accomplish their revolution.
I don't think it is an oversight that the National Health Care system was set up in this manner. The whole thing is a HUGE Trojan horse, full of provisions to ensure the complete overthrow of America as we have known it. This is why Obama is so adamant that it must be passed! This embodies his agenda. (See my prevous post: Will America's New Health Care ID Card Eventually Morph Into 'The Mark Of The Beast'?)
When this man took his seat in the White House, America began to crack and divide: Democrat against Republican, Liberal against Conservative, Black against White, Son against Father, Poor against Rich.
A nation divided against itself cannot stand! This administration is getting its inspiration and direction straight from Hell! We know that it is Satan's nature to steal, kill and destroy, so it is obvious he's behind this.
We need to be wise, strategic, and HONORABLE. Don't let fear and greed tempt you to betray the young in order to effect your own security! Yes, we need health care reform, but don't rob someone else to get it!!

Abortion, Are You SURE You Have The Right?
Homosexuality, What's The Big Deal?