Monday, October 26, 2009

Who Am I, Politically?

I like a bumper sticker I recently saw

"Yes you did . . . elect a Marxist dictator!"

If you haven't woken up yet, I hope you will soon. America has been hijacked by a bunch of radical Marxists. Obamas little collection of czars seems to include every kind of  'way out' philosophy I've ever heard of-and more!

I have been many things in my life, and one of them was an environmentalist, in the early 90s. I understand a lot of the ideas that these folks represent. Some of them I once shared, others I still lean towards.

I am a conservative, but DEFINITELY not a Republican! I'm one of those Independents you hear about. Although I think that capitalism is FAR better than any other economic plan I know of, I think if leaves a lot to be desired. I don't revere capitalism the way so many republicans seem to. And I can't in good conscience be a Democrat, since it has come to be synonymous with the gay agenda. So, I'm an independent voter with a mish mash of ideas and values, but 'conservative' probably describes me best. Beyond that, I would describe myself with a new label-but I'm not sure if there's one word we're using to sum it up yet . . . a person who wants to go back to the basics of the constitution and throw off the chains of oppression that our government has been wrapping around us.

I understand a lot of what our new leaders are trying to do, and I'm not against it all-though, in the end, life would not be the utopia they dream of, for the same reasons that capitalism is not the be-all and end-all: people are sinful, opportunistic, and greedy. That includes just about all of us, to some degree, especially in our current culture.

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