Sunday, November 22, 2009

God Damn America?

Absolutely Not!! God inspired, established, and has protected America for over 200 years! BUT . . . WE have damned ourselves!

The man we have elected to run our country, is a man whose agenda is to run America into the ground, to totally destroy her, and hand her over to her enemies. And God has willed it so--unless we repent!! We can fight Obama all we like, and cry out to God for help and deliverance, but unless we repent, it ain't gonna happen!!

Repent of what? In no particular order, and definitely not all-inclusive, the practice, protection and/or promotion of:
  • denial and rejection of God 
  • abortion 
  • homosexuality 
  • cheating (financially, academically, in marriage, etc.) 
  • abandonment of family 
  • rejection of marriage
  • basing decisions on economics (rather than morality) 
  • greed 
  • exploitation 
  • self-exaltation 
  • disrespect 
  • dishonesty 
  • arrogance 
  • pornography 
  • pedophilia 
  • incest 
  • vengeance 
  • violence
  • murder 
  • sexual perversion 
  • profanity and vulgarity 
  • abdication of personal responsibility 
  • abuse of drugs and alcohol 
  • abdication of parental responsibility 

If you say we are a Christian nation, you are deceiving yourself! Our sin and greed have risen to such gigantic proportions that they are the face of America that the rest of the world knows us by! Yes, there are many Christians in America--and many kind and generous people. Yes, the motives of the majority of the American people, towards the rest of the world, have been honorable. BUT--we have let the actions of a minority represent how we relate to the rest of the world, and they have not treated the rest of the world with Christian love.

Our big businesses, multinational corporations, and government are in bed together. Together, they have misused their power, by plundering the earth and exploiting the poor around the world. They have meddled in the affairs of other nations, even to the extent of determining who the leaders of other nations should be, arming and funding resistance movements, assassinations, etc.! All this in the name of 'defending American interests'. Nonsense! It was never our right to do such things! It was motivated by greed!

But this is only one facet of our nation's sinfulness. The stench of our depravity here at home is appalling!! Unfortunately, this is all exported too! In the form of Hollywood movies, television, and slick advertising campaigns, we market our vile, depraved culture, along with our products, to people all over the world.

I am talking to the churches in America, because God's covenant is with us, not with the unbelievers. He placed us here to be 'salt' and 'light' to the world. Yet, is our influence holding back decay or illuminating the sin around us? Are we using our God-given authority to wage war on evil, when it sprouts up in our nation? I don't think so . . .

Make no mistake, we are the ones God holds accountable. He has given us freedom and a system of government that allows us to determine our course and to choose our leaders. Therefore, we are completely responsible. Rather than take part in our government, most of us have abdicated the responsibility and gone about our lives, looking to our own interests. It is said, that we get the leaders we deserve.

How many of you can still discern evil? Our senses have become so dull, our consciences so seared, that we don't even recognize vile sinfulness when it is standing right in front of us!!

After 9/11 'God Bless America' signs were everywhere. Unfortunately, I couldn't make that prayer my own. How can we expect God to bless, for even one day, a nation that offers its children as sacrifices to the god of personal convenience? Yes women have the right to choose--whether to be celibate or promiscuous, whether to use contraception or not! Once a sperm and an egg fuse, a person exists! From the moment of conception, that person has GOD GIVEN rights! Your rights do not extend to taking the life of another--regardless of who you are!!

Another vile and grievous sin that America practices, protects, and promotes is homosexuality. People used to be wise enough to know that God did not create a man's body to be penetrated by another man. The very idea of such a thing used to disgust people, but not these days. Perhaps if we didn't have the modern conveniences of toilet paper, antibiotics, soap, and sexual lubricants, that would be more readily apparent. Regardless, we do still have the Word of God that tells us this behavior is an abomination in the eyes of God.

Pornography has played a HUGE role in the collapse of the family, the exponential increase in every type of sexual perversion, and violence against women, children and young men. It has gone from being a closet sin to being mainstream among young adults. Today, many young women aspire to be porn stars, while others are lining up to be 'exotic dancers' and prostitutes. We have lost all shame and personal modesty. Women have become brazen and vulgar, young children are promiscuous and sexually violent, and even straight men talk about having 'man crushes' on other men.

How many of you are grieved by the disrespect that is so rampant today? Even nice Disney films have been remade, and updated, with characters that have a disrespectful, belligerent attitude. Children don't respect adults, women don't respect men, and a good many of us don't respect authority! But, then again, adults don't respect children, men don't respect women, and those in authority don't respect the people they oversee. Our culture is in shambles.

Not only is each of us 'out for himself', but many have come to regard themselves as gods, goddesses, and divas! If we acknowledge God at all, most of us don't submit to His authority! Our personal, and national, arrogance is unbelievable!

Do you realize that lying is listed alongside murder as a sin that will exclude you from the Kingdom of Heaven? Yet, we take it so lightly. Take the time, next time you watch TV, to analyze the programs and the commercials in terms of what values and sins they promote. If you watch it objectively, and don't get caught up in the drama, I think you'll quickly be amazed at what a powerful tool television is in molding social values. I think it will be eye-opening for you to see what a strong cultural pressure there is for people to be deceitful.

I may be wrong, but I propose that when people continually practice dishonesty, they lose the ability to discern the truth from a lie. (Can you see how this will further the acceptance of the man of lies--The Antichrist--when he comes on the scene? What I understand from Scripture is that Israel, America, and many European nations will be among those that embrace him--his kingdom may even take root here first.)

Why do churches back away from speaking out against sin? From being involved in politics? My theory is that it was primarily because churches were allowed tax exempt status, but could lose it if they got involved politically. To me, that is a clear choice between serving God or serving money. It may not have been readily apparent at the time, nevertheless, here we are now.

And indeed, here we are now--and we still have a choice! Every church has the option of giving up their tax exempt status and being unfettered in what they say! But how many have the courage to do so?

Shame on those who have sold out! What will it profit you to have the most grandiose church, the longest list of members, the most offerings in your coffers, if the truth and the presence of God are absent from your midst? The day is coming that the blood of martyrs will be upon your altars. For it will be you that betrays your brothers to death, you that delivers up the ones that hold to the truth, because it pierces your heart and you can't bear it, it puts you in danger with the authorities and you can't abide that. Therefore upon your altars, as a witness against you, those who hold to the truth will be slain. Their blood will soak your carpets and splatter your walls, and the stain of it will never be removed.

America has rejected God. Yes, the churches too. We have repeatedly allowed our religious expression to be limited. We have retreated from the conflict time and again. (No wonder the jihadists believe our God is weak--our resolve and faith in Him certainly is!)

You can justify it by saying that we've lost battles and the laws have changed, and that we are just following the new laws (unfortunate as they may be). That certainly illustrates a lack of zeal and commitment to God. Would you yield so readily if someone told you that you couldn't claim your spouse and kids on your tax return? Or if they limited how may miles a week you could drive your car? We don't easily surrender what really matters to us!

Our sin and apathy are creating a perfect environment for the kingdom of the Antichrist. Do we really want to create a place where he can feel welcome to set up shop?

Stop trying to blend in with our Godless culture! Repent!! Live right! Stop trying to appease the ungodly! Speak the truth! Pray at meals and meetings when you feel led. Decorate for Christmas if you want! Go to jail if you must, but stand up for your God! Don't you know He'll stand with you?

We have allowed unbelievers to remove God from America. So, as requested, He has withdrawn from us somewhat. He allows things to befall us that He would have protected us from in the past. He is giving us small glimpses of what it will be like if He withdraws from us completely. Yet, when disasters befall us, rather than consider our relationship to God, we summon our pride. 'We're tough', we say, 'what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.' And we become even more hardened and entrenched in our sinfulness!! How much will we have to suffer, before we truly repent?

Our nation is standing on the verge of collapse. Many forces are gathering against us. Our economy is deliberately being destroyed. Our leaders are betraying us. Our international enemies are expanding their militaries and forging coalitions. Like a pack of wolves silently surrounding us, stealthily creeping forwards, great calamities are approaching.

Our enemies, used to encountering God's wall of protection around us, are cautiously probing and testing. If we go from the status of a nation that was so blessed and protected, to one that is left wide open to its enemies--expect the attacks to be horrific! Not only have our actions provoked hatred towards us from among the nations, but so has our position of being blessed and favored by God! What a terrible, terrible thing it will be, to fall into the hands of our enemies--but even that pales in comparison to the judgements that God will pour out upon us Himself, when He returns.

An Attack On America Is Imminent! 
Abortion, Are You SURE You Have The Right?
Homosexuality: Why Is It Such A Big Deal?

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