Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We Could Sell Them 'Super Seeds'. . .

I was just thinking . . . what if we could change the weather?  What if we could create droughts in other lands?  What if the crops failed for a year or two--would the farmers have any seeds left?

If the farmers had no seeds left, why not sell them our Super Seeds that would give a magnificent yield--if they also used our fertilizers?

But if the farmers agreed to buy the Super Seeds--would they be able to go back to saving some of their crop to be used as seed for next year? Hmmm, that wouldn't do.  We'd want them to come back and buy more seeds from us next year, wouldn't we?

No problem, the seeds from this year's crop of Super Seed Hybrid Plants are no good for saving and planting.  And besides, the yields are so much better--can't the farmers afford to buy our seeds and fertilizer now, and still come out ahead?

It's a win-win situation for everyone!  Does this mean they're hooked for life?

It's a strategy that works for tobacco and drugs. We are entitled to make a profit, aren't we?

What better place to try out our new products--in their countries they don't have those bothersome regulations that prohibit such things!

No, no regulations at all.  And if we build factories and provide them jobs--wouldn't they look the other way?

Yes, surely they're desperate for the jobs.  And think how much money we could save by not having to deal with American regulations, unions, insurance, etc!

Or the expense of trying to comply with all the guidelines for disposing of chemicals . . .

We could really increase our bottom line!  That would make the investors happy!

And maybe a little extra for us besides.

But, if we cause droughts, won't that cause famine and starvation?

No problem, it will help with the goal of population reduction!  Why do poor people want to have so many kids anyway?   Besides, who could prove it was us?  And even if they could, what could they do?

All sarcasm aside, such a scenario may or may not be possible.  But if you don't think things like this are happening, involving American corporations, wherever the opportunity presents itself, then you are blissfully ignorant.

And if you are able to lay your head on your pillow at night and dream sweet dreams, then thank a veteran for being willing to go out and face the ugliness of life so that you can remain blissfully unaware.

And thank God that you had the good fortune of being born an American and living in the land of bliss--while it lasted.

Because, as a veteran these days can tell you, those who are plotting 'terror' against America started out, more often than not, as people like you and me who are  justifiably outraged at our corporate/government intrusion into their countries, and exploitation of their people and circumstances.

When you look around and see the anger and frustration in America because these same tactics are now being used against the American people, understand that this has been going on for decades, in country after country around the world as we 'spread our influence' and increased our number of enemies.

A beehive is a pretty mellow place, until you stick your hand inside, to try and take their honey.  Don't be surprised at the swarm of enemies that are seeking to retaliate against America.

(In no way do I advocate or condone what our enemies do--but I do understand why.  As for our corporations and government--I think what they do is inexcusable.  By the way, the scenario above is based on actual events.)

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