Friday, October 30, 2009

It's Time To 'Shake The Dust Off'

The day has arrived that we must 'shake the dust off our feet' in regards to some of the people in our lives that we have been trying to persuade to Christ.  When the time arrives to 'shake the dust off' in regards to a specific person, the Lord will speak to your heart.  It is important to  listen, because God knows the heart and He knows the point at which a person has decided that their 'final answer' is 'NO'.  Beyond that, you are wasting precious time. 

He may already be speaking this to your heart about some of the people in your life, and you may have found it very confusing--but He does not call us to devote our life to persuading anyone to turn to Him.  When He sent out the twelve disciples to different villages, two by two (as their first 'solo flight', as Christians ministering the gospel through the power of God) Jesus gave them specific instructions. Part of that instruction was:
'if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave, as a testimony against them.'

His desire is that we present the truth, live the truth, and minister in what ways we are able.  We are not to so heavily invest ourselves in someone that we bind ourselves to them and make their choice our responsibility.  The Lord wants people who truly desire to walk with Him--who choose Him out of their own free will,  not from constant badgering or guilt. 

He called us to be witnesses--to the truth and to what He has done in our lives--not salesmen.  It is the job of the Holy Spirit to persuade men of their sins and personal need for a Savior.  In fact, if we go beyond presenting and living the truth and ministering as we are able, we may very well have the opposite effect and actually get in the way of the Holy Spirit and cause a person to harden his heart!  People come to Jesus out of hunger!  Force feeding has the opposite effect.

And that brings us to the unfortunate situation of people who are 'unequally yoked'.  If you are married to an unbeliever, you need to prepare your heart.  The day is soon coming that you will be confronted with a choice: will you choose to join your unbelieving spouse and turn your back on God, or will you stand firm in your faith, and lose your spouse?

When the time to choose arrives, the Lord will speak to your heart:
'Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy.'
Will you heed His voice?

There comes a time when you have to let go of your hopes for someone and accept things for what they are.  I am not saying you should leave your spouse--that is a choice for the Lord to direct you in.  I am saying, don't be surprised if your spouse leaves you. 

Prepare your heart for the possibility that your spouse will leave you, in the not too distant future, if you continue to serve God.  Evil has greatly increased on the earth and people are now, consciously or not, making spiritual decisions.  As things get more difficult, they will act out of what is in their heart, and the spiritual decisions they have made.

Make up your mind now, what you will do when that time comes.  You will be very vulnerable to making a choice you will regret, when that horrible day arrives.  There are few things more agonizing than being left by the one you love.  But the Lord will sustain you through that time, if you choose to remain in Him.

The hour that Jesus spoke of has arrived:
'Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth.  I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn
'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law--a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.'  
Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.  Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.'

There has recently been a shift in the spiritual realm. It seems that people are no longer restraining the evil that is within their hearts.  Evil wants nothing to do with good, and good wants nothing to do with evil.  Everyone seems to be choosing one side or the other.  The Lord is calling us again, to devote ourselves fully to Him, and to begin to emotionally distance ourselves from those who have rejected Him. 

[Here is a word to those of you who think that you can hide behind your  unbelieving spouse:
Do not listen to the lying whisper that tells you you can just keep quiet about being a Christian, find some way not to get 'The Mark' and be ok, (because you know your spouse will take it and will still be able to buy and sell, thus providing for your needs)!  The Lord knows your heart and is not pleased.  Repent and put your faith in Him.]

It's Time To 'Shake The Dust Off' (Part 2)
You Only Die Once--Make It Count!
Here's The Deal . . .

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Is The Transformation To Communism Already Well Underway?

It seems to me, that to convert a government that has a free enterprise, capitalist economic system to a communist, state run system, some important things would have to be accomplished:
  • To have only one bank for the country, through which all monetary transactions are routed
  • To consolidate companies so that each product needed is supplied by only one company
  • For the government, one way or another, to take control of all the companies it deems 'necessary' and eliminate the rest
  • For the government, one way or another, to take ownership of all of the land and other resources
  • To have one official, national news source
  • To abolish all accumulated wealth
  • To start everyone out with a predetermined amount of a new currency
  • To quash all opposition
  • To be able to identify and keep track of all the citizens
  • To ensure that everyone participates
  • To have a strong system of law enforcement that will ensure compliance

Now, the question is:
  • Are things happening in America that fit the above descriptions? (Lay aside the conditions that led to the choices, the justification is not important.)
  • If so, are enough of them happening to warrant the suspicion that our free enterprise, capitalist economic system is being converted to a communist, state run system--or, at least, that the things that are happening could make us more vulnerable to such an outcome?

Everyone sees things differently, but from my perspective, I think a lot of these things are starting to be fulfilled:

  • To consolidate companies so that each product needed is supplied by only one company--THE AUTO INDUSTRY, NEW NATIONAL HEALTHCARE PLAN
  • For the government, one way or another, to take ownership of all of the land and other resources--GOVERNMENT PRESENTLY HOLDING 55% OF MORTGAGES VIA FANNIE MAE AND FREDDIE MAC, BUYING STATE PARKS, ETC.? (THIS IS WHAT I HAVE HEARD)
  • To start everyone out with a predetermined amount of a new currency
  • To ensure that everyone participates--NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PARTICIPATION WILL BE MANDATORY.  NATIONAL HEALTH CARE INTEGRATES EVERYONE'S: FINANCES, HEALTH CARE, ALL RECORDS, AND ID WITH THE GOVERNMENT.  (See my blog: 'Will America's New National Health Care ID Card Eventually Morph Into 'The Mark Of The Beast'?' for more information.)
  • To have a strong system of law enforcement that will ensure compliance--OBAMA DID TALK ABOUT HAVING A STRONG CIVILIAN NATIONAL SECURITY FORCE.  in Obama's own words

I'm not trying to persuade those who disagree.  It seems there are many people who have a very different perspective from mine and think all of this is a good thing,  and many others who just don't care.  I don't think it's even possible to persuade them.  They don't want to see this from the same viewpoint I have, and I don't even know if it is possible for them to.

I am writing this for people who do understand, are very concerned and are paying attention, and for those who do care, yet are still not convinced of what is happening.  I especially hope to distill things for those who are having trouble understanding. It can be hard to see the big picture through the haze of fear and the jumbled, overwhelming number of details of all that is happening simultaneously.

Is The President AWOL?
Why Are They Being Allowed To Steal Jobs From Americans?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Killer wasps

I'm enjoying a pleasant, late summer lunch with a couple of friends. Despite two of my six kids bickering a bit, and the yard needing mowed, and a leaky faucet dripping, I'm pretty content. You might even say I've gotten a bit lazy, spending a lot of afternoons napping in my hammock.

We're joking around when I notice something different. We've been beset by the usual assortment of wasps and yellow jackets, but there's one here I've never seen before. I first notice it as I go to take a bite of my burger. This guy is nearly inside and is wrestling with a piece of meat that it has apparently chewed loose. Something about his manner convinces me to just let him have it. Hoping that will be the end of it, I go back to my conversation.

Suddenly, my friend Miguel leaps out of his seat with a look of terror on his face. We can't persuade him to sit down and for a couple of minutes, we can't even get him to speak coherently. He pulls us towards the house, ranting about his village. As far as I know, he's from LA. Finally we get him to take a breath and start over.

He tells us how, one spring when he was a boy, he journeyed to the nearest city with his uncle. It was a two day walk. When they returned home, everyone in the village was dead! No one was ever able to figure out what had happened, but there were puncture wounds on the bodies.

While we were eating and joking, a wasp had landed on his plate and it brought those horrible memories rushing back. He remembered seeing a few of these wasps before!  He had watched them building a nest in a tree stump once, when he was just a kid, and he is certain that it was the autumn before his trip to the city with his uncle!  He had never thought anything of it until now, but suddenly he was sure he knew what had happened to his village. Before that autumn, the people of his village had never seen those wasps, and he never saw them again-until now.

'What wasps?', our friend Alex keeps asking. Alex is an amateur naturalist, so he really knows his bugs. Overcome by curiosity, he goes back to the table and waits for one to appear. This guy is fearless. I've thought about nicknaming him 'plays-with-bees'. A few minutes later I see him slowly walking backwards, his face very pale. He makes a wide circle around the table and comes back to where we're waiting.

'You have really got a problem', he says. Turns out he had recently read about a particular species of killer wasp. Because they were supposed to be found only in Mexico, he hadn't paid too much attention. But he felt certain this was the same wasp.

According to him, this species of wasp was predatory, aggressive and more dangerous than killer bees! In late summer a few would search out a good location and set up a nest. Then, during the winter, deep inside the nest, the numbers would explode. In the spring, on the first warm day, they would come out en masse. They were very sensitive to any sort of vibration near their nest, even a voice, and would respond by swarming and attacking. Their sting carried a strong toxin that made it lethal. There was no antivenom.  As abruptly as they appeared, they would disappear. Then in late summer, far away, a few would appear and search out a new location and set up a nest. It was also reported that no known insecticide had any effect on them.

I'm usually pretty calm and logical, but I was starting to panic. That was partly because I was noticing that a few of these wasps were going in and out of a tree stump I hadn't gotten around to clearing out. The other reason is that the kids had started playing a rowdy game of tag and were running in all directions.

Now, let's pause a minute. What do you think I did next? Do you think I insisted that Miguel again give me all the details of the spring that all the people of his village had died? Do you think I spent much time debating whether he could really have remembered something he had seen just once, so many years ago? Do you suppose I demanded that Alex provide me the source of his information, or tell me what his credentials were?

Actually, I did, to some extent. And soon I was convinced that both of them knew what they were talking about, were being honest, and their stories were in sync.  Then I sprung into action!

Soon the kids were safely corralled and the three of us were using one of Alex's nets to catch and kill the wasps. By evening, we were pretty sure we'd gotten them all. Then I doused that stump and set it ablaze!! You see, it made a whole lot more sense to dive into danger and wipe them out while there were just a few, than to let their numbers explode and have it be impossible to overcome them.

The truth is, this didn't really happen. It's what we used to call a fable, and at the end of a fable was a moral. So, in case you didn't catch it, the moral is this:

It is better to dive into danger and tackle a situation when it is small, than to wait until it has grown to such proportions that even tremendous effort is unlikely to result in victory.

So, why did I create this fable? To encourage you to take action now, while it is possible to make a difference! I don't have time, in this post, to elaborate on what I am saying below. If you are just now hearing that there is a problem in America, please read my other posts for more explanation.

This administration has hijacked the country and is furiously building the framework for a new government. At the same time, forces are at work to destabilize things to the extent that this new government can seize power.

We are standing on the verge of anarchy. New corruption is being revealed every day. The old system is crumbling and it is too corrupt for us to go back to anyway. The new system being built is going to strip us of our rights and freedom to self-govern. If we allow it to continue, it may be impossible to ever defeat!

We must stop what the Obama administration is building, sweep the filth and corruption out of Washington, and reinstitute a stable form of government, free of corruption! And we must do it soon! This is urgent!

We are very vulnerable right now, and will continue to be, until we have established a stable government. Our international enemies are keenly watching our situation, forming alliances and moving into position to attack. Yes, it is very important to be sure you are getting sound, honest information. But it is also important, after you do, to move quickly!

PLEASE, quickly start doing your own research. Check the facts, find out what is going on. And as soon as you are convinced, dive in! Yes, there is danger now in resisting this but, if we wait, the danger will multiply exponentially and the chances for success will GREATLY diminish!

I see this situation as a cicada (a nasty, ugly beast , in my opinion). It has crawled up out of the ground in the darkness and is still encased in its cocoon/exoskeleton. It cracks and the nasty little beast emerges. It stretches and sits, and waits, while it dries out and hardens. Then it flies away--and good luck if you want to catch it then. You've got to catch it some time between when it emerges and when it's fully formed. This is a very small 'window of opportunity' that occurs in the dead of night.

So too, what is going on in our government today has been happening in darkness, but now light is shining on it and revealing the details. The window of opportunity to stop it is small. As soon as you are convinced, please act!

By no means am I advocating violence. We are being baited, in many ways, to do something that will allow them to justify taking drastic action--both against us and in seizing power. Please do not fall into that trap!

Be strong, be bold, be honest and speak out! Do whatever you can by legal means. Oppose every illegal, unconstitutional move they make. Surround them. Push back. Don't give in. Don't give up.

**We need our God and our guns--we need God always, and we need our guns, as a last line of defense if we are attacked by our international enemies. Our military personnel are spread far and wide, and are being depleted in the ongoing efforts in the middle East. We need our military back at home now, for our own defense. For that reason, please do all you can to help protect the 2nd amendment-our right to bear arms. An armed populace can be a powerful deterrent to foreign invasion!**

We Could Sell Them 'Super Seeds'. . .

I was just thinking . . . what if we could change the weather?  What if we could create droughts in other lands?  What if the crops failed for a year or two--would the farmers have any seeds left?

If the farmers had no seeds left, why not sell them our Super Seeds that would give a magnificent yield--if they also used our fertilizers?

But if the farmers agreed to buy the Super Seeds--would they be able to go back to saving some of their crop to be used as seed for next year? Hmmm, that wouldn't do.  We'd want them to come back and buy more seeds from us next year, wouldn't we?

No problem, the seeds from this year's crop of Super Seed Hybrid Plants are no good for saving and planting.  And besides, the yields are so much better--can't the farmers afford to buy our seeds and fertilizer now, and still come out ahead?

It's a win-win situation for everyone!  Does this mean they're hooked for life?

It's a strategy that works for tobacco and drugs. We are entitled to make a profit, aren't we?

What better place to try out our new products--in their countries they don't have those bothersome regulations that prohibit such things!

No, no regulations at all.  And if we build factories and provide them jobs--wouldn't they look the other way?

Yes, surely they're desperate for the jobs.  And think how much money we could save by not having to deal with American regulations, unions, insurance, etc!

Or the expense of trying to comply with all the guidelines for disposing of chemicals . . .

We could really increase our bottom line!  That would make the investors happy!

And maybe a little extra for us besides.

But, if we cause droughts, won't that cause famine and starvation?

No problem, it will help with the goal of population reduction!  Why do poor people want to have so many kids anyway?   Besides, who could prove it was us?  And even if they could, what could they do?

All sarcasm aside, such a scenario may or may not be possible.  But if you don't think things like this are happening, involving American corporations, wherever the opportunity presents itself, then you are blissfully ignorant.

And if you are able to lay your head on your pillow at night and dream sweet dreams, then thank a veteran for being willing to go out and face the ugliness of life so that you can remain blissfully unaware.

And thank God that you had the good fortune of being born an American and living in the land of bliss--while it lasted.

Because, as a veteran these days can tell you, those who are plotting 'terror' against America started out, more often than not, as people like you and me who are  justifiably outraged at our corporate/government intrusion into their countries, and exploitation of their people and circumstances.

When you look around and see the anger and frustration in America because these same tactics are now being used against the American people, understand that this has been going on for decades, in country after country around the world as we 'spread our influence' and increased our number of enemies.

A beehive is a pretty mellow place, until you stick your hand inside, to try and take their honey.  Don't be surprised at the swarm of enemies that are seeking to retaliate against America.

(In no way do I advocate or condone what our enemies do--but I do understand why.  As for our corporations and government--I think what they do is inexcusable.  By the way, the scenario above is based on actual events.)

Will America's New National Health Care ID Card Eventually Morph Into 'The Mark Of The Beast'?

I advise people not to form too much of a picture concerning The Mark of The Beast*, etc., because we don't know exactly what it will be, and the Bible says that there will be such great deception in the last days that even God's chosen are almost fooled. I thought I followed the same advice, yet I recently had my eyes opened to a different way that America might get to the place where we are all required to have that mark, and I was very surprised! So, even without meaning to, I guess I too had formed a general idea of how it would look, or happen.

It can easily be argued that speculation is a waste of time. What I 'saw' is just my own opinion of one way that it might come about, but I'm going to share it. I think it may be good for helping you to identify what perceptions you may already have, and to open your mind to a broader range of possibilities. (This won't be nearly as far-fetched a scenario as it sounds.) I really wanted to write this piece months ago, but simply didn't have the time. Perhaps it just wasn't God's timing.

I was very unsettled by some of the provisions that were found near the end of the first Obama Care bill. Surprisingly to me, little or nothing was said about them. Having in mind the cries of concern that are usually heard, whenever some measure to implement a mandatory national ID is considered, I was a little puzzled. I don't know whether people that would care didn't know what was in the bill, and the people who knew what was in the bill weren't concerned--or if those who are watching out for 'The Mark' already had perceptions of how it would happen, that allowed this to slip by them.

I don't know if these provisions are in the current legislation, but I have every reason to suspect that they are--especially since no one seems to have voiced any objections to their inclusion in the first bill.

Here are the issues that concern me because, when combined, they create the same kind of absolute control over each citizen that The 'Beast System' will have.
  • The government will have real-time access to EVERY individual's finances.
  • A National ID Health Care card will be issued.
  • The government will have direct access to your bank accounts for electronic funds transfer, etc.
  • Medicaid eligibility will automatically be determined and eligible individuals will automatically be enrolled.
  • The officers and employees of the Health Care Administration (government) will have access to ALL Americans' financial and personal records.
  • The government will build registries and data networks from your electronic medical records.
  • 'The Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research' will be established.
  • The government (Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research) may secure data directly from any department or agency of the United States, including your data.
  • Your published and unpublished data (public & private information) will be collected by 'The Center'.
  • An “Appointed Clinical Perspective Advisory Panel” will advise 'The Center' and recommend policies that would allow for public access of data.
  • The bill proposes, for the sake of law enforcement, that the Secretary of Health & Human Services will give the Attorney General access to ALL medical data.
  • “Quality” measures shall be designed to profile you including your race, age, gender, place of residence, etc.
  • The government takes over the private payment system and all billing agents, clearinghouses, etc. are required to register.
  • The government will access all personal financial information of individuals it identifies as 'likely to be ineligible' for subsidies.
  • The government will MANDATE the establishment of a National Health Service Corps where doctors will perform mandatory healthcare for 2 years, for partial loan repayment. (All student loans are now to come through the Federal Government, if I remember correctly).
  • The government will establish a Public Health Workforce Corps, including a Regular and a Reserve Corps, to ensure an adequate supply of public health professionals. (I would assume that these Corps could be called upon to help ensure compliance with whatever measures the government might deem necessary--under the guise of public safety, a medical crisis, pandemic, etc.) 

In reading back over this list, I notice that there are 3 different provisions that ensure that the government has access to everyone's personal financial information, in addition to having direct access to everyone's bank accounts. I can only theorize that this is a very important item to the bill's authors (The Apollo Alliance?) that they want to ensure will not be removed from the bill, even if changes are made to one section or another.

So, let me summarize. If I understand correctly,
  • These provisions would link each individual's financial records, bank accounts, personal records, physical and mental health records.
  • The government will have direct access to your bank accounts.
  • Your information will be available to just about every person in every department of the government, law enforcement, and everyone working for the healthcare system (oops, that's redundant!), and maybe even the general public.
  • You will be issued a National ID Health Care card and, I'm assuming, all of your information would be contained on that card.
  • All of this would be mandatory.
  • There would be a complete network of government employed individuals in place to help ensure compliance with any measures the government calls for. 

Am I misunderstanding? exaggerating? Does anyone else see the potential for big problems with this? In the end, I don't think there's anything that can be done to prevent this from coming, sooner or later. But, I think it's coming soon folks. These provisions, if enacted, definitely provide a large part of the foundation and framework, for the American aspect, of the world government that will emerge, that will fulfill the prophecies regarding the 'Beast' government system (that will eventually be headed by the Antichrist)!

And wait, there's more!

These are other provisions I find concerning:
  • The government will use groups (like ACORN & Americorps?) to sign up individuals for the healthcare plan. 
  • The government MANDATES 'Advance Care Planning' consultations (mandatory consultation regarding your plans for death & dying).
  • The government MANDATES consultation with you to instruct you regarding living wills and durable powers of attorney.
  • The government will provide a list of 'approved' end of life resources, to guide you in the process of dying.
  • The government MANDATES a program for orders for life sustaining treatment.
  • The 'Advance Care Planning' consultations will be used frequently as your health deteriorates. (I'm having a vision of vultures hovering over you . . .)
  • The 'Advance Care Planning' consultation may include an ORDER, from the government, for your end of life plans.
  • The government will specify which doctors have the authority to write an order to end your life.
  • The government will decide what level of treatment you are allowed at the end of your life, according to preset methods.
  • Community Based Home Medical Service' means a nonprofit community-based or state-based organization. (Like Acorn?)
  • The government will cover Marriage and Family therapy.
  • The government will cover Mental Health Services, including defining, creating, and rationing those services.
  • The government will REQUIRE preventative services, including vaccines.
  • Nurse Home Visit Services will counsel you on increasing birth intervals between pregnancies. (Will they counsel in favor of abortions?)
  • The government will provide Nurse Home Visit Services, including determination of economic self-sufficiency, employment advancement and school-readiness.
  • The government will design and implement a Home Visitation Program for families with young kids, and families expecting kids. This Home Visitation Program includes teaching you how to parent. 

There are other provisions to be concerned about, but these are the things that I see as the most immediate dangers to our freedom.

May I remind you--law enforcement (at present) does not have the right to come into your home and search it without a warrant. In general, anything obtained from or seen in your home, without a warrant, is inadmissible in court--UNLESS you open the door and permit them entry.

So, as it currently stands, you have the right to refuse anyone entry into your home. If any of these home visitation programs become mandatory, then you HAVE TO let them in. And if you let them in, does that mean anything they see in your home is admissible in court if charges are brought against you for any reason? Not that I have anything to hide, but what I'm getting at is this: is this just an 'end run around' your protection from warrantless searches? If so, how many people will realize that's the case when they open the door to let the nurse (a government representative) come in? Is it even legal/constitutional for home visits to ever be mandatory?

One other thing-even though something you are doing today may not be illegal today, Obama has shown a willingness to pass laws that are retroactive. This means that if you have a Bible in your home today, and a nurse makes note of it in your file during a home visit, and then next month it becomes retroactively illegal to own a Bible, you could be prosecuted. Will you be profiled as a 'government resistor' or 'terrorist' if certain things are seen in your home and documented during a home visit?

If this new, proposed healthcare system doesn't scare you--it should.

Will your eyes and fingerprints be scanned, your blood type noted, maybe your DNA be sampled, as part of the program? Is it too far fetched to think this could also be the precursor to a cashless economy? How much more work would be necessary for that to happen if all of your financial records and accounts are already accessible through this card? Could this card be replaced by a microchip and a visible mark, perhaps to prevent identity theft?

In regards to the focus on end of life counseling, (and of course) budgetary considerations, and valuations of life for different ages and categories of people (kind of like a credit rating?)--I have not even touched on the topic of eugenics or how the Nazi atrocities were connected with the American eugenics movement early in the last century.

In short, eugenics is the philosophy behind genocide and population control. It is a philosophy that is, and for some time has been, widely embraced among people in positions of influence and authority in America. (Some of the American families connected with Nazi experiments at Auschwitz and Monowitz are still prominent and influential in politics today.)

Frighteningly, also prominent today are the chemical/pharmaceutical companies that helped develop chemical weapons, pesticides, and medicines and tested them on the detainees at Auschwitz.

You may be surprised to learn that not only are these companies making the pesticides and medicines (and maybe chemical and bioweapons?) of today--they are among the architects of genetically modified foods/crops, and are the producers of many of our vaccines.

In fact, two of the modern corporations that bought out one of these German companies are receiving 60% of the funding to develop the H1N1 flu vaccine. I'm sure there is much more to be uncovered regarding these pharmaceutical companies, genetically modified foods, the possibility of mandatory vaccinations, possible vaccination-autism links, eugenics, etc.

Here is a link to the document that I referred to, with regards to the troublesome provisions of the first ObamaCare bill. (It includes the references to the applicable sections of the bill.) I want to emphasize, again, that this is not the current version of ObamaCare that is being debated. It is the first version. However, I strongly suspect that most, if not all, of these provisions will be included in the final bill.

*'The Mark of The Beast': The visible mark used to identify citizens of the 'Beast System' (new, global, government in the physical realm that, in the spirit realm, is the kingdom of Satan). 'He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name . . .' (666-six hundred and sixty six). from the Biblical book of 'Revelation'.

'The Mark Of The Beast': Characteristics
Are You Afraid? (forced vaccinations)
2010 Census Questions

Monday, October 26, 2009

Who Am I, Politically?

I like a bumper sticker I recently saw

"Yes you did . . . elect a Marxist dictator!"

If you haven't woken up yet, I hope you will soon. America has been hijacked by a bunch of radical Marxists. Obamas little collection of czars seems to include every kind of  'way out' philosophy I've ever heard of-and more!

I have been many things in my life, and one of them was an environmentalist, in the early 90s. I understand a lot of the ideas that these folks represent. Some of them I once shared, others I still lean towards.

I am a conservative, but DEFINITELY not a Republican! I'm one of those Independents you hear about. Although I think that capitalism is FAR better than any other economic plan I know of, I think if leaves a lot to be desired. I don't revere capitalism the way so many republicans seem to. And I can't in good conscience be a Democrat, since it has come to be synonymous with the gay agenda. So, I'm an independent voter with a mish mash of ideas and values, but 'conservative' probably describes me best. Beyond that, I would describe myself with a new label-but I'm not sure if there's one word we're using to sum it up yet . . . a person who wants to go back to the basics of the constitution and throw off the chains of oppression that our government has been wrapping around us.

I understand a lot of what our new leaders are trying to do, and I'm not against it all-though, in the end, life would not be the utopia they dream of, for the same reasons that capitalism is not the be-all and end-all: people are sinful, opportunistic, and greedy. That includes just about all of us, to some degree, especially in our current culture.

Is The President AWOL?

Here is a great critique on the state of the government in the USA.  Mr. Collins does a far better commentary on this point than I could.

I have no affiliation with Mr. Collins and I may or may not agree with all that he says on his posts--so far I have agreed with most of it.  I consider his blog to be a great source of current events and their probable relation to Biblical prophecies, so I will post the link here for you. 

I am still undecided on the topic of whether the US is part of the 'missing 10 tribes of Israel'.  However, even without having read the extensive information in his books, I think it is very likely true.  I will leave that for you to investigate and decide for yourself.

'Who's In Charge Of The US Government?', Sat. October 24th 2009

I would like to add to Mr. Collins post that, it appears to me, Mr. Obama has delegated the running of the United States to his czars (superseding both the executive and legislative branches), and has now gone back to his global campaign, courting the world's rulers and elite, in order to better his chances at being chosen president of the New World Order.

Why Are They Being Allowed To Steal Jobs From Americans?
Is It Time For The Unveiling?