Saturday, February 13, 2010

Homosexual Christians?

You can't be a follower of Jesus and be a homosexual.

I can't follow Jesus and be a thief, or a murderer.  If I am a thief and want to follow Jesus, I must leave stealing behind.  If I am a murderer and want to follow Jesus, I must leave killing behind. 

When we follow Jesus, we put our 'flesh' (sinful desires and actions) to death . . .  deny ourselves . . . 'die to' our old selves . . . are 'born again' . . . born of the spirit  . . . have a new life . . .  We become new creations! 

When we accept Jesus' death, on our behalf, we must come to Him on His terms. We confess our sins, repent of them, and don't practice them any longer.  He forgives our sins and washes them away, and we are made new.

You may argue that being a homosexual is who you are--I argue that is who you are because it is what you do.

Contrary to some people's arguments, people are not born homosexual.  If you have the normal XX or XY chromosomes, your gender is not in question.  (If you ARE a hermaphrodite, or have chromosomal problems, that's a different story.)

Here are reasons you may not feel comfortable with your gender:
  • The way you are raised and treated.  
  • The expectations or prejudices you are exposed to.  
  • The popularity and promotion of homosexuality in our culture.
  • Peer pressure.

But here are what I believe are the three most important factors:  being wounded in your early relationships, being molested by someone of the same gender (remembered or  not), demonic influence.

There are a number of ways these factors can work together, although any one of them can lead you to the conclusion, and feeling, that you are gay.  But, when they are combined, their effect is greatly multiplied, and you will feel an almost irresistible pull towards homosexuality.

One of the common ways it plays out is:

1. A child is rejected by his father (living with rejection is more damaging than being abandoned).  Young children trust adults and see them almost as gods.  If a young child is receiving the message, from an adult, that he is not worthy, he may disown himself (or aspects of himself).  If he is a bit older, he may hate the adult and vow not to be like him.  Either way, if a boy does not have a healthy relationship with his father (or an adult male), he will have an emptiness that will cause him to gravitate towards 'father figures' in his life.  This may be adult males, or boys that are older than him that seem more masculine to him than he feels. 

Here is where a problem begins.  Young, wounded boys are very alluring to predatory men (including pedophiles) and delinquent boys.  A wounded boy is a magnet for sick and perverse males, and he is soon going to end up in bad company.  He doesn't have to be molested to become homosexual--he may idolize the man or boy he follows, to the extent that he falls in love with him.  The whole issue is that he doesn't love and accept himself.

The irony is--some well meaning single mothers introduce predatory men into their wounded son's life, without being aware of it. A single mother has her own issues, and she may be very relieved to have found a man who shows a fatherly interest in her son. 

These are the worst situations, because the boy is unable to extricate himself from the relationship, and is unlikely to tell his mother what is happening.  He will likely be at the man's mercy for many years.  This man, given enough time, will likely mold the boy into a replica of himself.  Undoing the damage, if the grown up boy is willing, may occupy much of the rest of his life.

2.  Wounded boys are needy and vulnerable, magnets for pedophiles, and very likely to be molested.  They pretty well have a sign on their forehead saying "victim", which predators quickly home in on.  Each molestation makes another one more likely. 

The boy is molded physically, mentally, and emotionally by these experiences, and logically forms an identity as inferior, a victim, and as a homosexual.  He does not realize that someone else appointed this identity to him, instead he believes they recognized what he already must have been--not true!!  The only thing he was is needy and vulnerable.

3.  Demonic influence--I think this is one of the biggest reasons that homosexuality is so commonplace today.  Demonic forces promote sin in every form.  Demonic forces actively deceive, tempt, and seduce people into sin.  Just as we may have 'guardian angels', people are accompanied by demonic spirits.  Demonic beings act persistently in a person's life, usually to the extent that they are successful in luring him into sin. 

Demonic spirits can gain entrance to a person's life (not the same as actually being possessed) through things they partake of (including music, movies, magazines, etc.), through interactions with other people (who 'entertain' demons in their life), and by chance.  MANY of these demonic beings are with us, in our sinful culture today, and they are a powerful force behind the promotion of homosexuality.

Homosexuality is neither normal nor natural.  God says it is an abomination to Him.  He also says that, when He is totally disgusted with a person (to paraphrase), He will give them over to a 'reprobate mind' and homosexuality. 

With that in mind, does homosexuality really sound like something people are born with?  Do you think God would create someone that way, so that He would turn His back on him from the day he was born?  No.  Absolutely not!!  The temptation to homosexuality, however, may find its way into your life at a very early age.

I believe that part of the recent increase in demonic activity in America, is a concerted Satanic attack on children.  With a culture that lies to us and says that homosexuality is normal and that speaking against it is hateful (or criminal)--how many parents are going to steer their young children away from homosexuality when they are being tempted and deceived by demonic spirits (or other kids, or society, etc. for that matter)?

By trying to be 'politically correct', we are leaving our vulnerable children open to the most vile temptations and influences.  These sins, that we are afraid to speak against, have the power to imprison our children in chains of heavy bondage, and open the door to other powerful delusions and doctrines of Satan.

Parents:  we live in perilous, vile, and deceptive times--you had better get serious about protecting your children from evil!!

'Christian parents':  if you won't teach your children right from wrong, and the truth from a lie--who do you think will?  And who do you think God will hold responsible?

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